Nobody talks about gameplay but there are a few new things that are really good. Contact hitters can now be used again, they can slap the ball around the field. They reward early swings less, especially on outside pitches. You also can't check swing every pitch. The pitches seem to have more break too. So yeah, a lot of big gameplay changes making it much different than 20.

LS Seager and Soto, because their swings are so money.
Try to get Corey Seager and Juan Soto asap. I play so well with them, and I think they will both end up being high priced 90+ diamonds
There are solutions for me that I dealt with.
- Change saved data in "settings" on ps5 to performance mode.
- In the show video options set graphics as "faster" instead of sharper.
- The ps5 controller is bigger than the ps4, so it is harder to get to each side of the plate with the pci, I now have to hold the controller differently.
You have to buy them on ebay, but cqc signature green
None of this makes sense. None of this makes any sense! Lol
Will we get 1080p at 120 frames per second on PS5? I know we can do 4k 60 fps.
I want to know if they will do 1080p at 120 fps
Follow Jake Randall on Twitter, he has inside info on who has stock and when they are going to release it. He also has tutorial videos on youtube going about the best way to quickly add a ps5 and checkout for each different website. He also live streams on youtube when a drop is about to happen. I watched his live stream for a Target drop he had info on, and secured one my first try with him.
Take out all rng please. This stream was gross. They showed nothing about hitting, and basically showed how crazy rng is on pitching is even when you get a perfect release.
ya'll think you're better than you really are
@a_perfectgame said in Went back and played 16,17,18 and 19:
@drunk_wizard509 said in Went back and played 16,17,18 and 19:
20 has the most skill. Its because of covid that there are just so many people that put a lot of hours in that it created a lot of depth in the higher divisions. Covid really impacted the game this year imo
There is no other mlb game that you can check swing and foul tip as consistently and get mistake meatballs on perfect meters. That is all catered to the bad player. And they reek havoc in 20— 20 is far less skill based then all of the other mlbs with the exception of 18 which is just really bad in more ways then 1.
Even in 18 you couldn’t check swing and foul tip.
And you might say — that’s only one thing. But it’s a HUGE deal. It’s the difference in a pitcher at 80 pitches and 25 pitches. And it happens literally every single game.
A lot of people that had success in 20 will not have success in 21. 20 has glorified the [censored] swinger with no plate vision. That is the only mlb that has this feature...and you’re saying it’s the MOST skill. The game that is the easiest to never fail is the most skill?
I made my living foul tipping pitches in mlb 19, so I really don't know what you're talking about. I guess the jist of your argument is its too easy to check swing and that flaw makes it worse than most other years? I don't agree.
20 has the most skill. Its because of covid that there are just so many people that put a lot of hours in that it created a lot of depth in the higher divisions. Covid really impacted the game this year imo
People only dislike 20 because they aren't as good as they think they are
You just basically said 18 was the worst and every other year was bad too. Insightful.
We won't see a major mechanical change in the game until they stop making the game for the previous gen (ps4). For the ps3 to ps4 it took 3 years for that to happen. In MLB 17 we finally got ball physics. Going on history, the game wont be next gen only until 2024 where we can fully utilize ps5 hardware. So no big changes for 3 years. Yeah, pretty crazy how much the ps4 is going to hold improvements back.
My stamp is 54:21 and it said I was 51st in line. Still no Chipper.
Geez, I can't believe how terrible the advice still is on monitors. Please do your research before you buy. The most important aspect is INPUT LAG. You want a monitor with 10 ms input lag or less. In this case the Viotek monitor has 10 ms input lag, so you are good to go
Also, 144 hz is useless, because the framerate on ps4 games can't go high enough. All you need is a 60 hz monitor.
The ps5 comes out soon, so that may need higher hz than 60, we will see if game devs prioritize frame rate over graphics. I doubt any ps5 games go above 60 fps too
Kershaw gets lit up if you don't pitch correctly with him. Hint: throw A LOT of sliders.
I think no baseball season has hurt sales from casuals.
Passed on the game this year
What cards are you making sure to get day 1
DD 21- What players are you going to target 1st?
Retouching in something I said a week ago
Which Kontrol Freaks are people using?
Questions still not answered
Gameplay Trailer Discussion Thread
Any Info on Performance?
Mildly concerned
So, pitching huh.
Went back and played 16,17,18 and 19
Went back and played 16,17,18 and 19
Went back and played 16,17,18 and 19
Went back and played 16,17,18 and 19
Went back and played 16,17,18 and 19
When are we getting a “next gen” game?
Chipper order 80s
Finally bought the monitor
Awards max Scherzer or Clayton Kershaw?
What happened to all the bad players?