New program has absolutely killed NMS
magic1313replied to Ericulous1 on Apr 2, 2022, 7:49 PM last edited by magic1313_XBL Apr 2, 2022, 7:52 PM
@ericulous1_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@charterbus_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
Im finding MTO the best grind right now. About 90k on allstar plus whatever else you earn from each game. A guy on my friends list did it first and already has a boss when I started. If I do it a second time I’ll be at the choice packs
Started a MTO grind as well love how that goes towards the programs makes being offline grinding a dream
Hey, do you know how the difficulties work on MTO? I notice there are like 3 additional ones. Is Dyanamic lower than Rookie? You've been good at talking me down during this emotional time in the wake of Team Affinity dying and so far I have to say, you're right and I think I may have jumped the gun. There are simply different ways to do it this year that are also fun. Just need to adapt..
Anyway, I'm not the world's greatest player, so what would you reccomend on MTO? Thanks.
Dynamic adjusts as you play, I forgot exactly how it averages out the difficulty when it comes to rewards, just know, in the past if you start on dynamic and change the difficulty mid way, you will get beginner rewards, I would recommend starting on All Star, you can bump up the difficulty or lower the difficulty based on how hard you find it and not get bumped to the beginner rewards, you will be lowered to veteran if you go down.
I personally love MTO, I play mostly if not exclusively as offline for DD, I also am in no rush to get any card as fast as I can, I enjoy the process more than the result.
What are the cards that you feel are pay to win ?
I've always been a NMS, playing DD since 1st year and always made all the collections. Some years i got the live series collection done in june/july but last year was too easy. It's never fun to play a game/mode with no challenge. -
magic1313replied to kidcharlemagne22 on Apr 2, 2022, 7:58 PM last edited by magic1313_XBL Apr 2, 2022, 7:59 PM
@kidcharlemagne22 said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
What are the cards that you feel are pay to win ?
I've always been a NMS, playing DD since 1st year and always made all the collections. Some years i got the live series collection done in june/july but last year was too easy. It's never fun to play a game/mode with no challenge.not sure who you are asking, and sticking my nose in a little here, but people can enjoy the game however they enjoy it, I personally agree with you that challenge is fun, I play my conquest games on HOF or Legend for the challenge, some people like to breeze through that stuff as they like the collecting aspect more.
I think it is pretty clear that they have moved away from NMS being so easy, and there is a quick reaction towards that, time will tell just how far they move from the NMS ease. I will reserve my judgement until then, still a long way to go to reach EA type
And I agree last year was super easy to play NMS, but I didn't hate that either, I made it more challenging on myself by not doing exchanges and other faster methods
@ericulous1_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@charterbus_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
Im finding MTO the best grind right now. About 90k on allstar plus whatever else you earn from each game. A guy on my friends list did it first and already has a boss when I started. If I do it a second time I’ll be at the choice packs
Started a MTO grind as well love how that goes towards the programs makes being offline grinding a dream
Hey, do you know how the difficulties work on MTO? I notice there are like 3 additional ones. Is Dyanamic lower than Rookie? You've been good at talking me down during this emotional time in the wake of Team Affinity dying and so far I have to say, you're right and I think I may have jumped the gun. There are simply different ways to do it this year that are also fun. Just need to adapt..
Anyway, I'm not the world's greatest player, so what would you reccomend on MTO? Thanks.
So depending on what difficulty you play will determine how much xp you get and it works on a scale so get am A+ ranking get max xp get a low rating get the base xp so progress no matter what. I don't know the xp rewards per difficulty bit if you look under the program I think it's say.
You can grind out a MTO on Vet in a good 3 or 4 days and you will rake up a good amount of xp from what I remember.
