Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.
This is on you, not SDS. Either you like baseball enough to play the game more or you don’t, but you aren’t entitled to get 300 stars without actually playing. On top of that, there were/are 28 days in the program, which means 28 dailies where (even just offline) you should be able to get 4 points a day (ie 112 points just from those).
Dolenzreplied to GradektheBard on Apr 1, 2020, 3:00 PM last edited by Dolenz_PSN Apr 1, 2020, 3:01 PM
@GradektheBard said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
This is on you, not SDS. Either you like baseball enough to play the game more or you don’t, but you aren’t entitled to get 300 stars without actually playing. On top of that, there were/are 28 days in the program, which means 28 dailies where (even just offline) you should be able to get 4 points a day (ie 112 points just from those).
According to my profile I have 72 hours played so far, or 4 hours a day since release. How much more time am I expected to devote to it?
@GradektheBard said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
This is on you, not SDS. Either you like baseball enough to play the game more or you don’t, but you aren’t entitled to get 300 stars without actually playing. On top of that, there were/are 28 days in the program, which means 28 dailies where (even just offline) you should be able to get 4 points a day (ie 112 points just from those).
Unless they want you to exchange a 3000 stub pair of glasses for 2 program points...
I mean honestly your best bet is to keep trying showdown this way you’re grinding towards something and even if you fail you’re getting xo which gives you stars overtime, not proud to say but i’ve gotten about 30 stars so far just by failing showdown over and over. And i usually make it to second boss everytime which actually gets me about an extra 500 on top of the 500 you pay.
I play way less than you (stuck home with a kid and wife) and closing in on 400. Played maybe 15 games of RS, mostly Conquest, very few Moments and none to completion within a set (those are boringly rinse and repeat until you get lucky). One MtO reg. season only. Did beginners, 1st Inning, AL East/Central, now West Showdowns. Do more programs through exchanges or Conquest games for X innings with players for Y team maybe?
They really dropped the ball with content thus far this year as far as I'm concerned.
Last year I consistently got 600+ program stars without trying all that hard, so seeing a goal at 1000 had me excited that there would be lots to do. I only hit the 300 stars mark yesterday. There just isn't enough different goals to work towards.
you have 2 prospect cards already, tebow and the one for your team, you need 8 more for the collect to get 20 1st inning stars. 25 stars with 8 teams, load up your lineup go into conquest ,every 9 games (then play cpu at home to pitch for the half inning, will get 5 stars for the team, each conquest map you'll get this 3 times, do steal fans at beginning and it's 4-5 per map, do the team mission at same time for another 5 stars for the team. all the while it's 1 inning star per game.
I did the team mission for every team,collected 8 of the non diamond teams and grinded the 250 inning twice and completed the prospect collect for the 1st inning. and all the xp you earn for the reward path, and at the end of the map its 1k stubs 5 k xp and a 10 pk bundle. which helps with collecting or your bank, lower market now but I sold off all the 1st one and got 30k from it( think it was 12k on most recent a week ago)
so definitely very worthwhile -
Completed the conquest map 5 times now. Sitting over 650 and was able to buy Trout by selling Pearson. I think it’s all perspective. Completing 5 Face of the Franchise and 10 of the prospect cards.
On a side question -
Any moments actually give extra stars?
I dunno. I am completely offline player and currently at 502 program stars. I have played through the US conquest MAP like 4 times though to get free 10 packs......and also did are collections to get 75 stars for 1st inning and the 10 prospects. Totally bored with US conquest map so wont do that for a while, but thinking I should be able to hit 600 easily over next week. But even without the collections, I was able to hit 300 already...Did you also do Granderson and Kerry Wood, they get you like 60 or 80 program stars I think to combined
A huge part of DD is the card collection, but there's so little that can be done with it in singleplayer. I've been wanting more for years, but they don't seem to care.
