Looks like no...

Bernie Williams was a cover athlete in 98, anyone know why he doesn't qualify for the bonus?
I'm in the middle of a freeze off right now.. this has been happening A LOT to me lately. This is getting ridiculous and SDS needs to figure out a way to deal with this because it's becoming unplayable. Guy is down 6 runs to 0 in the 2nd.. Requests friendly quit, I of course don't give it to him.. Freeze off.
Honestly I think there were a lot of things going against SDS this year.. Not the least was trying to develop things for multiple platforms while dealing with the restrictions. Lots including me have said that we didn't expect a whole lot this year. I personally however, expect a way more polished and better designed MLB 22. They will have the benefit of actual play data for the new systems. If next years game isn't leaps and bounds above this I will then, be very disappointed.
Never seen that before.. but I'm 15 min into my 3rd freezeoff in 3 games... And they're event games... I don't understand how these cheap bs tactics are still a thing... Seems worse than last year.
@xxdeathreyxx_psn said in eroding margins in the Market:
Remember that a huge number of people are flipping so a lot of the time you are just selling to other flippers. Volume>>>>>Margin. You might get a better price but another guy just sold 5 while you waited.
This is big too.. Volume, you need volume. I got into a little spiff with a streamer not too long ago who insisted people were breaking the market by doing stupid things... I tried to explain, to no avail, that those mistakes actually created the market. He was pointing out these bigs gaps on cards also and I tried again, unsuccessfully to explain that sometimes those big gaps you see are on cards that don't move, no volume... whats the point in making 20k if in that amount of time you could have made 40 by flipping cards that move...
@ny_giants4_life said in eroding margins in the Market:
@raylewissb47_psn said in eroding margins in the Market:
There’s an influx of cards right now because of the bundle SDS just gave out. You’ll just have to wait until it levels out again.
No i get that, I just dont understand why anyone would see a listing for 50k and then decide to list theirs for 43k. doesnt make sense
So, if you know the market is going to tank for whatever reason, makes sense to drop you're price and try to sell it at 43 before it tanks to 20 or less, for the guy who doesn't realize what's happening it looks like a deal at 43.. Honestly these things you guys look at that seemingly disrupt the market, like big undercuts, etc actually create the conditions later where there are gaps to exploit. Those impulsive mistakes by people create opportunity, if a card you want to sell starts getting crashed by underbids just hold and find something else to flip right now.
If everyone always bidd up or down by 1 perfectly you would have nothing to exploit and there would be no $$ in flipping.
I was just looking at linking my acct for twitch stream, it gave me 2 options, older ps4 data, or mlb the show current data but it says I'll reset all my progress... what gives, how do I get twitch drops? I had no problem last year...
@htonsecurity5x said in Do not listen to streamers regarding collections:
Honestly a lot are a joke.. I remember a guy last year saying he made $300k stubs on one evening of flipping. Yah that’s bogus
I did that a few times, the Topps Now cards when Tatis was going to be the collection card moved fast and loose... during busy times I was hitting 50k an hour. One day I just flipped Chapmans and Sale's live cards to the tune of 2-3k profit each flip.
@quackpack4_psn said in Cmon meow:
@quackpack4_psn said in Cmon meow:
@hubijerk_psn said in Cmon meow:
I'll do it sometimes in big games... Just like in real life. You have a chance to hit WS it's all hands on deck.
Just like in real life???? They don’t bring SP out of the pen in real life??
If it’s a WS game tho, ok I can see that. But it’s all the time. I swear last year it was an every game occurrence
Yeah.. They do... In playoff games and WS games.. Absolutely they do. Honestly though I'd rather face some starters out of the pen than a 8 ft. tall 100mph submariner named yo mama like lastyear...
I'll do it sometimes in big games... Just like in real life. You have a chance to hit WS it's all hands on deck.
@sheyworth_xbl said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
I find it comical how everyone comes in here yelling saying “don’t make it political” and those yelling are the ones bringing up politicians. I just want SDS to stand for values they put on the table. They’re pro BLM and aren’t shy about it. They’re pro LGTBQ+ and aren’t shy about it (again, you can add ally flags to custom stadiums), but they still put out extra cards of abusers just because they’re good at baseball. It’s that simple. I’m not trying to cancel anything. I’m just trying to seek consistency here. Were they apolitical, I wouldn’t have started this thread. But quite simply, stand up for all or stand up for none. Ask the dev team to give us a card exchange and lock the topic @Collin_SDS_PSN because the loud ones have consumed this thread and pulled it well beyond the boundaries of the discussion.
The problem with consistency is that these issues are complicated. Once you weigh into the waters of moral and political issues it becomes messy... One big reason guys like Michael Jordan and TW stayed out of it.
You mention BLM for example, I'm sure SDS, you, most people believe in the slogan, the idea.. but the reality and background of the founders, who just happen to be padding their pockets with sucker corpo cash is much different... https://nypost.com/2020/07/01/the-agenda-of-black-lives-matter-is-far-different-from-the-slogan/
Right now the popular thing to do, both for individuals and business seemingly is to signal to everyone how morally just you are... Some of us have been around long enough to recognize it's all an act, and people are getting their strings pulled dancing around like puppets.
