Thanks for the replies. I ended up logging in on the main account and making it the primary account and then when I logged back in it worked.
@raylewissb47_psn said in Can’t play online games:
Did your PS Plus expire?
No, there’s a few months left. I can play all other games online with no errors or issues.
Getting an error saying I can’t play this mode (events or BR) until I subscribe for PS Plus. I already am subscribed and have played event and BR games as recently as yesterday. Has anyone had this happen before? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
@xx19tj92xx_psn said in BR Question:
I have only had this happen to me once. Otherwise all the dashboards/disconnects have given me wins.
That’s reassuring. Thanks for the reply.
Thanks for your suggestion but it didn’t work. I just don’t want this to be the norm if people quit on me
Just played a guy in BR. I pitch first, he gets a cpl hits but doesn’t score any runs. My turn and I crush a first pitch no doubter with Kenny Lofton and he dashboards the HR.
I haven’t been playing online this year cuz of the server issues so here’s my problem:
I go to check the win and I’m still at 0-0 and the win didn’t count and there’s no record of the game at all. Is this the norm this year that wins aren’t counting if someone dashboards or was this something different? Last year we didn’t get the HR but at least we got the win. Thanks -
This really is abysmal. It’s actually unbelievable how bad it is. The game is actually unplayable at least 8 hours out of the day. I’ve never bought a game and have the launch this bad. Especially considering they’ve been at it so long. No excuses really
I’m with ya on the computer winning many more sims. Super frustrating to watch the pc with a 7 or an 8 take 7 or 8 squares. Meanwhile I can’t get 5 squares with a 15-20. Wish there was a better way than just simming forever. Such a waste of time
@lazy_toast said in Buyer beware !!!!:
The supervisor just got back to me and said their hands are tied and the ban can not be reversed. They said they have evidence but they are unable to supple me with said evidence. This is fk insane
I used to play 19 and stopped because of all the ignorance, toxicity and N-Bombs being thrown around every 5 seconds from sooo many players. So I cannot imagine what you could have done to get banned considering what people were doing back in 19. It was literally unplayable if you didn’t mute everyone. By doing that tho, you’re at a disadvantage cuz it definitely helps to hear what some of the guys on your team are trying to set up. The community/park is BY FAR the worst that I’ve ever experienced. It’s too bad too cuz it’s a fun game.
You lose the remaining 10k
@xElRojo44x said in COD Exposed: AND WHY it matters:
My biggest complaint about COD and many other multi-player games is the SBMM or "Skill Based Match-Making". Basically regardless of your skill level, they will make sure you end up with the same boring stats regardless of how well or poorly you play...or how much you improve. I loved getting into lobbies with professional quick scopers and "B" flag campers because even though I got destroyed, I learned to get better much quicker.
What attracted me to those games in the past, before strict SBMM, was the un-predictability and the organic lobbys. Now it's just like blah and boring after a few games. Also, I hate that they break up the lobbys every other game. I used to love the rivalries that were naturally created throughout my gaming sessions in the evenings from day to day.I could not agree more with this post. Been playing Cold War and my biggest complaint is the disbanding lobbies (and the horrible launcher double kill challenge). It used to be so good when you’d get into a lobby that guys were just chill and played a fun game. Could stay in that lobby for a while and possibly add a guy that was good to play with. Now it’s one and done and off to a newer, crappier lobby. Not only that, but it takes forever to find lobbies because they’re trying to find people at the same skill level. What’s so bad about putting me in the next lobby with the best connection and I can decide for myself if I want to stay in there? They’re taking the fun out of it and making every match seem like a grind. I’d much rather lose against awesome players who aren’t ignorant and rude than play against people who I beat up on and are toxic. I can always leave a toxic lobby. I’d just like to be able to stay in good lobbies.
