Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.
@e85taban said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
Any moments actually give extra stars?
No, at least not at this time.
@Malabarista42 said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
I think the problem is that they expected Showdowns to keep people busy. Unfortunately, a lot of the casual players hate them because of the stub cost. That is where they dropped the ball.
@Malabarista42 said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
I think the problem is that they expected Showdowns to keep people busy. Unfortunately, a lot of the casual players hate them because of the stub cost. That is where they dropped the ball.
People hate showdown because of the difficulty, not the stub cost. If they were easier almost nobody would have a problem make their stubs back. I personally love showdown, even though i’m not great at it. I think its the best offline mode they have introduced. 1000 stubs means nothing to me either. Anyone can make that back on the market in 20 minutes if they know how to.
Not sure what more you want. It’s the same as last year minus the individual moments (replaced by showdown). Dailies help a lot. Obviously some exchanges (sunglasses, catcher mask) aren’t worth it. Just wait til the next day and skip to the next.
But you can grind CPU games with different teams to work on TAs. Getting 25 points on TAs unlocks a prospect. Unlock a few of those to complete that collection for the program.
But a lot of points are made just by playing the game. And if you aren’t playing online then your option is grinding CPU or conquest. Not any different from last year unless I’m mistaken.
I understand your point and like you, I am offline only. I have a job, a family and I am at 305 stars. Harder than last year? Yes but not terribly harder. You do need to commit to playing the big map time after time.
@Dolenz said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
Here is where I stand as an offline player as of last night
- Completed Starter Conquest
- Complete list 1st Inning Conquest
- Completed US Conquest
- Completed Starter Showdown
- Made Several failed attempts at the 1st inning Showdown
- Did all of the Welcome Moments
- Did all of the first inning Moments (Granderson and Woods)
- Did the Eckersly Evolution moments.
- Did a MTO run up to the World series(have not played the world series as it would be a waste of affinity points)
- Earned the FOTF from my favorite team.
- Played the nine inning CPU games against Cubs and Yankees. (Woods and Granderson)
I am sitting at 205 program points.
There are only a few options open to me to get the final 95 points. Showdown, which I have failed badly at in every attempt so far, and that costs 500 stubs each attempt. Collections, which also cost stubs, but in this case both collections together are more expensive than just buying the three bosses outright. Mindlessly grinding for another 30 hours or so in the last 9 days of the 1st Inning Program.
Basically the goal of 300 stars still seems so far away and the options to get there seem so unappealing (and just not fun) that it has killed a bit of my desire to keep playing.
That sounds like my story exactly. They did not include enough program stars for offline players, yet online players can get to 1000.
@e85taban said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
I think it’s all perspective.
I've looked at your profile. There is no way I could put that many hours into the game or run conquest that many times in such a short period. . I would get burnt out. Also, this is not the only game that I play.
Just looked at another posters profile and they have even more hours.
I have 530 without playing online much. I have only gotten one online bonus, and still haven't gotten the 10 wins. Even taking away the 150 from showdown and collection I would be well over 300.
I don’t blame you. I just did 3 straight days grinding on conquest. Glad it’s over. But I was able to fill up plenty of stars, collections and purchase Trout. You have options my man.
@maskedgrappler said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
@GradektheBard said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
This is on you, not SDS. Either you like baseball enough to play the game more or you don’t, but you aren’t entitled to get 300 stars without actually playing. On top of that, there were/are 28 days in the program, which means 28 dailies where (even just offline) you should be able to get 4 points a day (ie 112 points just from those).
Unless they want you to exchange a 3000 stub pair of glasses for 2 program points...
That and the fact that the "exchange players/equipment/etc" dailies are basically impossible unless you go and buy the cards because it doesn't seem to let you exchange anything you have in your inventory (unlike last year or the year before).
@genopolanco said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
Not sure what more you want. It’s the same as last year minus the individual moments (replaced by showdown).
Don't underestimate how much of a difference Moments make. I just went and loaded MLB 19 and tallied the 1st inning moments. There were over 160 points to be earned just from moments.
This year we have gotten Granderson and Wood for a total of 40 points. Even if you complete the 1st inning showdown (a big "if" for many of us) that is only 110. That is a huge difference.
And let's not forget that they nerfed XP earned after the opening weekend this year.
I may start running my own season mode in Play vs. CPU using iScore to score the games and track stats.
@Dolenz said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
@genopolanco said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
Not sure what more you want. It’s the same as last year minus the individual moments (replaced by showdown).
Don't underestimate how much of a difference Moments make. I just went and loaded MLB 19 and tallied the 1st inning moments. There were over 160 points to be earned just from moments.
This year we have gotten Granderson and Wood for a total of 40 points. Even if you complete the 1st inning showdown that is only 110. That is a huge difference.
And let's not forget that they nerfed XP earned after the opening weekend this year.
So that’s 50 points. Plus we didn’t have the Granderson/Wood collections or prospect collection which totals to be 40 points right? Not to mention 300 stars was extremely easy last year. The program is meant to be done at 300. Everything else is bonus for people who want to put in time actually playing games whether that’s online or vs CPU.
@omegaminus_sk said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
I may start running my own season mode in Play vs. CPU using iScore to score the games and track stats.
Why can't SDS simply have a franchise mode where we use our collection of cards and our team?
Did you collect Wood?
The good thing is that the 3 players you get to choose from in Inning 1 at 300 stars are not very good, and even if you like Oswalt he can be purchased cheap. But it is frustrating, particularly if this BS continues into Inning 2.
@Vipersneak said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
@omegaminus_sk said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
I may start running my own season mode in Play vs. CPU using iScore to score the games and track stats.
Why can't SDS simply have a franchise mode where we use our collection of cards and our team?
Custom Leagues is so close. If they made it so that it could be singleplayer from the get-go (with the CPU controlling either live series teams or using teams pulled from other players, Extra Innings style) and counted as DD for mission purposes I would love it.
@halfbutt said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
Did you collect Wood?
Did they ever fix the problem where people (like me) weren't getting the program points for beating the Cubs on All-Star in Play vs. CPU?
@Vipersneak said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
They did not include enough program stars for offline players, yet online players can get to 1000.
You're not supposed to get to 1000. They found that last year, there wasn't any incentive for folks to continue past the original cap of 600. So this year they made the cap astronomical with the assumption that few, if any, would actually reach it.
@omegaminus_sk said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
@Vipersneak said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
@omegaminus_sk said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
I may start running my own season mode in Play vs. CPU using iScore to score the games and track stats.
Why can't SDS simply have a franchise mode where we use our collection of cards and our team?
Custom Leagues is so close. If they made it so that it could be singleplayer from the get-go (with the CPU controlling either live series teams or using teams pulled from other players, Extra Innings style) and counted as DD for mission purposes I would love it.
That was what I had hoped it was this year. Was disappointed, as usual, when I seen the SDS implementation.
@SaveFarris said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
@Vipersneak said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
They did not include enough program stars for offline players, yet online players can get to 1000.
You're not supposed to get to 1000. They found that last year, there wasn't any incentive for folks to continue past the original cap of 600. So this year they made the cap astronomical with the assumption that few, if any, would actually reach it.
You missed the point entirely. I do not expect to get to 1000 stars. I do expect to easily get to 300 stars though, and yet online players are finding it easy to get over 600.