It would be disgraceful for Willie Mays to not have a better 99 card. He is, conceivably, the MLB GOAT.

@jaychvz_XBL said
Maybe I need to articulate my point gooder. My point is this guy is complaining about sets and cards expiring and I explained he is merely a complainer because he will not be at a distinct disadvantage because everyone will have their cards expire.
A lot of the Community, myself included, has communicated their dissatisfaction with expiring cards from the onset and the complaints have nothing to do with having, or not having, an advantage over someone in a RS game.
Expiring cards (in relation to RS H2H within the annual game cycle), has more to do with:
- Not being able to use your favorite cards (regardless of its rating) in a RS game for much of the game cycle.
- Paralleling a card is not as rewarding since they expire.
- Grinding for, or purchasing, a card is not as fulfilling since they are temporary.
- Forming Captain and theme teams are more difficult due to having to find replacements every couple of months.
- Etc.
Yep, some of those guys make it look easy. They have mastered the most important part(s) of this game, which is to:- Quickly recognize any pitch (within .13 seconds from Pitcher's release),
- Control the Left Analog Stick with (near perfect) precision, and to
- Have impeccable timing with each swing of the bat.
Those things are extremely difficult to do consistently, especially with online latency... but some are good enough to overcome that aspect.
Unlike those (very capable) users, my approach is just to consume enough caffeine in order to catch up with those warping fastballs over the plate, while trying to lay off everything else... That basically keeps me above .500.
@raesONE-_PSN said in How is this lineup diversity thing working?:
I remember when the sets and seasons were introduced and the argument was made that this would increase lineup diversity across the board and that would be a good thing (which it would be). I argued on the same day that it was announced that this would most likely backfire and actually DECREASE lineup diversity because of the limited pool of cards you can pick from. It was a terrible idea I said. Oh boy, the pitchforks came out real quick.
So let me ask again, how has that been going? I've been watching some games on Twitch and talked to some friends of mine and guess what. Everybody and their momma is running the same team. Surprise surprise who would've thought?
Oh and please don't come here to reply if you're the casual offline gamer who likes to mix things up when they beat up on the CPU on All-Star. I'm obviously referring to people who put together the best lineup possible to compete against other humans online.
Agreed. Sets were never about "lineup diversity". Anyone who believed that was fooled. Sets are about expiring cards, and expiring cards are about more revenue.
@maurice91932_PSN said Wainwright cards have been so easy to hit. Haha
Not if your opponent knows how to pitch with him. His Sinker looks considerably slower than it actually is. Tunnel that with his Cutter, mix in the curve, and you can keep someone very much off balance.
(Of course on AS and below every Pitcher you use can get rocked, unless your opponent cannot hit outlier.)
Yeah, stuff like that keeps the game interesting. I remember in '16 or '17, I used an all gold team in RS and I was able to get to CS (and just one game from WS). This was before they started resetting RS every few weeks, so I doubt I could do that now.. My MVP during that run was gold CF Carlos Gomez. That was a pretty fun experience.Also, completing last year's extreme mini-seasons on Legend was a fun challenge for me. However, even on Legend, I noticed that the CPU does silly things like pitch outside the zone to walk in my winning run. Taking pitches, and having good plate discipline are especially important, when playing vs CPU.
As for pitch recognition, just focus on the ball leaving the Pitcher's hand and make quicker decisions on whether to swing or not.
As for analog stick accuracy, just start your PCI in a comfortable area in the zone and practice on small movements and not slamming the analog stick in any direction.
Maybe try going into RTTS as a Catcher and practice catching the pitches from your Pitcher, that helps with analog stick accuracy.
Also, if applicable, there is a new PS5 controller coming out in a couple of months. It has some features that may help with analog stick accuracy:
"The DualSense Edge wireless controller features a host of hardware and software-based personalization options, including button remapping, --->the ability to fine-tune stick sensitivity<--- and triggers..."
@raesONE-_PSN said in Incognito:
T-Mobile has a promo for a free MLB TV subscription that you can redeem in the Tuesday app to get a free year of MLB TV.Yep, thanks for the reminder.
This is pretty much the only reason I stayed with TMobile. I travel a bit in the summer and this allows me to still follow my team.
@Dot-4k_XBL said in Give me my 400k back:
I lost 400k because apparently trout and story are considered wildcards so you can’t use both of them
Which Trout and which Story card versions are you trying to use? They implemented the "expiring cards" thing this year, so your cards may be expired.
However, SDS is offering a shiny new Trout card that you can purchase if you are willing to spend stubs.
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in La Makina indeed!:
Anyone play around with this José Berrios card much?
The new Wainwright (along with Kersh, Leiter, Carrasco, etc) should work with his Set 4 Captain card, so that may be something I try out.
@TEXAS10PT_PSN saidTEXAS10PT_PSN chose the Dodgers!
I did say I don’t want them to win but the D-Backs have a rough road ahead of them
Similiarly, while I am pulling for the Dodgers, I see the Braves and your Astros in the WS. As long as they're healthy, those two play at a different level than the rest.
@fubar2k7_PSN said in MLB Playoff Pool:
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in MLB Playoff Pool:
Arizona has grabbed the lead early tonight…they sure are playing some good ball!
Guess the Dodgers didn’t learn how to keep from getting colder than Antartica during their week off.
It is very frustrating, especially for the players...the FO has to do better. Being regular season warriors every year is not going to cut it. At least put up a fight in the post-season.
I agree with your idea. However, if they decide to keep doing this Sets/Seasons format, then all Captains should be Core and any card receiving the Captain boost, should remain eligible for any Season (as long as the card is in your lineup with the required Captain). This should also help with having diverse lineups and encourage the use of Captains. -
The only thing guaranteed is whatever I think the market will do, the market will do exactly the opposite.
Remaining Card releases
I Truly Hate This Year
It’s truly amazing how good some people are
How is this lineup diversity thing working?
Wainwright Milestone incoming
Mini Seasons Challenge
Yet Another Question About Hitting...
Give me my 400k back
La Makina indeed!
MLB Playoff Pool
MLB Playoff Pool
Captains 2024 Improvements
Better sell your Commerce Comet Mantle ASAP