I think I’m the greatest over 35 player on the show old man league future MVP

I want to honestly see if normal swing may be holding me back. On why I can’t even touch the ball.
@mdafurball_psn said in Just a couple honest questions seriously:
@bigceddibiase said in Just a couple honest questions seriously:
I literally can’t make contact with the ball. Not even foul balls. I had 11 hits last game. But it was an anomaly I’ve never changed my approach I’ve dropped from 800s all the way down to the 6s. My question is should I be contact swinging? Is it necessary to play. Certain situations? Or every pitch? I ain’t trying to be trolled seriously fellas
U had 11 hits in one game on hof?
Youd be a pro if thats true lol. Hope u meant that was in the 600s. Even on allstar thats still alot of hits.I wasn’t on HOF! I haven’t been there in 4 games or so. And still my OP had 16 hits and 9 runs. It was just a question buddy.
I literally can’t make contact with the ball. Not even foul balls. I had 11 hits last game. But it was an anomaly I’ve never changed my approach I’ve dropped from 800s all the way down to the 6s. My question is should I be contact swinging? Is it necessary to play. Certain situations? Or every pitch? I ain’t trying to be trolled seriously fellas
@kovz88_psn said in 57-4 yea ok:
To me assuming anyone with a record like that is cheating is such an arrogant view point because deep down what you're saying is "there is no way someone is THAT much better than me". People that are this concerned with dragging down people with top records need to get over themselves and worry about their own game.
Just my opinion, I'm entitled to one.Lol you sound like my wife
@raesone_psn said in 57-4 yea ok:
Oh well who cares. People put too much emphasis on a record anyway. Everyone is beatable and no matter how good you are, you can get beat too.
57-4 you honestly feel you have a chance against somebody like that? Just like the post I’ll repeat:::: yea ok
@codywolfgang_xbl said in 57-4 yea ok:
@bigceddibiase said in 57-4 yea ok:
I can already read people saying git gud but there is no way in hell when you take into account all of the variables it take to start and finish no way in hell. Say what you want we got us a cheater… just my opinion I’m entitled to one
I have the same intuition when I see some of the records. It’s just not possible with the variance in outcomes in baseball.
I’m hardwired and I have at least 5 L’s from disconnecting. Not possible
I can already read people saying git gud but there is no way in hell when you take into account all of the variables it take to start and finish no way in hell. Say what you want we got us a cheater… just my opinion I’m entitled to one
And my screen froze my opponent still pitched but I’m literally stuck on the screen
@bloopnablast_34_psn said in Stop It!:
@bigceddibiase said in Stop It!:
@jdloc619_psn said in Stop It!:
Stop holding and spamming R2 EVERY pitch. I just want one game without the spam just one. SDS deactivate the [censored] button in Rs. It's still messing with the timing!
I guarantee nobody use R2 for nothing other than being toxic. I see everything and if u need a break pause the game. This community full of lames
I disagree but to each his own. If someone’s doing it every single pitch, holding it for a long period of time a lot, or you see them doing it a couple times as your waiting to throw. then yeah, they’re abusing
But who needs to read pitch locations? You can always press pause. I press R2 and release it before the OP noticing. There’s absolutely no reason for it. Like u said my opinion. Anybody who presses it more than twice an inning are abusing it also
@jdloc619_psn said in Stop It!:
Stop holding and spamming R2 EVERY pitch. I just want one game without the spam just one. SDS deactivate the [censored] button in Rs. It's still messing with the timing!
I guarantee nobody use R2 for nothing other than being toxic. I see everything and if u need a break pause the game. This community full of lames
I can’t hit with him and not a good enough pitcher with his mix. If I had a do over probably wouldn’t that’s why I’ll just take my time on Mookie
My opponent just pitched the best game I’ve ever seen with Degrom. I struck out 18 times 2 hits. 1-0 loss I recorded his charts I’ve never in my life seen anybody that consistently paint… Bravo. If you could be that good naturally I have to give you props. That was a hell of a effort buddy
Sit sinker expect sinker. React to everything else. If you expect the sinker every pitch. It’ll make the other pitches stand out more…
I rarely played BR bc I’ve never been a lucky person. But boy I love getting to 100 I’ll finish it tonight
Ok I was wondering if everyone was still using it. Bc geez I give up all kinds of late weak dribblers out the zone
@joeythebigboss said in Devs livestream idea!:
How many cups of coffee you had dog ? .
3 Gevalia too the good stuff
Give us a livestream of someone playing a game online and explaining how to get someone out pitching. Maybe we’ll feel a little better at least I would. Even if all I saw was the fact it’s almost impossible. I said almost now. Foul ball, foul ball. Oh he’s making him sweat out there this is the 10th pitch of the at bat.
love the game guys I really do.
I think Pete got this HRD in a bag. Just waiting on Ohtani. But it’s looking like we’re getting a Max power Alonso
@ccarr77_psn said in Literally will be finished:
It's not easy if you just play the game
I do just playshowdown and 1 play vs CPU game with all the people from the packs. Now another showdown! It’s just easy but I’ve been hoarding cards also so I have the collections
On the way to WS
Just a couple honest questions seriously
Just a couple honest questions seriously
Just a couple honest questions seriously
57-4 yea ok
57-4 yea ok
57-4 yea ok
57-4 yea ok
Went to pinch hit
Stop It!
Stop It!
Is 99 Ohtani worth the lock-in?
Best pitcher of all time
If you're still rolling out Edward Cabrera....
Br program I love it
Contact swing
Devs livestream idea!
Devs livestream idea!
Salvy don’t stand a chance
Literally will be finished