So five hours left to watch

Is it too late to watch the content streams to receive drops (or by the looks of it-to NOT receive lol) packs?
Once the videos/streams originally were released…if one missed those can you still go back and watch them t earn the drops by chance?
@SixPackStl_MLBTS said in Judge Program:
@nymets1987_PSN said in Judge Program:
@tmichae10_PSN said in Judge Program:
@BIG_PAPIx34_PSN said in Judge Program:
Can someone please post the requirements?
62 total points for 99 judge
Moments - 9 for 4 pts each
Exchange - Yankees for 2 pts
Exchange - AL east for 4 pts
Missions - 1,500 PXP with Yankees for 6 pts
Missions - 62 HR with DD squad for 5 pts
Missions - 177 hits with DD squad for 5 pts
Missions - 28 doubles with DD squad for 5 pts
Missions - 16 SB with DD squad for 5 pts62 homers? Lol jeez
Yep, that's going to take a while.
If you play vs CPU with stacked DD team on one of the easier levels it won’t take too long….can get 7-8 hr maybe more per game…I hit 10 vs CPU on veteran first time….can use all Yankees and knock out the 1500 xp part of program at the same time while getting the home runs…hardest part for me will be the 16 SB seeing as how the cpu knows when you are trying to steal every time
@bmoo44_PSN said in Albert at 690 - How close does he get..:
Pretty sure he gets it tonight if madbum goes entire game
You are the winner my friend
@atlanta-braves99_psn said in OTHANI HITTING ONLINE LEAGUE WORK AROUND:
Heres a gm online custom league that we half to drop a name of opposing team use the angels an othani can be used as a DH once game starts but not a option at matchup screen or even head 2 head games. Why does this work using this method i came up with but not a normal option when we want to play head 2 head with two owners playing?
Even the wind works and flags whipping in the wind but not in human vs human games and this is online in custom leagues.
Have posted a few times since game dropped asking if anyone knows…tagged Devs multiple times….even sent a ticket describing the issue-never one response…..they won’t address it
@hoboadam_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@raylewissb47_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@random_schmuck_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@balsamicarrow88 said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@ikasnu_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
It could be 18 so yes
It’s worse in my opinion.
You are entitled to your opinion. You are wrong…and entitled.
We do not need a return to the home run fest and ‘Immortal Gallic’ style of gameplay. We don’t need to spend hours in the market flipping cards to get digital Braves hats. We definately don’t need to hit doubles with Joe Torre.
18 was the worst.
Daniel Nava says hello.
I tried liking this post 3 times in 3 AB and it keeps failing.
Probably blocked by a 57 rated CF on a diving save in the gap….
So I guess this will just be ignored…gotcha!
@xelrojo44x_mlbts said in What’s your download / upload speed?:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in What’s your download / upload speed?:
I played two games this morning between 9am-11am UKT tethered off my 4G iPhone and both games were perfect.
The point of my story is when things get busier US side the issues start.
Your connection helps but the servers need to be better.
If anyone cares. An hour playing the show only uses about 80mb in data online. Nothing at all really.
I am curious to know how your opponents felt about the quality of those match connections? I imagine they were horrid, regardless of their network setup. SDS should implement a ping notification before going into an online match. Without dedicated servers, game sessions can have major lag and latency issues for at least one of the p2p participants, especially in matches over a large geographic area.
So internet speed doesn’t really affect the quality of you and opponents connection-actually the person with better speed can sometimes be the only one noticing the lag correct?
@player1login_xbl said in Ohtani Rule Pitching & Hitting DH 22' Patch?:
I've been attempting to get a developer to comment on the situation.Me too….not holding my breath
@ncbravesfan82_psn said in Ohtani Rule Pitching & Hitting DH 22' Patch?:
Kind of frustrating that Ramone Russell came out before the game was released and claimed that we could finally use Ohtani as he is used IRL. Then the game comes out and it’s like … umm, not happening.
Straight false advertisement
@cilwitc3_xbl said in Ohtani Rule Pitching & Hitting DH 22' Patch?:
I know you're talking about franchise here. But for the most part they are DD focused idc what they say. For DD you can now use SPs to hit before you could not. This is kinda big in regards to him being able to bat but you have to sub him after the game starts so you still can't DH him or start him in the field. It is kind a pathetic he did hit like 46 home runs last year yet you can't put him in your lineup
In custom leagues can only use him at plate when he pitches but have to give up your DH spot for rest of game….all this hype and advertising and Ohtani barely even playable
@fxmouslol_psn said in Unable to use Ohtani as DH:
Is there any way this issue can be fixed in custom leagues there is no way to put Ohtani in lineup as DH….only way to bat him AT ALL is to sub for your DH when he pitches…but ONLY when he pitches….this is really disappointing!
