Fine idea, awful execution.

They obviously don’t care what the community thinks.
@pbake12 We had 3 mini seasons last year. Not sure why they went backwards. I’d like a 9 inning mini season and you could even make it less games.
@HiiZenBerg89 Just about everything is no sell this year.
@H-TOWN713-X1HQX There were captains in the store? Were they no sell or something because it doesn’t appear that you can buy them? It is odd that 28 of the 56 captain cards are unattainable. I’d like to own them all and try different things out, but like most things in this years game, we are handcuffed.
@Venom1120 I’m probably in the minority, but I liked the immortal grind. There was always something to do. Collecting hats and whatnot was great for flipping as well.
@bjd10048 Maybe it’s just me, but he doesn’t seem to hit up to his rating either. I square up balls that aren’t hit hard often with him. He looks great on paper, but he doesn’t play that way for me.
@LIONED-33 I’d tell you if I’ve ever actually received one.
@Skarmaen I have a lot more complaints. There’s just too much to complain about and a lot of it is just common knowledge at this point. I was skeptical before launch and I should have trusted my instincts and skipped this year. Everything before launch pointed to this year being a complete disaster and I wasn’t wrong. This is by far the least fun I’ve had playing the show. It seems like every decision they make is terrible. Even a good decision, like bring back the power creep, was taken too far.
@bjd10048 They slashed game play xp and put a low cap. They kept the xp path full of trash rewards like banners and unlockables no one cares about. They didn’t put any of the numerous packs in the xp path or any of the programs. They aren’t giving us new conquest maps. We didn’t get a third mini season program like last years lefty loosey. We aren’t getting new showdowns. Team affinity took a couple days to complete. The programs in some cases took minutes. CAP’s are detached from DD, so the market for equipment is non existent and makes me not even bother with RTTS. There’s nothing to do. Progressing through the xp path at a snails pace is not fun. This game is just not fun. The game play is actually worse than last year, which was unexpected. What the heck are they doing? They certainly aren’t listening.
They crushed xp. It doesn’t even feel like we are progressing through it because it’s so slow and the rewards are bad. Not only are they lacking, everything is no sell. All the good cards are in packs. This year is a disaster.
@Teak2112 Pretty slimey. What am I supposed to do with 58 jelly beans? This year just keeps getting worse. I’m getting sick of this [censored]. They don’t care and they don’t listen.
Been working all year and all of a sudden I can’t view my inventory buy/sell or do anything really. It’s telling me to do a tutorial. Signed out and back in. It’s broken. This game is a disaster.
Same thing every year. You’d think this would be updated and ready long before launch.
Didn’t work last year. Isn’t working this year. I’m not wasting my time anymore.
@gixxerryder750 said in Diamond Uniform Collections:
You can knock out the Alternatives one by completing the USA Map alone
It’s the diamond AL and NL throwbacks that I can’t complete. I’ve finished the conquest map.
@tonythetiger2k16 said in Diamond Uniform Collections:
Did you try winning any as rewards via the 4 Nike side programs? Each of those gives you uniforms as you complete the program path.
Also did you play "Nation of Baseball" in Conquest which gives you All-Star Piazza & where you have to take over 30 Teams. When you conquer each stronghold, you will get a uniform for the Team that started out having that stronghold.
I’ve finished all the programs except the Spring Cleanup and all conquest maps.
Has anyone been able to complete these? I’m a couple short in each and the rest are non sellable and I can’t figure out how to get them.
@collin_sds_psn said in Twitch Drop Limit:
5 for the entire weekend.
I’m linked. I claimed them. Why am I not getting them?
@osmagic17_xbl said in Lack of Content:
@briankoke_mlbts said in Lack of Content:
@osmagic17_xbl said in Lack of Content:
@briankoke_mlbts said in Lack of Content:
@tubatim90_psn said in Lack of Content:
@briankoke_mlbts said in Lack of Content:
@dolenz_psn said in Lack of Content:
@briankoke_mlbts said in Lack of Content:
There a serious lack of content though. I feel like it’s been dumbed down too much and there isn’t enough to do.
We are still in the early access period so it is a little too soon to lament that. If last year is any indication then they will continue to add to it.
There is still quite a lot to do for early access, although not everyone will enjoy it or feel that it is worth it.
- There are 30 moments, once for each FOTF
- There are 31 missions asking you to earn parallel XP with all of the flashbacks you can earn during the program
- Three (or four) mini conquests and the main conquest
- 2 programs
- 2 showdowns
- Mini seasons
- 2 daily moments
- Try to get to the WS packs in ranked
- BR
So when I see people lament that there is a lack of content I assume that they mean a lack of content that they personally want to do.
Again, no. Im simply saying there is less to start with than last year and they’ve made it significantly harder to be no money spent. You might also see the improvements I acknowledged.
We haven’t actually reached that point yet, so save your complaints until then. There was no early release last year.
Can I complain now? I finished all the DD programs in less than a week with a full time job and 2 kids. There’s simply not enough content. On the plus side, I’m going to finish the live series collection faster than ever because I’m spending my time flipping with nothing to grind.
...How? Literally how? There ain't enough time in the day brotha!
All the moments
A March to October
RTTS to diamond 1 time
A mini season
All conquests except the newest one
All the programsIt really didn’t take much, which is the only reason why I’m complaining. I haven’t even played online yet, which I don’t really care for because people are terrible to play with.
Least you finished a mini-season. I couldn't before it broke.
I had several disconnects along the way, I just attributed that to using my phones hotspot on Switch with spotty reception. Finished it on PS5 without issues.
Show Classics Debate: Lazy or Fun Throwback?
More packs! Let's go!
Need More Game Options
No sell on battle royale pack?!
They need to add captains back in the store
This game has NO juice 🥤
This game has NO juice 🥤
Scouting report packs.
This game has NO juice 🥤
This game has NO juice 🥤
What am I playing for this year?
Time limited content and technical issues
Can’t Use App
Update - Companion App & iOS
Twitch Packs
Diamond Uniform Collections
Diamond Uniform Collections
Diamond Uniform Collections
Twitch Drop Limit
Lack of Content