I really don’t get it. Do these people pick with their eyes closed?

Yep and and real problem is the lack of control by the pitcher and the 20 pitch ABs because the hitter fouls everything off.
That's kind of dumb. He didn't have to give you 2 runs to create the save opportunity. He just needed you to have the tying run on deck.
@EvylShaun said in 7 xbh and 7 RBI's in 7 games?:
I've always hated multi game moments, but this..... this will take the cake.
Prepare for the diving catches and runners not advancing 1st to 3rd.
It took me a couple of tries but that was with a 2 year old jumping and flopping all over me. I swear the kid thinks I'm a trampoline.
@charterbus_psn said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@xentys_psn said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
23+ hours of game played and I have 123k xp... 113 games played ( most offline ) grinding atm to get a decent team ( no money spent )
However I haven't finished the 1st inning collection 50k xp ( 8 x 42 series card ) im at 4 right now ( sold P. Martinez and H. Aaron for stubs for Live collection ) or I would be at 6 total but the Live collection is my priority
And.. I havent finish the 1st inning conquest map
These 2 will give me 65k and maybe take another +/- 7 hours of gameplay
So quick calculation after 30 hours of gameplay I should be around 200k
Counting that I wont be able to get much after all these are completed because moments and conquest maps will be done
I will counting on playing games, daily missions ( roughly 1000 xp/day ) for xp
The 200k and over xp progress will take much longer to process....
OMG this is nonsense.
Im not complaining just stating the factsSo your about half way after a day and half but don’t think you’ll be able to finish even though you haven’t really got any of the first inning stuff done? And they actually haven’t even released most of it like showdown, the first player program and so on?
You’ll be there in like 2 days
You don’t think it says something that he’s played for 23 hours in 2 days and isn’t even half way to the 300k xp to unlock an inning boss?
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in Getting Real Tired of Being Disconnected from The Show Online:
Playing a conquest game in the top of the third inning, winning 6-0. And the game disconnected me.
“You have been disconnected from The Show Online.” It tells me.
And that’s what it’s told me three times in the last 12 hours. My WiFi and internet speed are fine—I checked.
So what the hell, SDS? Is this happening to anyone else?
If it has happened to you, please upvote so we can get a tally.
Yep happens to me pretty much once everytime I start playing. It's really irritating when you're trying to grind mission stats and doing well at it. I was playing the AS game vs Tigers for Trammell the other day and put up 6 in the first inning. I immediately got disconnected in the bottom of the inning.
Do people know it’s possible to stop playing a game, without some grand announcement? Don’t want to play the game anymore? Don’t play it. Why the goodbye speech?
@nanthrax_1_psn said in Derek Jeter Concept Art:
Offensively, he was everything you could ask for from a middle infielder, and was an absolute nightmare to cheer for the team against him....
Defensively? He was extremely overrated and justified in that everyone has come around to believe that. His metrics are very bad, and had virtually no range. The fact he won gold gloves at all shows how broken that whole thing is, which is well known mostly because of himThe very fact that he won more gold gloves than Cal Ripken Jr still annoys me. Jeter has no business being in the same room as a gold glove award.
@chuckclc_psn said in Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever":
@dewrock_psn said in Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever":
@chuckclc_psn said in Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever":
Lets not pretend WAR is the end all be all of evaluating a player. How well did Babe pitch in those seasons? Babe definitely has the most impressive hitting numbers of all time, but when you add in Pitching and Speed it does become a legit argument between the 2.
Plus of course the obvious 100 hundred year difference in athletic era. Apples and Oranges.
WAR is the best way to judge the value of a player overall to his team and the best way of comparing him to his peers. Let’s talk pitching. Ruth had a nearly 9 WAR pitching season in 1916. Ohtani isn’t coming anywhere near that. It was 6.5 in 1917. Again, he’s not coming anywhere that. Can we just appreciate Ohtani for what he is and stop with the over the top exaggerations about his play. He’s been good. He’s been very valuable. It’s a great story. He’s probably going to win MVP. As far as all time greatest seasons, at this point he’s not in the same ballpark.
Name someone that has pitched as well as him and hit this well in a single season. That is the argument. Hasnt happened. All around he probably is having the best season ever. Not the best hitter, not the best pitcher, not the best baserunner, but all together there is an argument for the people saying it.
You’re asking for a comparison to players that don’t exist. Just because he’s an anomaly doesn’t mean he’s having the best season ever. That’s ridiculous hyperbole. That’s the argument. Appreciate what he’s doing. Don’t make it something it’s not.
@killerpresence4 said in Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever":
@dewrock_psn said in Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever":
@killerpresence4 said in Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever":
@kdclemson_psn said in Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever":
@killerpresence4 said in Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever":
It doesn’t matter because the OP is making comparisons where comparisons can’t be made. Ruth came up during the dead ball era and Ohtani plays in the modern era. You cannot make a comparison between the two. So anything that is said can only be subjective. The OP’s opinion is that Ohtani is not having one of the greatest seasons ever. That’s all it is, an opinion. Please stop acting as if it’s not an opinion because it is. There is no factual basis to make the argument that he’s not having one of the greatest seasons ever because your stats are being pulled from different eras of baseball history.
