I sure someone bought 100’s of Jones for 5 stubs and was hoping to cash in. Those are the breaks.

That sucks.
I’ve only been getting 1 per streamer
@vagimon said in Far and Away:
@BIGHOOV2713 said in Far and Away:
Have you had anyone back out vs you from the load screens? Some people feel that they have a better connection if they are the home team (or whatever they tell themselves) and they scroll while on the lineup screen. If it lags, they back out. If it is smooth, they are the home team and they play the game.
Nope. Nobody has backed out. This seems to be a coin toss that keeps landing on tails. Unless, of course, there’s something nefarious going on...Or there’s a reason one person is picked as home in the matchmaking process, but I don’t know what that would be.
Maybe there is something about who clicks in what order?
Have you had anyone back out vs you from the load screens? Some people feel that they have a better connection if they are the home team (or whatever they tell themselves) and they scroll while on the lineup screen. If it lags, they back out. If it is smooth, they are the home team and they play the game.
Cal Ripken Jr was a pretty good hitter in his own right during that time period as well.
I’ve heard Showdowns give a lot of XP (plus many people farmed XP earlier in the year with Home Run Derby to level up fast). Also, many “play the market” by investing and/or flipping cards to make enough to purchase those 99’s NMS. There are also many people that have “prestiged” by now. Diamond level is nothing compared to that. I’m Gold 20 BTW. Haha
I had someone offer a FQ down 1-0 going into the bottom of the 2nd. Before I could decline it, he quit. I’m guessing he either selected the wrong quit or realized he was actually losing the game.
Holding R2 to combat quick pitching is kinda cheesy. But the guy claiming “that’s how event games are played” is reaching a bit. It’s not like dude was going to win 100 games today.
Giants 19-41
Posey ends up opting out and the pitching suffers as a result. Barry Bonds, Pence and Fat Panda end up leading the geriatric offense as Zaidi decides to leave the youngsters off the “active” field to keep them healthy for ‘21 and beyond.
They beat the Rockies, D’Backs and Mariners a handful of times. They squeak a few out vs Oakland and SD. They take 1 or 2 games v the Angels and Dodgers. -
I heard Smoltz was cheeks. So did they screw up all the 99 pitchers in TA3 or what?
@the_dragon1912 said in Best affinity set:
Cleveland or Minnesota are the best 2 overall. Reds got the best stage 2 card and probably the best position player stage 3 card, but are weighed down by votto. Dodgers are solid. Braves have 3 good cards but no absolute studs. Marlins have a good stage 2 and 3 but a bad stage 1. Worst one overall has to be the giants though. At least they Jays and Tigers got good stage 3 cards
Marichal isn’t any good? That sucks.
Rage Quit audio is in the Jackie Robinson program.
According to Tanaka’s social media, he is fine and looking forward to pitching again soon.
Depends on if you need a lefty or righty in your lineup.
@bhall09 said in Today’s news:
Hmm. Anyone have any thoughts about a longer-term affect, like say with Torre. As a boss, might he go back up a bit?
So what ways did they introduce to help you advance stages in affinity? Some moments? How many for how many points? Was the only showdown change one extra voucher? Any other changes today?
The stage 3 showdowns are based in three groups. East, Central and West.
I know you aren’t. Just busting your chops. Yeah. I almost soiled myself. BTW, would you mind sending some of that Trout luck my way? I only need to pull him 3 times to get Mantle. Hahaha
Instead of dumping my stubs into packs (other than the 2 silvers I got from the 1 HL x2 bundle), I used the dip in the market to purchase about 5 needed diamonds. I’m still 6 teams from Trout and I’m sure if I told you the only pull over an 86 I’ve had all year was Arenado, you could guess the teams I need.
@Ikasnu said in Twitch Drops 6/30/2020 Info:
What's funny is I haven't received a drop all year. My accounts are linked, watched entire streams, nada.
It’s because you’re a Rockies fan. You got your Larry Walker, Todd Helton and Shovelface, now get out of here!!! Lol
@drnkmnky13 said in Stage 3:
Nope. Theres no need to waste time trying to go past the set points . Once u hit 50, it stops there
Until stage 3 is unlocked, do NOT go try to go over.
Jones got robbed!
93 bob feller
How Many Twitch Drops Ya Got?
Far and Away
Far and Away
Predict your teams record here and why
Question?? Super Team!
This is a new one.
This is a new one.
Predict your teams record here and why
Best affinity set
Best affinity set
Please institute a harsher rage quit punishment
In case you haven’t seen
Rightfield - Bench
Today’s news
Twitch Drops 6/30/2020 Info
For everyone who’s had bad pack luck
Twitch Drops 6/30/2020 Info
Stage 3