I'm at 666 stubs, and not only am I concerned about being sacrificed to Moloch, I would've been well over 300 without the showdown
I'm a mostly offliner. Working on USA Conquest #4.
Haven't done 1st inning Showdown.
Haven't done any collection (except Wood)I'm at over 440 stars.
If you're only at 205, you're doing it wrong.
@mtlanier said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
@Dolenz said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
@DirtySixThirty91 said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
Any game you play with your DD team even against the cpu counts towards stars.
I realize that but it feels like meaningless grinding though and meaningless grinding for 20-30 more hours is not appealing at all.
...but offline play is, in essence, meaningless grinding
It wouldn't be if they had some more offline modes for DD! Why not offline events against other DD teams that are CPU controlled?
Or a March to October type of mode where I can play my DD team against other (CPU controlled) DD teams. Rewards can be based on difficulty, standings/outcome based as well as stat based.
ebbets1957replied to SaveFarris on Apr 1, 2020, 3:29 PM last edited by ebbets1957_PSN Apr 1, 2020, 3:30 PM
@SaveFarris said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
I'm a mostly offliner. Working on USA Conquest #4.
Haven't done 1st inning Showdown.
Haven't done any collection (except Wood)I'm at over 440 stars.
If you're only at 205, you're doing it wrong.
This for sure. And I have found that re-doing the US conquest map of offline play is great for grinding out stats towards the Team Affinities, which I have 6 off them now (Gleyber, Tatis, Gallo, Snell, Moncada and Posey).
I think the problem is that they expected Showdowns to keep people busy. Unfortunately, a lot of the casual players hate them because of the stub cost. That is where they dropped the ball.
sandulereplied to omegaminus_sk on Apr 1, 2020, 3:31 PM last edited by sandule_PSN Apr 1, 2020, 3:32 PM
@omegaminus_sk said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
A huge part of DD is the card collection, but there's so little that can be done with it in singleplayer. I've been wanting more for years, but they don't seem to care.
They will never care about offline as most offline players are not pay to play. Online players spend more money as they want better players to be able to compete!
I was hoping this year would be different as they mentioned more offline, which showdown is ok, but it's not offline with my DD team. I for one will not be preordering next year and will just buy the base game used. No reason for offline person to preorder any of the special editions since we can't do anything with our DD team except play conquest!
There are some good showdown video tutorials that should help you out! Once you finish showdown you're basically there so stick with it!
However, I figured we'd have another Conquest map or a few new missions by now too. The Granderson and Wood missions were fun but I don't think they actually gave you program stars. It kind of evens out when you "collect" the legend in the missions though.
@e85taban said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
Any moments actually give extra stars?
No, at least not at this time.
@Malabarista42 said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
I think the problem is that they expected Showdowns to keep people busy. Unfortunately, a lot of the casual players hate them because of the stub cost. That is where they dropped the ball.
@Malabarista42 said in Offline DD - No path to 300 without Showdown or expensive collections is killing my desire to continue.:
I think the problem is that they expected Showdowns to keep people busy. Unfortunately, a lot of the casual players hate them because of the stub cost. That is where they dropped the ball.
People hate showdown because of the difficulty, not the stub cost. If they were easier almost nobody would have a problem make their stubs back. I personally love showdown, even though i’m not great at it. I think its the best offline mode they have introduced. 1000 stubs means nothing to me either. Anyone can make that back on the market in 20 minutes if they know how to.
Not sure what more you want. It’s the same as last year minus the individual moments (replaced by showdown). Dailies help a lot. Obviously some exchanges (sunglasses, catcher mask) aren’t worth it. Just wait til the next day and skip to the next.
But you can grind CPU games with different teams to work on TAs. Getting 25 points on TAs unlocks a prospect. Unlock a few of those to complete that collection for the program.
But a lot of points are made just by playing the game. And if you aren’t playing online then your option is grinding CPU or conquest. Not any different from last year unless I’m mistaken.