It would be nice if next year, SDS would implement the option to enable your own stadium sounds in-game before the end of the first inning. Only one I have enabled besides HR calls is the crowd gasp after an error because it’s somewhat realistic. We all have the air horn and the other annoying sounds, but IMO, most of us choose not to use them cuz they’re toxic. It would be nice to be able to use these sounds against players who obviously like that style (then they shouldn’t mind) or guys who are deliberately trying to be toxic. Would probably get rid of the toxicity pretty quick.
Ted Williams from any other year. I didn’t get him this year cuz I wanted to use some other cards. I find if he’s on my team I just can’t take him out of the lineup.
Surprised nobody mentioned Scott Rolen. That’s a card I’d love to see.
@Spidershow70 said in Finally got 20; quickest way to get Diamonds?:
Thanks for all the input everyone. Any tips on how to make Conquest go quicker? I think I'm not great at that because I feel like I go in circles on the options and it takes me a long time to make progress.
Steal 3M fans first, then lock up as many free spots as possible so when you go and challenge a stronghold you can play on all star or lower and pretty much guarantee a win and not have to replay any strongholds. There’s also descriptions of where the rewards are on some of the maps if you google them. And play the team you steal from first to help yourself out
If you don’t want to play conquest, then you’re going to have to play the market and work on Team Affinities. There’s some of the best cards in the game available there (Soto, Machado, Betts, Perez). I’m saying this because most of the monthly award and player grinds requires a certain amount of hits or RBI’s and requires you to play conquest or against the pc on All Star. But some of the other best cards in the game are achieved there (Tatis Jr, Seager, Mondesi, JRam). Making stubs on the market is easy so get some good cheap players and go from there. FYI It’s not going to be done overnight. But in a few days I’m sure you’ll have a competitive team
@taco_truck_face said in Jackie Robinson Evolution Grind:
Jackie's 99 is a good card, but at this point in the game, he's not a top 10 option at any poistion he's eligible to play. If you have Biggio, Hornsby, 98 Mondesi, Finest Betts or Wagner, you're likely to have a better 2b option without the grind of Jackie's evo program.
Seager and Tatis Jr are also much better than Jackie IMO. Lots of options.
@WDK19 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@KingCrosby said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@WarriorsAreCool7 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
Crosley Field is where it’s at
I think this is my least favourite place to play. The windows in the buildings in the batters eye makes it harder to pick up the ball IMO. Maybe it was the guy using a certain pitcher and it came out of his hand at a difficult spot, but I immediately put that one on my own ‘do not choose’ list.
I only use it because my team is Cincinnati and I don’t wanna play at GABP with Reds logos everywhere. I personally don’t have trouble with the batters eye but I’ve heard others do. Maybe I’m accustomed to it. Oh well, I’m gonna keep playing there cause I like it.
Absolutely man, if it suits your eye then go for it! Not telling you what to do at all. Just my opinion. Would give you an advantage against guys who don’t pick up the ball well there too. Good on ya.
@WarriorsAreCool7 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
Crosley Field is where it’s at
I think this is my least favourite place to play. The windows in the buildings in the batters eye makes it harder to pick up the ball IMO. Maybe it was the guy using a certain pitcher and it came out of his hand at a difficult spot, but I immediately put that one on my own ‘do not choose’ list.
Could a possible solution be maybe to pick the same stadium every 3 games or something? That would promote other stadiums being used at least a little bit. I usually pick date palm myself but it doesn’t bother me playing at Shippett. I definitely agree with the home hunting tho. I feel like I’m away almost every game. But it’s events and I’m getting my guys extra AB’s and closer to prestige so I guess it isn’t all bad from my perspective.
Can’t play online games
Can’t play online games
Can’t play online games
BR Question
BR Question
BR Question
Just got home, ready to play some...
Buyer beware !!!!
Team affinity exchange question
COD Exposed: AND WHY it matters
My last opponent
Random question for some nostalgia
What new cards you think we'll get in next years game?
Finally got 20; quickest way to get Diamonds?
Finally got 20; quickest way to get Diamonds?
Jackie Robinson Evolution Grind
Shippett broke The Show this year
Shippett broke The Show this year
Shippett broke The Show this year