I’m convinced that feedback means nothing
@DeleteyourTTVBTW_MLBTS said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
@TheHungryHole said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
@SuntLacrimae50_MLBTS said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
@CCARR77_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
This is the only game I know of that you can't get better by practicing.
You can't work on hitting because it's a different outcome even if the input, timing and contact is the same.
How did I just go opposite field when I swung so early that it was in the yellow on the feedback?
That's a ridiculous statement.
Two things can be true at the same time. I haven't played a game of ranked in months. I'd get smoked if I played someone on HOF. But I could (I won't) go take BP for a night on Legend and then be much better. So yes, you can get better.
AND the rng in the game can still exist.
I can such and strike out a lot, or get better and make contact a lot. Then when I make contact, the rng does its thing.
But the more I make contact, the greater my chances of winning.
100% mate
Maybe like 50%
The homeruns from non pci swings still count, as do the perfects that go nowhere. Taking months off and needing a couple hours of BP isn’t “practice” or “getting better” that’s just warming up. When’s the last time you saw a good player grinding BP for hours and hours? When they take 3 months off…that’s it. You’d be better by now if you could get better. It’s been half a decade, it hasn’t happened.
Dudes taking about working on timing. Ball placement is a whole nother thing.
These guys can watch their outfielders catch balls without even touching their controllers, but don't believe offense is the same. It's crazy out here.
@CCARR77_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
This is the only game I know of that you can't get better by practicing.
You can't work on hitting because it's a different outcome even if the input, timing and contact is the same.
But it’s NOT “the same”.
Micro changes imperceptible to humans in those categories but easily captured by CPUs can vastly differentiate outcomes. Now THAT’S chaos…
@SaveFarris_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
@CCARR77_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
This is the only game I know of that you can't get better by practicing.
You can't work on hitting because it's a different outcome even if the input, timing and contact is the same.
But it’s NOT “the same”.
Micro changes imperceptible to humans in those categories but easily captured by CPUs can vastly differentiate outcomes. Now THAT’S chaos…
I bet you got a big brain
I’m telling y’all…turn that stuff off. Pitch feedback. Swing feedback. The white dot that pops up after a pitch is thrown….
It will make the game more rewarding and you’ll both be able to focus and enjoy the game more.
Everyone seems to have their own expectations of outcomes based on the feedback data so you’re bound to be disappointed!
For example the, “every perfect swing should result in a HR,” camp (which is flat bonkers to me). For some real life context, in last nights Padres game the three hardest hit balls resulted in the following outcomes:
The hardest hit ball resulted in a groundout. (So literally not even a hit).
The second hardest ball resulted in a double. (Cool)
The third hardest hit ball resulted in a single (Just fine sunglasses emoji).
How’s that for, “RNG?”
If the phrase, “late sided good,” is in your vocabulary, do yourself a favor and turn…feedback…off.
@QuakesSJQT_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
I’m telling y’all…turn that stuff off. Pitch feedback. Swing feedback. The white dot that pops up after a pitch is thrown….
It will make the game more rewarding and you’ll both be able to focus and enjoy the game more.
Everyone seems to have their own expectations of outcomes based on the feedback data so you’re bound to be disappointed!
For example the, “every perfect swing should result in a HR,” camp (which is flat bonkers to me). For some real life context, in last nights Padres game the three hardest hit balls resulted in the following outcomes:
The hardest hit ball resulted in a groundout. (So literally not even a hit).
The second hardest ball resulted in a double. (Cool)
The third hardest hit ball resulted in a single (Just fine sunglasses emoji).
How’s that for, “RNG?”
If the phrase, “late sided good,” is in your vocabulary, do yourself a favor and turn…feedback…off.
"Don't like what you're seeing? Close your eyes!"
@QuakesSJQT_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
I’m telling y’all…turn that stuff off. Pitch feedback. Swing feedback. The white dot that pops up after a pitch is thrown….
It will make the game more rewarding and you’ll both be able to focus and enjoy the game more.
Everyone seems to have their own expectations of outcomes based on the feedback data so you’re bound to be disappointed!
For example the, “every perfect swing should result in a HR,” camp (which is flat bonkers to me). For some real life context, in last nights Padres game the three hardest hit balls resulted in the following outcomes:
The hardest hit ball resulted in a groundout. (So literally not even a hit).
The second hardest ball resulted in a double. (Cool)
The third hardest hit ball resulted in a single (Just fine sunglasses emoji).
