Just waiting for our return to innocence...

How about this. I'll finish the extreme program and you folks at SDS can just unban us all and we can all move on.
What do you say?
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your preparation for EXTREME:
@hobowillie_NSW said in Your preparation for EXTREME:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your preparation for EXTREME:
I did make it through my one and only EXTREME in 2020. It was not easy for me. When I got my 4th XBH with Gehrig, I passed out from sheer exhaustion. I'm assuming the worst for 2022.
I think I'll set up my gaming area like a spa to keep calm. Scented candles, a water feature, some Enya.
More practically, I should soundproof the room so my wife doesn't hear my screams of anguish.
What are you doing?
Wondering what will happen first. We get unbanned or we all complete the Extreme program.
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your preparation for EXTREME:
I did make it through my one and only EXTREME in 2020. It was not easy for me. When I got my 4th XBH with Gehrig, I passed out from sheer exhaustion. I'm assuming the worst for 2022.
I think I'll set up my gaming area like a spa to keep calm. Scented candles, a water feature, some Enya.
More practically, I should soundproof the room so my wife doesn't hear my screams of anguish.
What are you doing?
Wondering what will happen first. We get unbanned or we all complete the Extreme program.
@brainfreeze442 said in Do you think this game plays so bad because it's on too many platforms?:
Is it known if next year’s game will be made for the PS4, or are they going to move to just PS5 (just regarding PlayStation)?
I would expect a PS4 version until they stop selling the console. We're getting close.
We know they aren't making and marketing PS4, but you know what I mean.
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Do you think this game plays so bad because it's on too many platforms?:
@hobowillie_NSW said in Do you think this game plays so bad because it's on too many platforms?:
Unfortunately, I feel like too much emphasis is placed on the meta data.
100% correct. I'd love to see if SDS is analyzing anything "deeper" as you said. I'm sure they're not analyzing such things as:
- How many controllers did you break in 22 vs 21? (For me, more).
- How would your spouse/significant other say your mood has been this year vs. last? (For me, worse. But that could also be because my daughter is dating a guy that I don't like... AT ALL... and they seem to be getting more serious. But I digress...)
I'd love for SDS to reach out to the most logical and interesting people on this forum and have a "town hall". I've seen tons of great ideas out there (i.e. @SchnauzerFace_MLBTS 's "Heroes vs. Villians"). There are a lot of us who really care and want to make MLBTS even better. We want to help.
TBH, it's a great idea.
One person from SDS and a bunch of folks from here. I can sponsor the zoom meeting. I have a pro account so no need for a 40 minute time limit.
@chuckclc_MLBTS said in Is the app down?:
Well guess we are just down for the night.
Better get it together. Goat Simulator 3 comes out in November.
Hey dude. Meant to post this the day it happened, but my TSN is still banned. I thought you'd appreciate it.
I can confirm this. I have Xbox, Switch and PSN accounts. Only Xbox won't let me in.
Might be something to do with a Microsoft issue or a token/cookie refresh.
Not an expert here cause it's been a while but... Typically, a token for a SSO pass through has a timer on it. Maybe SDS dumps Xbox tokens more frequently based on their agreement with Microsoft.
Just spit balling here.
Edit- Now I can't get in with any of my accounts. This is a SDS issue.
Unfortunately, I feel like too much emphasis is placed on the meta data. I also think that the data isn't being analyzed properly.
Data is not merely cumulative.
When are people playing during the day? What platform? What "program"? What difficulty? What stadium?
Each year, SDS at the end of cycle, share raw data numbers like "Players have hit 156,485 HR with Griffey", and "The most used ballpark is Camden"
There are tons of variables and I think they because they've tweaked stuff too much mid flight in the past, they've not adjusted anything publicly this year except behind the scenes sliders for certain events and moments.
Thus "working as intended".
Most, if not all of this will be "offline" meaning playing against the CPU and moments.