Is there any way this issue can be fixed in custom leagues there is no way to put Ohtani in lineup as DH….only way to bat him AT ALL is to sub for your DH when he pitches…but ONLY when he pitches….this is really disappointing!
@chuckclc_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@fxmouslol_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@chuckclc_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@fxmouslol_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@chuckclc_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@fxmouslol_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
hope SDS will fix the server issues-maybe spend more time to fix gameplay issues and less time pumping out DD cards to rake in the
The problem with that logic is those two things have nothing to do with the other. So creative should just sit in on their hands for no reason while other guys do what they do? Think I would rather the game move forward as it should.
How do the two have nothing to do with each other? Does it not take resources and manpower to create new DD material? Maybe I should have worded it to say they should allocate more of their resources towards improving their technology/equipment/servers and less of it on improving only one part of the DD mode…IMO if the gameplay suffers then the product as a whole does as well….
2 separate departments. They even tongue and cheek mentioned it on one of their streams for 22 already. People that work in one department dont go to another totally different department. Creative guys cannot just all of a sudden be pro coders and programmers. You dont want those guys combining forces lol.
Yeah my thoughts were guided towards the company as a whole….not what department does what…I’m sure what one area of the team does or works on would never affect how the other simultaneously works-so not sure what you mean there
I mean no matter how bad one aspect of the game is, they are still gonna release tons of content on schedule. One thing doesn't affect the other.
Never said they would stop putting out content . Said they should concentrate on improving the gameplay….that’s all LOL
@chuckclc_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@fxmouslol_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@chuckclc_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@fxmouslol_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
hope SDS will fix the server issues-maybe spend more time to fix gameplay issues and less time pumping out DD cards to rake in the
The problem with that logic is those two things have nothing to do with the other. So creative should just sit in on their hands for no reason while other guys do what they do? Think I would rather the game move forward as it should.
How do the two have nothing to do with each other? Does it not take resources and manpower to create new DD material? Maybe I should have worded it to say they should allocate more of their resources towards improving their technology/equipment/servers and less of it on improving only one part of the DD mode…IMO if the gameplay suffers then the product as a whole does as well….
2 separate departments. They even tongue and cheek mentioned it on one of their streams for 22 already. People that work in one department dont go to another totally different department. Creative guys cannot just all of a sudden be pro coders and programmers. You dont want those guys combining forces lol.
Yeah my thoughts were guided towards the company as a whole….not what department does what…I’m sure what one area of the team does or works on would never affect how the other simultaneously works-so not sure what you mean there
@chuckclc_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@fxmouslol_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
hope SDS will fix the server issues-maybe spend more time to fix gameplay issues and less time pumping out DD cards to rake in the
The problem with that logic is those two things have nothing to do with the other. So creative should just sit in on their hands for no reason while other guys do what they do? Think I would rather the game move forward as it should.
How do the two have nothing to do with each other? Does it not take resources and manpower to create new DD material? Maybe I should have worded it to say they should allocate more of their resources towards improving their technology/equipment/servers and less of it on improving only one part of the DD mode…IMO if the gameplay suffers then the product as a whole does as well….
@hustlinowl_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@fxmouslol_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
@hustlinowl_psn said in Can’t imagine how bad online play will be:
if you’re really as worried as you say then wait to purchase otherwise see you April 1st
I’m not worried at all-it’s a video game-with bad online play….so commenting on the video game forum to see other people’s opinions/thoughts is kind of the reason for these forums I think? I know I have the choice to get game early or wait?? Thanks for reminding me I guess
lol huh
Nice take
Twitch drops
Twitch drops
Twitch drop videos/streams question?
Judge Program
Albert Hits Number 703 (10/3/22) - Moves into sole possession of 2nd place all-time in RBIs
Is it possible for this game to get any worse?
Unable to use Ohtani as DH
Unable to use Ohtani as DH
Unable to use Ohtani as DH
What’s your download / upload speed?
Ohtani Rule Pitching & Hitting DH 22' Patch?
Ohtani Rule Pitching & Hitting DH 22' Patch?
Ohtani Rule Pitching & Hitting DH 22' Patch?
Unable to use Ohtani as DH
Unable to use Ohtani as DH
Can’t imagine how bad online play will be
Can’t imagine how bad online play will be
Can’t imagine how bad online play will be
Can’t imagine how bad online play will be