How’s that for, “RNG?”
If the phrase, “late sided good,” is in your vocabulary, do yourself a favor and turn…feedback…off.
Exactly right. I just don't get why people obsess over this stuff. There's never any context to the complaints people make. It's always, "the game screwed me because my opponent hit a homer and his timing was early". Well perhaps they were early on a breaking ball that started in the zone and was going to break out.
Also, the people that go absolutely bonkers about card attributes. Who cares? Who pays that much attention to the attributes and how much difference do you think these differences make amongst varying levels of diamond cards? The complaints about getting a crappy diamond for player X because he "only" has like a 90 vision...
Who cares? Just play the game. Have fun and don't act like your entitled to get a hit every time you hit the ball hard.
@QuakesSJQT_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
I’m telling y’all…turn that stuff off. Pitch feedback. Swing feedback. The white dot that pops up after a pitch is thrown….
It will make the game more rewarding and you’ll both be able to focus and enjoy the game more.
Everyone seems to have their own expectations of outcomes based on the feedback data so you’re bound to be disappointed!
One of my favorite anecdotes from one of the great all time baseball books (Men at Work) is Tony Gwynn recounting how he hit 2 home runs one night but hated his swing then went 0-4 the next night but feeling that he swung better.
You can't "hit the ball where you want"? Umm, okay. Generally, when I swing high it goes on the ground; low, it goes in the air; late, it goes oppo; early, pull. Usually. But then again, I'm not good enough to really do that intentionally -- I don't have good enough control of the PCI and pitches come in fast (or slow).
I think everyone also needs to remember that pitchers' attributes mitigate against hitters' attributes AND against user input. It's a video game, so there has to be some artificial give and take.
I’m actually comforted by all the replies. I agree with most of you. I’ve been saying for a while that it is really difficult to actually get better at this game. There are too many variables.
Over long periods of time, like years, I think you can improve. My pci placement has definitely improved since 2016. That said, I don’t agree with the idea that the card attributes don’t matter. They matter too much, imo. How many times have you outhit your opponent thoroughly but lost on three solo home runs on questionable swings?
@darkblue1876_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
That's because it does mean nothing. This is basically like a match 3 game. You either get the lucky board and win, or you do not get the lucky board and do not win. If you don't get the lucky board SDS will cheat like crazy on behalf of the other team to get the result they decided before the game started.
Last week I had a game where I had multiple "perfect" releases aimed for the corner, or outside edge and my "perfect" release literally put the ball dead center of the strike zone where the other guy got 4 no doubt home runs. They may as well not even have the release action and just have you mash buttons to pitch and hit.
This game is slowly reverting back to triple play baseball. "Working as intended".
I mean what type pitch and did the PAR (I think that's what the circle around the ball is called) of the pitch big enough to include the middle of the plate? on some of the pitchers worst pitch types the PAR can be as big as a quarter of the SX, so if it is perfect it could still go to the part in the middle.
That’s a perfect example of why it’s hard to get better. They introduced ppp because of all the complaints in the community about “gravity balls” or “forced meatballs”.
Then they introduced PAR because the community complained that pinpoint was OP.
Full circle. Nobody knows when their pitch might go right down the middle, or why.
Working as intended.
@halfbutt_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
I’m actually comforted by all the replies. I agree with most of you. I’ve been saying for a while that it is really difficult to actually get better at this game. There are too many variables.
Over long periods of time, like years, I think you can improve. My pci placement has definitely improved since 2016. That said, I don’t agree with the idea that the card attributes don’t matter. They matter too much, imo. How many times have you outhit your opponent thoroughly but lost on three solo home runs on questionable swings?
Wow. When you put it that way Diamond Dynasty really is just a great looking baseball “arcade” game. I hate to say that because “arcade” is kinda derogatory but I think that’s the product. You take what is a sim experience and then juice it with pumped up cards and a meta that favors HRs or bust because, let’s be honest, that’s what most folks who buy the game want.. and you get Ozzie Smith with 90+ HR ratings.
And let’s be honest. It’s fun. That’s why we all are still playing 8 months after launch.
Therefore I think expectations from a user standpoint are critical.