There will be a conquest, moments, and missions like "beat the Mariners on HOF/Legend"..
Probably one boss for each segment and an end game reward/collection.
As others have suggested, get some practice in now and don't let yourself get too frustrated. It's meant to be hard and it's guaranteed that you will fail during the process. Treat it as a game and not a job though. You'll be fine.
Without failure, you can't understand success.
My guess is dashboard. Roberts HR didn't count. Not worth looking up a game history though.
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS said in TSN Bans:
@Pat_SDS_PSN said in TSN Bans:
Yes, I will bring this up to the appropriate team.
Thank you P
So we're closing in on 80+ days since the man shot. Sprinkled in there, I personally have sent multiple emails and customer service tickets that are ignored and unanswered.
@Pat_SDS_PSN and @Victor_SDS_PSN , this is taking disrespect to the next level.
I'd think that after years of a solid relationship with SDS on these boards and working though bugs via email, I could at least get a reply.
Not joking here when I say that people have airlines find lost luggage from Europe faster...
Saw this title and was going to reply...
TWTSGotta be all inclusive.
@SkunkyTrees_MLBTS said in One Could Argue...:
@hobowillie_NSW said in One Could Argue...:
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in One Could Argue...:
Just think if Griffey Mantle and Mays were Future Stars. They would be loaded with attributes. Kind of azz backwards this year.
Biggest reason why I dislike the fake series cards.
Were you around for Pepe Sanchez?
Yes. Traded him in for Chipper.
I also saw a World Series game in person back in 1981.
Oh NVM. Thought we had an update. I saw Kerry Wood twice and figured they were too busy figuring out how to handle the community request for a return to normalcy.
Silly me.
@Kovz88_MLBTS said in This is hilarious. You boys should watch it:
@OreoRockstar_PSN said in This is hilarious. You boys should watch it:
My son has watched him so I know who he is. He makes fun of himself as admitted He isn’t that good. Plays almost all his games on AS and historically quits out to stay there . Has like a .500 record. But yes, he rages and can be pretty whiny and bash anyone he is playing if he feels the game is screening him ( which he always does my son said)
Has less than 10K followers so not a big name. But as far as this video goes, he ain’t wrong.
Time to break out a classic:
Even a broken clock is right twice a dayUnfortunately not applicable.
This generation will just look for a charger or buy a new one. They can't use a rotary phone either.
@eatyum_PSN said in All the sudden it seems like the last 2 Showdowns have gotten harder:
And here I thought that there wouldn't be a crazier conspiracy theory then what i've read before in these forums
TBH, I had a harder time explaining some June tweets to my 11 year old... Both my wife and teenager saw the error right away.
@TheHungryHole said in I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.:
@Weshill627_PSN said in I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.:
@TheHungryHole said in I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.:
@Weshill627_PSN said in I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.:
@TheHungryHole said in I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.:
@Weshill627_PSN said in I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.:
@TheHungryHole said in I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.:
@Weshill627_PSN said in I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.:
@chuckclc_MLBTS said in I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.:
Extreme isnt designed for everyone, thus is why SDS said exactly that in their stream. It doesnt expire, it will just sit there for you to take a shot at every now and then if you are feeling brave, or sit there and grind it all out in a week or 2 if you want. It isnt part of a program or RS, or BR. It is just an added feature that a lot of us were pretty upset they took away for 1 year last year. Regular Moments, showdown and conquest offer absolutely NO challenge to most people who play this game yearly. Extreme is a great way to kill some of the monotony.
Its not about the difficulty of the moments, its moments in general. They are a waste of time and boring 4 games in.
what you say here is 100% true - that being said - go play online in Ranked or Events or BR then - i hate moments so i don't play them, i don't need to whine online about them because i prefer the online experience - others prefer moments - stop being a giant toddler
if you don't like those game options then throw your game into the trash, it's not for you
Haha, have you played online this year, it is even more boring than offline.
