Nestor and Chris Taylor Codes
Keep entering the OOHYANKEES and OOH DODGERS code and getting invalid code. Anyone else having this problem or can help me out?
Are you at the billboard scanning them in Los Angeles and New York?
@collin_sds Very confused now Colin. i went to
@DEF266 I sent a message to support and they said the codes were for a limited time. I followed up with a message asking how we are supposed to find out about these things. I follow them on social and I am on their email list and they didn't say a word about this. Seems like a stupid way to alienate the fanbase early on in the game cycle by hiding cards. Hopefully they find a way to release them again down the road. I found the Taylor card in the dodgers cards yesterday but couldn't find out how to get it. That would be a fun card to try out.
@pinola7223 Appreciate the the response. I found this article and it said it was active.
The codes are from location-based billboard.
C collin_sds_MLBTS referenced this topic on
@collin_sds said in Nestor and Chris Taylor Codes:
The codes are from location-based billboard.
So wait a have to actually live in LA or NY and physically scan the QR on a billboard? WTF is that about?
Dang. I’m betting my town of Walland,Tennessee gets one next. Ima go out looking tonight. Sweeeet
Hey SDS y’all will have to use barn roofs out here since we’ve never had a billboard heck I might even be able to broker the deal myself
@BxnnyMxn_ Yeah im about a 3 and a half hour drive from NY but since i have to be to work in about 5 hours, looks like im SOL.
I had no problem doing the codes, and I don't live in new york or LA
Codes do not work for me. Just says invalid code?
@collin_sds ? Your answer confuses me … I thought it exired 2 days ago (see sign) … The other thing: Why is not everybody informed in a normal way? I would have like to have both
I hope these cards will be available in the future in another way? As a Mets fan living over seas I would be pretty mad if I missed out permanently on, say, a Brandon Nimmo because SDS didnt put up a billboard in my small town in Australia
I also reached out to support and was told they expired however I attempted to use the codes the day they released them I believe. But I also discovered my The Show account is bugged I can't log in nor change the password so that may have had something to do with it which means I'm boned on that Taylor card that's the most retarded thing I've ever seen a game company do
You were gonna drive 3 1/2 hours to get a free 87 Nestor Cortes?
Am I the only one who thinks it's funny that the offer is based off a billboard with 6 players on it, and the reward isn't one of them?
@MarineSpartan44 said in Nestor and Chris Taylor Codes:
I also reached out to support and was told they expired however I attempted to use the codes the day they released them I believe. But I also discovered my The Show account is bugged I can't log in nor change the password so that may have had something to do with it which means I'm boned on that Taylor card that's the most retarded thing I've ever seen a game company do
Not defending SDS here but you must not play a lot of games. Its not like they called their trash live service pirate game a AAAA game or anything
@BxnnyMxn_ said in Nestor and Chris Taylor Codes:
Dang. I’m betting my town of Walland,Tennessee gets one next. Ima go out looking tonight. Sweeeet
Hey SDS y’all will have to use barn roofs out here since we’ve never had a billboard heck I might even be able to broker the deal myself
I'm sure there will be one out in the bay near the oyster farms. It's bustling! Sometimes you'll get 15-20 cars driving by in the same hour!
@collin_sds Are these even the same thing? This billboard says the QR code is good until 4/20? The codes we're talking about can be found all over Social Media (TikTok, Reddit, FB, Youtube, etc) and are meant to be entered into the site...
Not sure why it's not working for others, but inlive in Vancouver canada and it worked for me.