Do people still lag switch?
@bonion said in Do people still lag switch?:
Game last night every time I put ball into play his outfielders would just run into the outfield wall glitching, I had no control over runner, I’m out at second without even seeing the play made. Mb I was out at third I don’t know bc I couldn’t see it. All other frame rates were fine. When his hits were in play game ran fine. It wasn’t my internet connection. He was winning but then got a disconnect and I got the win. MB SDS is countering these type players? Didn’t play 19 so not sure if it still exists out there or not. Thanks for any responses
I lost a game the other day on something like this. I hit a deep fly ball and his CF sat there and so I sent all my guys thinking he missed it or his controller died. I hate two men on and no outs. Next think I see is a game over screen and apparently he got a triple play.....
@bonion said in Do people still lag switch?:
@Crimson_Monk that sucks man, I’d be so angry. Looks like the guy I played switched so many times that the server kicked him. That would be nice if that was the case for all lag switchers
Yeah the smart ones use it on key plays bc if you do it to much you get kicked off line.
I had this happen to me in a game, but it was every time he hit, like my pitcher would glitch out right after I released the ball before he would start his swing.... did it to me once on a play like you had, and got me in a douple play... couldn’t see runner , exact same thing. I still got a run up on him cause he cheats due to sucking. Like 4th inning he was doing so it much it kicked him and game me the win
@Crimson_Monk said in Do people still lag switch?:
@bonion said in Do people still lag switch?:
Game last night every time I put ball into play his outfielders would just run into the outfield wall glitching, I had no control over runner, I’m out at second without even seeing the play made. Mb I was out at third I don’t know bc I couldn’t see it. All other frame rates were fine. When his hits were in play game ran fine. It wasn’t my internet connection. He was winning but then got a disconnect and I got the win. MB SDS is countering these type players? Didn’t play 19 so not sure if it still exists out there or not. Thanks for any responses
I lost a game the other day on something like this. I hit a deep fly ball and his CF sat there and so I sent all my guys thinking he missed it or his controller died. I hate two men on and no outs. Next think I see is a game over screen and apparently he got a triple play.....
Had that happen today as well. Reported it after the game as a connection issue. Guy got a double play on me after I had no control of my players.
What exactly is a lag switch?
I've played this game since it was called mlb05, even before it was called the show. People would pull their Ethernet cord lol. My guess is, they're cheating somehow and it's intentional. It's Happened to me as well. It seems malicious and you got the win probably due to them pushing the envelope so far. I bring up my long tenure playing this game as a reference point. I've seen it all, and my vote would be that it is done on purpose. seeing an old field are running to the wall, and then being thrown out not really seeing anything seems to me that it's done on purpose.
Yup I had a guy I was playing last night and when I was pitching, after my pitcher would release the ball, all of a sudden the ball would lag and slow down and you could see clear frame rate chops when he started swinging. All of a sudden he's standing on 2B and my RF had the ball in his hands. This happened several times. Seems like it made all my pitches go right down the middle and then I couldn't even defend when he made contact until after he was already on base