I'm not whining at all, I'm providing my opinion on the state of the game.
you can comment and have your opinion but i'll never see why someone to insult someone or calling them names.
Why don't you make your own thread about how much you love the game instead of calling me names.
i've played this game since sammy sosa was on the cover - online plays just fine - every year has it's own issues - you sound like you don't like OFFLINE and ONLINE modes - why are you even here ? we get it - you don't like the game - no one cares - can you get over it mentally at this point?
You cared enough to comment haha
yeah just because you sound ridiculous and you still cannot see it - it's unbelievable how you are waffling on both offline and online play - and yet HERE YOU ARE !!!! wanting to hang out with all of us - you are just attention seeking at this point
Not at all, this is a forum and i'm providing my opinions. You are the one calling people names on the internet.
calling names? you are just attention seeking at this point, whining about a game you don't like - this isn't name calling, it's you just deflecting
P.S. If you EVER come to NYC, I have a Joe Carter autographed bat sitting in my garage for you. Was supposed to give that to you pre pandemic when you were coming to town. If you lost my cell number, just DM me on Instagram or Twitter. Haven't been able to reach out to you because of the mass TSN bannings.
@JEEZY-E_MLBTS said in I never thought I'd say this...:
@kjlugo_PSN said in I never thought I'd say this...:
The main problem this year is the Outfielders, their speed is insane and make spectacular/diving catches regularly.....if you pay close attention you can actually see them tele transport a few feet in front of them once they start running.....they made them way too fast this year
We have definitely seen worst versions of The Show....‘18 was the worst, ‘19 you’re fielders couldn’t catch a flyball for over a month, ‘20 was the year of the auto hanger, this is definitely not the worst version.
This year has suffered the most from a consistentcy of gameplay in online games. Timing is so hypersensitive to connection where facing two of the exact same teams will result in two completely different experiences.
Better players will always be able to adjust easier than the masses, but I can say within my inner circle of MLB veterans, this is the most glaring issue. (Outside of my personal issue of having my PSN account still banned here)
@Brando-TheGreat1 said in All the sudden it seems like the last 2 Showdowns have gotten harder:
The songs are racist i posted the lyrics, maybe i'm being salty i lost in the showdown, but that racist [censored] shouldn't be on a game that's for little kids, period
Okay. I'm going to devil's advocate here.
I've been criticized myself on these very forums about this issue, so I've been on both sides.
If the concern is that of the children (regardless of race, language, team logos, chatting online etc), that's on the parents. Disable the game soundtrack and call it a day. Demographic audience of this product is for the age group of people that can differentiate racism from free speech and artistic expression.
Listening to music in this game isn't going to inherently create a racist child into a racist adult. They are here to play baseball, not sit on menus and absorb lyrics.
I have two boys, 15 and 11. I control their online environments and exposure more so than 99% of the people here on TSN. They don't complain about it because they understand why. It's a dialog between parent and child.
Now your interpretation of these lyrics as racist should be taken up with the artist and record company. Not SDS. If Meghan D Stallion can get cancelled via Twitter, maybe try that avenue.
My above response is probably the nicest one you'll get here, and I hope it makes sense. If you are expecting empathy or edification, I suggest you go elsewhere.
If you are not..
TSN Bans
Your preparation for EXTREME
Your preparation for EXTREME
Do you think this game plays so bad because it's on too many platforms?
Do you think this game plays so bad because it's on too many platforms?
Is the app down?
Anyone else having issues getting into the companion app?
Do you think this game plays so bad because it's on too many platforms?
Extreme Program!!!!!! Rewards etc
Yo xxxxToothyPoothyxxxxx
TSN Bans
Came here
One Could Argue...
TSN Bans
This is hilarious. You boys should watch it
All the sudden it seems like the last 2 Showdowns have gotten harder
I have zero interest in Moments Extreme.
I never thought I'd say this...
All the sudden it seems like the last 2 Showdowns have gotten harder