We literally developed a stat to compare the greatest seasons from all eras and comparatively, Ohtani is having the 130th best season ever, you then call it an opinion simply because it doesn’t match your take, it doesn’t work like that
This answer here is why you have zero credibility. And I will not lower myself to your level to argue with you when your argument is trying to make a comparison to an era which MLB has deemed to be the dead ball era to the era in which we currently play also known as the modern era. It’s apples and oranges. No stat you can provide changes that. So have fun convincing people of your point of view
You do understand that Ruth played for 22 seasons, only 6 of which were in the dead ball era. The rest of your post boils down "You're wrong. I'm right. And I don't have to prove why".
Yeah that’s the way to get someone to come around to your point of view. Let me ask you a few questions regarding both eras: Are the balls the same? Are the bats the same? Are the fielding tools the same? Was the level of competition the same? Is there empirical evidence to support stats such as batting avg, fielding percentage (what defines an error or not), pitching stats (velocity, pitch types etc)? And many other questions that separate those two eras in the game!! There is no stat that can quantify those questions. Not WAR, not UZR, not ops, not obp, not DRS!!! None of our so called advanced metrics can do this to make a quantifiable argument. Everything you have said is complete conjecture. It’s an opinion it’s that simple. So if you want to continue making an a s s of yourself go ahead. It doesn’t change the actual facts of the argument regardless of how loud you yell or how much you try to bully the forum participants who disagree with you.
The rule changes that turned the dead ball era into the live ball era were adapted when Ruth was playing. He still excelled far and above the rest of his peers. Let's agree that everything I said was conjecture. Perhaps but my conjecture is based on the stats available to us. Yours is based on your feelings and perception of how different the two eras must have been.
Who's bullying who? You came on here to simply troll the OP based on some past history between you two. You resorted to numerous ad hominems. You replied that he was wrong but basically said he wasn't worth your time to explain why. I pointed that out. I guess that's bullying you.
@tekkendolphin_psn said in Online mode is just not fun.:
Call it a rant but this mode needs an overhaul. What I think it needs is a way to help out hitters. Maybe guess pitch option should be a thing? It is just too easy to pitch good and too hard to hit. Every game is just a complete guessing game grind fest that ends in bitterness when one player gets lucky enough to eke out a couple of garbage slap-hit seeing-eye hits or somehow hits a towering home run off a pitch nowhere near the zone. It comes down to whoever is luckier. Competitiveness is fine but we aren't pro baseball players and it is just too much of a grind. It's just not fun by its very design. And therefore ends up being a huge waste of time.
Also, to make things worse, why do I lose 8 straight yet have the same rating and still get mismatched over and over? I mean, come on.
Am I alone here? Or missing something that can actually make this anything other than an infuriating experience?
Yeah I don't pretend to know what the fix is. But it really seems to be two offensive camps in online. Those people who hit any and everything, no matter where it's thrown and how good of a pitch it is, very very hard. Then the others just struggle to scrape together a few hits and hope for the seemingly lucky homer here and there. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground.
Not to mention that for every 10 games, you're pretty much guaranteed to face AS DeGrom about half the time.
I haven’t pulled a Diamond yet.
I acknowledge that Bonds hit the most. I don’t celebrate or talk about it. Honestly, I don’t think most fans really care about that record anymore. It’s forever tainted. It’s not like it was when I was growing up and every summer we were watching guys like Griffey and how many they hit before the AS break, wondering if they could do it.
I think if they took a poll to see who actually cares about Judge hitting 62, the vast majority would be Yankee fans.
@Sasquatchy99 said in Opponent Pausing ?:
Is it just me I don’t play online very much against other opponents. Bur what the [censored] literally every at bat why do you have to pause the game during pitch count ? Is this a glitch a Cheat ?
Haven't figured it out either. It annoys the hell out of me.
I didn't really have any issues hitting Homeruns with him. It was getting the homerun and getting the SB in the same moment that annoyed me. I'd get one but not the other. It was especially annoying to get on base and every time you attempt to steal, the batter swings away.
To be fair, he was a 17 year old amateur free agent when they traded him.
Wish I had the ability to play like every minute of the day.
@maddogtannen777_xbl said in Check swing cheese:
Is GONE!!! Probably one of the best things that they fixed this year!! Love it!!
I never got the whole obsession about the check swing in this game. That being said, it’s basically impossible to check your swing now. I think I’ve gotten a no swing one time since I’ve been playing 21.
Yeah I’m not understanding these new inning programs. Last year inning conquest was 10% of the 300 stars needed for the inning boss. This year it’s something like 4% of the xp needed. I honestly don’t see myself having enough time to play and gain enough xp for any of these bosses.
A liar says what…
Team affinity 3 picked same player twice
Please Fix 3 Inning Staminia
I just have to share... funny
7 xbh and 7 RBI's in 7 games?
There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game
Getting Real Tired of Being Disconnected from The Show Online
What this SDS’s plan all along?
Derek Jeter Concept Art
Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever"
Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever"
Online mode is just not fun.
Pack Luck
Who's Your Single Season HR King?
Opponent Pausing ?
Brandon Phillips Moments
I learned something that makes me want to throw up!!
Here’s my day 3 team so far...
Check swing cheese
There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game
Packs are on fireee!