Back again with another post hoping it gets seen by the right person. We’re 2 weeks in, people have finished the event, people have finish the program, people have made it to World Series, people have went 12-0 in BR. And yet here i am, still not able to get into a online game mode because i get the “challenge failed error”. I’ve wrote multiple emails, made multiple bug reports, tried their “suggestions” from the first email i got back which didn’t work (of course i tell them no luck, and don’t receive an answer back). To make things clear i tried their check date and time on PS4 to make sure it’s correct, i used googles open dns like they said, and i’ve opened the suggested ports they said (after all that didn’t work i even made my PS4 the DMZ host). I’ve reinstalled multiple times on 2 different hard drives (went out and bought a new one thinking maybe it’s loading too slow to its timing out). I have 2 more ps4’s in my house (brother in laws and sons) both on the same GIGABIT internet connection as i’m on and they are able to get into online games just fine. If you search hard you will see there is only a very small minority that this is happening to, but it’s a huge problem. I’m missing out on so much content and not able to just play in general. I hope this gets noticed !!