William Contreras (first LS diamond)
12 days ago
Jan 17, 2025, 11:33 PM
I look forward to this card next year. Not just because he is a Dodger, but if it is anything like his '23 WBC card, it should be fun to use, albeit difficult to hit against. ...If I remember correctly, his pitches were outlier FB, outlier Sinker, Cutter, Splitter, and Curve.
Jan 17, 2025, 6:09 PM@IrishFist412 Yep, some of those guys make it look easy. They have mastered the most important part(s) of this game, which is to: Quickly recognize any pitch (within .13 seconds from Pitcher's release), Control the Left Analog Stick with (near perfect) precision, and to Have impeccable timing with each swing of the bat. Those things are extremely difficult to do consistently, especially with online latency... but some are good enough to overcome that aspect. ......... Unlike those (very capable) users, my approach is just to consume enough caffeine in order to catch up with those warping fastballs over the plate, while trying to lay off everything else... That basically keeps me above .500.
Sep 24, 2024, 1:55 AM@X-FREEZE-OFF-X So I wonder what the odds are on Ohtani actually getting to 60-60? Probably very long, but I think he has a puncher's chance.
Aug 13, 2024, 8:45 PM@sbchamps17 Yeah, stuff like that keeps the game interesting. I remember in '16 or '17, I used an all gold team in RS and I was able to get to CS (and just one game from WS). This was before they started resetting RS every few weeks, so I doubt I could do that now.. My MVP during that run was gold CF Carlos Gomez. That was a pretty fun experience. Also, completing last year's extreme mini-seasons on Legend was a fun challenge for me. However, even on Legend, I noticed that the CPU does silly things like pitch outside the zone to walk in my winning run. Taking pitches, and having good plate discipline are especially important, when playing vs CPU.
Dec 13, 2023, 9:53 PM
The Core 95 Pedro. Some Pitchers that qualify are S4 Randy, Wood, Maddux, Glavine, Leiter, etc. and relievers include Dibble, Franco, Nen, Hoffman, etc.... Some of these will not work until S6 however. -
Dec 13, 2023, 9:32 PM
I agree with your idea. However, if they decide to keep doing this Sets/Seasons format, then all Captains should be Core and any card receiving the Captain boost, should remain eligible for any Season (as long as the card is in your lineup with the required Captain). This should also help with having diverse lineups and encourage the use of Captains. -
Dec 13, 2023, 9:08 PM
The only thing guaranteed is whatever I think the market will do, the market will do exactly the opposite.
Dec 1, 2023, 10:57 PM
Of course this is just speculation, but will Harper's Chase card will stay at $1 Mil. or will it drop to anything less that that? The buy orders are close to 300 already, as apparently a lot of users are sitting on plenty of stubs.
Oct 10, 2023, 7:40 PM@fubar2k7 said in MLB Playoff Pool: @BxnnyMxn__PSN said in MLB Playoff Pool: Arizona has grabbed the lead early tonight…they sure are playing some good ball! Guess the Dodgers didn’t learn how to keep from getting colder than Antartica during their week off. It is very frustrating, especially for the players...the FO has to do better. Being regular season warriors every year is not going to cut it. At least put up a fight in the post-season.
Oct 10, 2023, 6:47 PM
I bought Cap Rip for 300k... the next day this card was selling for 20k.
This pretty much sums up my "flipping" experience. SMH -
Oct 6, 2023, 8:57 PM
What about the "Flash Bundle" for 65K?... It says 1 Chase pack and 3 packs of something... Do you think that this one is worth the stubs?
Oct 5, 2023, 6:35 PM@TEXAS10PT saidTEXAS10PT_PSN chose the Dodgers! I did say I don’t want them to win but the D-Backs have a rough road ahead of them Similiarly, while I am pulling for the Dodgers, I see the Braves and your Astros in the WS. As long as they're healthy, those two play at a different level than the rest.
Oct 5, 2023, 5:56 PM
Rangers -
Oct 5, 2023, 5:41 PM@Blind_Bleeder said in MLB Playoff Pool: @Einarr44 said in MLB Playoff Pool: @xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in MLB Playoff Pool: @Ericulous1_PSN said in MLB Playoff Pool: Who are you winners of round 1- Wild Card week!!! I got Rangers, Twins, D'Backs, and Phillies. Figures, I put no money down and I nail it. Of course if I was in Vegas, the outcome would have been different. SMH heh - you and me both buddy. Did you want to add your guesses to the DS pool? Sure, how do I do that?
Oct 5, 2023, 5:37 PM@xElRojo44x_MLBTS said in MLB Playoff Pool: @Ericulous1 said in MLB Playoff Pool: Who are you winners of round 1- Wild Card week!!! I got Rangers, Twins, D'Backs, and Phillies. Figures, I put no money down and I nail it. Of course if I was in Vegas, the outcome would have been different. SMH
Sep 29, 2023, 8:13 PM@BxnnyMxn_ said in La Makina indeed!: Anyone play around with this José Berrios card much? The new Wainwright (along with Kersh, Leiter, Carrasco, etc) should work with his Set 4 Captain card, so that may be something I try out.
Sep 29, 2023, 7:57 PM@SkipPractice I do not disagree, but, what would you do different?
Sep 20, 2023, 10:24 PM@chucky97___ said Brother no one is buying ncaa for the players in the game, do you not understand how many people adore ncaa football as a whole? Loved this game. The gameplay was good and it felt like user input was more rewarding than Madden. I liked the college atmosphere with the fight songs, the pregame stuff, the stadiums, Etc. The recruiting stuff was also pretty good, although I hope the new game goes deeper in that area. I remember purchasing the roster file on Ebay however, just so I could import that into the Madden franchise mode draft.
Sep 20, 2023, 10:14 PM@maurice91932 said Wainwright cards have been so easy to hit. Haha Not if your opponent knows how to pitch with him. His Sinker looks considerably slower than it actually is. Tunnel that with his Cutter, mix in the curve, and you can keep someone very much off balance. (Of course on AS and below every Pitcher you use can get rocked, unless your opponent cannot hit outlier.)
Let's get this started... Who is your first LS Diamond pull?
Roki LA
It’s truly amazing how good some people are
50/50 Season
Mini Seasons Challenge
Who's your starting 5?
Captains 2024 Improvements
Better sell your Commerce Comet Mantle ASAP
Chase 10 - Bryce Harper finest
MLB Playoff Pool
Top players money (stubs) can buy
90+ LS Diamond Flash Pack
MLB Playoff Pool
MLB Playoff Pool
MLB Playoff Pool
MLB Playoff Pool
La Makina indeed!
DD is dumb.....
MLB 24
Wainwright Milestone incoming