Just about done with stage 2 affinity (a few more innings for the Rangers and Mariners left) doing 2 showdowns per team (except the last Rangers one, because I tilted today from bad luck) and thought I would make some recommendations for showdowns going forward:
Perks: it would be really helpful for SDS to spell out exactly what these do and I can see no real reason not to. What exactly does contact boost mean (is it 5 points to contact, 10%, etc) and how is it different from slight or significant? What does exit velocity boost do and how is the diamond one different from the gold one (if at all)? What exactly does rattled do (increase error chance by how much, or does it just reduce the super CPU fielding)? Etc.
Draft: there should never be an all diamond pitcher round as long as the end boss is always hitting. Also, you should never see a lesser version of a card you already have pop up (I have seen this a ton). Also, a little more consistency for the diamond picks would be nice (I’ve had drafts with Mantle, Biggio, and Reggie in the same pool and then a draft with wander Franco, Brooks, and 2 pitchers).
Moment Descriptions: please tell us EXACTLY what the situation we are entering is (ie who is on base and who is up) for each moment before we enter it so we can construct our lineup correctly. I shouldn’t have to keep a spreadsheet next to me for showdowns. This isn’t 1985 where things in games were a surprise unless it was covered by Nintendo Power, there are no surprises anymore, so just give us the info.
Moments Themselves: please no more hitting missions with “don’t give up a run/home run” anymore. You have zero control over whether the CPU hits a home run (I gave up at least 5 and perhaps up to 7-8 during these on perfectly placed 1st pitches to the first batter) and thus it really exemplifies the lack of user input mattering in the show.