MTO is good to break of things cause you don't have to worry about line ups and Parallels you just play baseball game with different situations an it goes to towards the main program so you don't miss out. Again another reason this change is positive cause you can play so many different offline modes and still progress
Ericulous1replied to cdnmoneymaker93 on Apr 3, 2022, 12:59 AM last edited by Ericulous1_PSN Apr 3, 2022, 12:59 AM
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@ericulous1_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@charterbus_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
Im finding MTO the best grind right now. About 90k on allstar plus whatever else you earn from each game. A guy on my friends list did it first and already has a boss when I started. If I do it a second time I’ll be at the choice packs
Started a MTO grind as well love how that goes towards the programs makes being offline grinding a dream
Hey, do you know how the difficulties work on MTO? I notice there are like 3 additional ones. Is Dyanamic lower than Rookie? You've been good at talking me down during this emotional time in the wake of Team Affinity dying and so far I have to say, you're right and I think I may have jumped the gun. There are simply different ways to do it this year that are also fun. Just need to adapt..
Anyway, I'm not the world's greatest player, so what would you reccomend on MTO? Thanks.
So depending on what difficulty you play will determine how much xp you get and it works on a scale so get am A+ ranking get max xp get a low rating get the base xp so progress no matter what. I don't know the xp rewards per difficulty bit if you look under the program I think it's say.
You can grind out a MTO on Vet in a good 3 or 4 days and you will rake up a good amount of xp from what I remember.
MTO is good to break of things cause you don't have to worry about line ups and Parallels you just play baseball game with different situations an it goes to towards the main program so you don't miss out. Again another reason this change is positive cause you can play so many different offline modes and still progress
Yeah, I need to remember that I didn't start day 1 last year. I started in May. By then there was soooooo much content. I can't imagine they will pull off the throttle on cards and content. It's just packaged in a different way.
@kovz88_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@triiiiipyyy_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@kovz88_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
People would be able to grind more if they didn't make 5 topics comparing SDS to EA on day 1 of early access.
Almost like the servers are on maintenance right now. I’m simply pointing out what a lot of the community is talking about. They have changed things and it’s NOT for the better. You just haven’t played this game long obviously.
I've been playing the Show since it originally started actually. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them a new player. Honestly you sound like the new guy if you don't think with their track record they are gonna add plenty of programs and other ways to grind for stuff. People made the same complaint last year 'casuals are never gonna get the bosses'. A month into the game you never heard that again
I actually only got two inning packs all of last year lol. I would finish team affinity in about 2 days, take that team into ranked, play until WS and go play other games or do something with my life
@gixxerryder750 said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
What showdowns could you replay for progress? Other than RIB?
TA? The real issue is that they destroyed TA
Nobody better ever compare the show to Madden. Madden is horrible. First of all, where in madden do you get to collect cards and then trade those cards in, and still keep the traded in cards, while getting a new better card? Madden Blows
I enjoyed being able to work on TA for the 42 series right out the gate last year. Now, we need to grind XP for what used to be the inning program to not have a choice in which players we receive for the non-sellables. Out of the 30 cards, we only get 12 for free, and have to buy the other 18 for the collection. Last year, it was 30 non-sellable and 10 you had to buy (minus the one or two from preorder).
Edit: oh and I forgot. There were a ton of packs for each TA division as well. The grind this year is only for the XP inning program … and I guess the mini seasons that no one can complete - I won two but I’m showing 0-2.
@triiiiipyyy_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@gixxerryder750 said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
What showdowns could you replay for progress? Other than RIB?