Piazza has been my best hitter, usually I don't do so well with slower swings but he's been mashing for me and D has been fine.
Any word on this? I'm not having any points count either... but I'm still playing on the free entry, maybe that doesn't count?
In fact.. The idea that there's enough evidence now, when this happened in 2014 means that there are witnesses or some record of complaints, which means MLB knew. They know what kind of DB's some of these guys are. If this is the case how do you feel about MLB burying this for 7 years? When it's about to go public they're "shocked" and "Appalled" etc. They likely knew as there was surely a pattern of behavior.
@ny_giants4_life said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@duckfish007_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@vein_damage_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
Yeah, MLB found him guilty
And this is the same MLB that found the Astros not guilty of sign stealing when they investigated it first time round.
pretty sure mlb conducted the astros investigation on their own whereas this they brought in a third party firm
I think the point he was trying to make is that MLB has a history of looking the other way when it suits them. I'm actually pretty sure they know everything about everyone... They likely feel that something more going to come out and they're getting ahead of it. Has everything to do with their brand and nothing to do with right or wrong.
@ny_giants4_life said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@hubijerk_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@kovz88_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@hubijerk_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@kovz88_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@ny_giants4_life said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@kovz88_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
For all the people saying that telling a woman these days she looks nice could be considered misconduct If you dont know the difference between a compliment and misconduct you are definitely a creep.
the mlb isnt going to ban a HOF player bc he told a lady she looked nice. theyve investigated already. obviously they found something suspect enough to cut ties.
I agree he definitely had to have done something bad. I was just referring to all the people saying "nowadays you can tell a woman she looks nice and it could be considered sexual misconduct". People are creepy man
I mean, MLB cut ties from Atlanta for the All Star Game over lies regarding updates to election laws, so, no I don't think he had to have done something. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but right now in the current environment an accusation is enough for an organization or business to cut ties. We wouldn't have a game here if every player, coach, former player, etc. was investigated for misconduct because you'd probably be shocked at what would come out.
Personally I agree with the move but that's a completely different topic that I'm not gonna get into here. I think the fact that even after an investigation was done so many people still strongly defend the man is another reason why so many women don't speak up in situations.
I'm not defending him. He's likely a POS, he has a history ...including not disclosing his HIV to his wife. What I'm saying is the game is full of POS's... If you dug a little you'd have noone to put in the game.
im sure youre right. but does that mean he shouldnt be punished after an investigation found he was up to no good?
Does puling the card punish him? Do they get to take their royalty money back? I don't know. I just like using the card.
@kovz88_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@hubijerk_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@kovz88_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@ny_giants4_life said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@kovz88_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
For all the people saying that telling a woman these days she looks nice could be considered misconduct If you dont know the difference between a compliment and misconduct you are definitely a creep.
the mlb isnt going to ban a HOF player bc he told a lady she looked nice. theyve investigated already. obviously they found something suspect enough to cut ties.
I agree he definitely had to have done something bad. I was just referring to all the people saying "nowadays you can tell a woman she looks nice and it could be considered sexual misconduct". People are creepy man
I mean, MLB cut ties from Atlanta for the All Star Game over lies regarding updates to election laws, so, no I don't think he had to have done something. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but right now in the current environment an accusation is enough for an organization or business to cut ties. We wouldn't have a game here if every player, coach, former player, etc. was investigated for misconduct because you'd probably be shocked at what would come out.
Personally I agree with the move but that's a completely different topic that I'm not gonna get into here. I think the fact that even after an investigation was done so many people still strongly defend the man is another reason why so many women don't speak up in situations.
I'm not defending him. He's likely a POS, he has a history ...including not disclosing his HIV to his wife. What I'm saying is the game is full of POS's... If you dug a little you'd have noone to put in the game.
@kovz88_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@ny_giants4_life said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@kovz88_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
For all the people saying that telling a woman these days she looks nice could be considered misconduct If you dont know the difference between a compliment and misconduct you are definitely a creep.
the mlb isnt going to ban a HOF player bc he told a lady she looked nice. theyve investigated already. obviously they found something suspect enough to cut ties.
I agree he definitely had to have done something bad. I was just referring to all the people saying "nowadays you can tell a woman she looks nice and it could be considered sexual misconduct". People are creepy man
I mean, MLB cut ties from Atlanta for the All Star Game over lies regarding updates to election laws, so, no I don't think he had to have done something. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but right now in the current environment an accusation is enough for an organization or business to cut ties. We wouldn't have a game here if every player, coach, former player, etc. was investigated for misconduct because you'd probably be shocked at what would come out.
@etb_0910_psn said in Extend First Inning Program:
Best way to fix this for 1st inning program is to keep it active while still getting stuff for the 2nd inning program as well. Knowing these idiots at SDS tho will not be able to achieve this. Nope sorry, can't do that
They did it last year a few times... seems plausible to me.
Jackie Robinson cover captain
Jackie Robinson cover captain
Ran into my first intentional freezer
RTTS - Poor execution of 2 way player design.
This is a first…
eroding margins in the Market
eroding margins in the Market
linking for twitch streams
Do not listen to streamers regarding collections
Cmon meow
Cmon meow
SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?
Pudge or Piazza
BR Program Bug
SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?
SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?
SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?
SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?
SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?
Extend First Inning Program