Question?? Super Team!
Can someone let me know how to get almost every player at 99 on my DD and be a Diamond player myself with less than 60 games and at least level 37 on Diamond
! Seriously do I need to open the wallet and pay for every player on my squad or play every moment on every conquest or player program? How? please? and no trolls. I have enough of those on COD!
I’ve heard Showdowns give a lot of XP (plus many people farmed XP earlier in the year with Home Run Derby to level up fast). Also, many “play the market” by investing and/or flipping cards to make enough to purchase those 99’s NMS. There are also many people that have “prestiged” by now. Diamond level is nothing compared to that. I’m Gold 20 BTW. Haha
Working the market helps if you can get that down you can get almost any player that you want, the TA (Team Affinity's) are another way to get some great 99's (Schmidt) you can get those by either playing showdowns/March to October/ missions and moments or just doing exchanges. The events are another great way to make stubs/ get good players the top prize for the current event is a 95 Betances.
The XP path also gives a lot of 99 players so as you level up your team will gradually get better (I'm level 28 in diamond and can't wait to hit the prestige path) my best advice is to have patience but you should have no trouble fielding a 99 team in no time. I will say that some of the lower level players are better then the 99s though take Jazz Chisholm for instance, I can't remove him from my lineup because he's been so consistent.
Also play as many conquest maps as you can. There is a new conquest map today which should have some great hidden packs and stubs.
Best of luck. -
I think a lot of guys got some crazy xp using the HR Derby method as mentioned above. Personally I have grinded the hell out of the game, I've completed the sets to get Mantle and I'm only mid way through Gold. I did get lucky with some good pulls and I took a gamble that paid off big on the 1/2 price pack sale. I think I only have played 100 Ranked games but I played a ton of Ducks to try and get an elite back that I didn't get to and have done most of the player programs and all of the Conquests.
And then yeah, there's the Mom's credit card method too...
This was my 1st year playing the game, I feel like next year I'll be in a much better position to make out on the market and better allocate my time to make more progress quicker now that I understand how the whole thing works.
Completing collections are good for xp. Was that mentioned?