Last year you could replay a showdowns for each division for team affinity players for program points, now it’s just one showdown that gives you xp ONE time
Because this isn't team affinity. This is like the 1st inning player program. Showdown for it was only once. There's a reason it lasts a month. There will be plenty of ways to get xp as well as double xp times. Calm down
The main issues was people xp glitching and completely the whole thing in a day..Now they make you actually have to play the game. It's just terrible
So what I take away from this thread is that when SDS makes no changes they are accused of being lazy and people dislike them. And then when they actually try and change things up people dislike them for that too.
nymets1987replied to xxwarxxmachine on Apr 3, 2022, 4:58 AM last edited by nymets1987_MLBTS Apr 3, 2022, 4:58 AM
@xxwarxxmachine_mlbts said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
The main issues was people xp glitching and completely the whole thing in a day..Now they make you actually have to play the game. It's just terrible
My issue is people like me who didn’t exploit the glitch don’t have the conquest map and other programs yet so I am currently at 45k and I have played over 5 hours
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@triiiiipyyy_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
It’s just sad to see this game finally go the EA route, they’re killing their player base with this new program setup, they have absolutely made no money spent impossible. This grind is ridiculous, we should be able to replay the showdowns like last year for progress can only play it once now. It’s gonna be nothing but wallet warriors in ranked seasons, hopefully the next program will be different, but the way of this new program layout is HORRIBLE they had no reason to change it, ppl praised this game for the programs and grind 99, they changed their model up and are going the EA route. RIP to what used to be the best ultimate team mode.
I need a detailed list of reasons as to why this game has killed NMS. You know, evidence?
I have no way of knowing, myself. My Series X is lying to me on when the download is gonna finish. It estimated two hours when I popped the disc in at 24 mbps, but that was two hours ago. I'm already pissed at the game and I haven't even been able to play it yet.
I'm halfway through the xp path and haven't sold anything. All together I've made about 40k stubs, they 2042d this game.
@xxwarxxmachine_mlbts said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@triiiiipyyy_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@gixxerryder750 said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
What showdowns could you replay for progress? Other than RIB?
Last year you could replay a showdowns for each division for team affinity players for program points, now it’s just one showdown that gives you xp ONE time
Because this isn't team affinity. This is like the 1st inning player program. Showdown for it was only once. There's a reason it lasts a month. There will be plenty of ways to get xp as well as double xp times. Calm down
There's always one that will defend this money grabbing garbage. You should be ashamed of yourself l..... unless you're incapable....
@dolenz_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
So what I take away from this thread is that when SDS makes no changes they are accused of being lazy and people dislike them. And then when they actually try and change things up people dislike them for that too.
vast over simplification. not all changes are good changes, when people clamor for SDS to upgrade modes they are within reason to think that any changes that get made will make the game better not take content away
Here's the thing too, everyone that's not bashing the game right now and saying to calm down will totally be willing to get upset with everyone if the future programs are bare and we don't get any other ways of gaining XP. On the other hand I doubt any of the people throwing fits right now will ever acknowledge when things are fixed. They will still be pissy and say things like "game shouldn't have been broken to begin with".
I'm glad nowadays company can actually fix games after release. Back in the day if you pre ordered a game and then when you got it realized it was a broken buggy mess too bad. No updates, no internet connection, play through the bugs or eat the loss. -
@ny_giants4_life said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
not all changes are good changes
Who gets to decide what good changes are or should we just take your word for it.
I personally don't know if the changes are good or bad. I think 2 days into early access is way to soon to jump to any conclusions.
@dolenz_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@ny_giants4_life said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
not all changes are good changes
Who gets to decide what good changes are or should we just take your word for it.
I personally don't know if the changes are good or bad. I think 2 days into early access is way to soon to jump to any conclusions.
that's fair but the consensus as of rn is not good if you couldn't tell. We'll see but if the programs are going to continue to be like this we are in for a long year.
@ny_giants4_life said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@dolenz_psn said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
@ny_giants4_life said in New program has absolutely killed NMS:
not all changes are good changes
Who gets to decide what good changes are or should we just take your word for it.
I personally don't know if the changes are good or bad. I think 2 days into early access is way to soon to jump to any conclusions.
that's fair but the consensus as of rn is not good if you couldn't tell. We'll see but if the programs are going to continue to be like this we are in for a long year.
None of us can know what the consensus is because we are a small percentage of the player base. The people complaining are just the loudest right now, there are plenty of people taking the wait and see approach