If you want to be able and pick up a baseball video game and be able to hit a baseball (the hardest thing to do in sports) in the first 5 minutes, and then hit a HR in the first 10 minutes (which most people who buy the game expect to be able to do) then the whole concept of any semblance of realism is out the door. So stop asking for it. It’s the same as all the attributes you add to players in Fifa or MUT in Madden. It’s arcade fantasy that satiates the masses. NBA 2k3 games with guys greening fading away threes all day. Sport video game high theater….
Now, if you want sim (which I do) you have to try and carve out a less frequented and importantly, less supported space. However it is there. Last night I played a super fun game of Online Rated. 0-0 going into the bottom of the 9th…I had struck out 12 times…hit a bullet off the wall to score a runner from first to win in a walk off. Ton of fun. Rewarding. But I’m in the minority of folks who find that rewarding.
Your point is well taken. It’s supposed to be all about fun, and good that you’re still enjoying the game.
I am too, in my own way, although I had to take a break from the game for most of 22.
I don’t disagree with you though.
To keep on topic though, I’d say the feedback du jour is the 11-12 pci hits. Any time something questionable happens in game, if I look at pci feedback, it’s usually an 11.
My last game just now, an event, I was facing a guy using Chris Sale. He refused to throw strikes at all so after the first inning, I started taking pitches. He refused to give in and just kept throwing sliders as far down and in (or down and away) as he could.
My first two guys walked, then, with Edgar Martinez hitting, I put my pci as far inside and down as it would go, literally holding the stick at its limit. Sure enough, he threw a slider there and it left the park down the line for a three run bomb. Pci score? 11.
Sim or arcade?
If you have good swings at a very constant rate you reduce the impact of the times you get screwed.
If you take more good swings than your opponent the odds of winning increase the higher amount of good swings made than your opponent.
Pretty obvious stuff if you’ve played this game enough.
This is true, in the long term. In the short term, like over the course of one game, my experience unfortunately is that it is not. I’m sure we’ve all lost games where we’ve had more good swings than our opponents.
This is my biggest beef with the gameplay.
@halfbutt_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
This is true, in the long term. In the short term, like over the course of one game, my experience unfortunately is that it is not. I’m sure we’ve all lost games where we’ve had more good swings than our opponents.
This is my biggest beef with the gameplay.no, what they said is absolutely true in the short run. all they said is that it gives you higher odds of winning, which it does. you can still lose with better winning odds than your opponent.
@MAM8A-245300_XBL said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
@halfbutt_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
This is true, in the long term. In the short term, like over the course of one game, my experience unfortunately is that it is not. I’m sure we’ve all lost games where we’ve had more good swings than our opponents.
This is my biggest beef with the gameplay.no, what they said is absolutely true in the short run. all they said is that it gives you higher odds of winning, which it does. you can still lose with better winning odds than your opponent.
So are you saying you’ve never lost a game to a player who had less good swings than you?
I honestly wish this was true.
@halfbutt_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
@MAM8A-245300_XBL said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
@halfbutt_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
This is true, in the long term. In the short term, like over the course of one game, my experience unfortunately is that it is not. I’m sure we’ve all lost games where we’ve had more good swings than our opponents.
This is my biggest beef with the gameplay.no, what they said is absolutely true in the short run. all they said is that it gives you higher odds of winning, which it does. you can still lose with better winning odds than your opponent.
So are you saying you’ve never lost a game to a player who had less good swings than you?
I honestly wish this was true.
no. you are just reading what you want to read rather than seeing what we are trying to say. you can lose a game like that, but the probability of it happening are lower than 50%.
for sake of this example lets say you match someone exactly equal skill. its a 50/50 chance going in who will win. if you square the ball up that game consistently more than your opponent, your win probability will increase. lets just call it 75/25 for the sake of simplicity. there is still a 25% chance you lose based on lucky breaks or timely clutch moments for the opponent. but if you out hit your opponents consistently over a decent sample size, you will win roughly the right number of games as you'd be expected to.
Yes, you just proved my point!
“Over a decent sample size” is not the short term. -
@halfbutt_PSN said in I’m convinced that feedback means nothing:
Yes, you just proved my point!
“Over a decent sample size” is not the short term.No, you missed mine. You have a better chance at winning any given game by squaring the ball up more than your opponent. That does not mean you will win. Yes in the long run your results will likely regress to your expected win percentage, but that's because you will win the individual games you make better contact than your opponent a large majority of the time, but not always. There will be (fewer) times when you lose with a 75% expected win, but you'd expect that 1 out of every 4 times.