@jaychvz_XBL No not really. 56 and my reflexes are shot. So are my eyes.

@MRAD2010_XBL Some people just have to do things the hard way.
That's crazy far! Nice smash but it's much easier hitting down the lines.
I second this! Why have them if they count?
I've been using captain boosts while grinding and have really high contacts stats on most of the players. I've noticed that I've been getting more pop ups with this line up and I wonder if it might be partially due to the high contact stats. It might just be me but any opinions?
They stopped doing the create a player didn't they? Probably why equipment isn't flipping well.
It happens all the time it's just something that we all have to live with.
Oh for sure this needs to be fixed.
1,600,000 right now. May be much more by tonight.
Gotcha! Thank you!
@lckdb_XBL said in DD rosters affected by seasons.:
When you create a new lineup you need to specify that you aren’t creating a season 4 lineup. You can then use whoever you want but that lineup won’t be eligible for some game modes.
Ok so how does that work. I can't seem to switch seasons in the upper right corner. Is another way? Tried to find a YouTube vid about it but nothing.
So I just got back into the game really late and just discovered that a bunch of my players I can't roster because they are not season (4?). So I have a bunch of cards from the retired number program that I can't use to finish the program. This...seems stupid to me. I guess I just don't understand why I can't use the cards I just earned. Or even finish programs with them. Maybe I'm missing something here and someone can set me straight.
One of my favorite Orioles. He'll be missed.
@lckdb_XBL said in 1:6 odds for program packs is absolute trash:
It’s a wonder that any of us are still playing based on how aggressively they have given up on content since Madden dropped.
I’m trying to stick with it, but after pulling two worthless low golds from my first program reward it’s hard to get amped to play showdown and conquest for the millionth time this year…
Edit: now 4/4 on worthless golds.
I opened up last year's The Show and bought 1500 packs. I got exactly one trout and one Otani. I'm thinking that buying those packs isn't a great idea.
@Ericulous1_PSN said in I can't believe __________ doesn't have a 99.:
ClaseWho else?
I would love Guidry and Jenkins but I can't believe my childhood hero, Rod Carew, didn't get one this year. I doubt we'll get any more this year. Over all the list was pretty good though.
I'd really like to see Jenkins and Guidry in the next update.
@Xx-Pisciotta_XBL said in Some of you have no idea how to flip:
Why do you put up 50 cards and cut by 80 stubs to make a profit of 3 stubs per card? Dropped on your head I think?
Because believe it or not, kids play this game. Kids have no patience and/or generally don't know what they are doing.
I've never really thought that a "save" or a "hold" is a stat worthy of keeping. They usually pitch only one inning. Big deal.
Nothing worth anything. It's nearly impossible to finish collections now. They obviously want even more money. I'm sure they're getting it. I don't begrudge someone getting a fair profit off their product but this is ridiculous.
Deleted. Pay no mind
Any old farts good at this game?
I hit a home run over CF in Polo Grounds
I hit a home run over CF in Polo Grounds
Seriously!? Wild Cards do "0" towards programs...??
Can very high contact be a bad thing?
I know SDS doesn't give a [censored]...
If all of you flippers would just wait…
Infuriating Game
How many stubs you holding?
DD rosters affected by seasons.
DD rosters affected by seasons.
DD rosters affected by seasons.
Brooks Robinson just passed away.
1:6 odds for program packs is absolute trash
I can't believe __________ doesn't have a 99.
Finest program Friday...who are we getting?
Some of you have no idea how to flip
How do you feel about saves?
Does Anybody Actually Pull Diamonds From Packs????