If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....
ALL I’m SAYING is that GRAMMATICALLY these BOLD LETTERS ruin your tone and make it seem like your SCREAMING every other word. I understand using it for the MAIN POINTS but your just emphasizing buzz words at this point like a YouTube title. This would be like if demise went NON PCI HOME RUN WHIFFLE BALL SEVER CITY
I felt like adding this
OVERALL it’s not a huge deal and some people are over reacting. But being someone who knows a lot about tone in writing this just feels like some weird ad and whenever I see the BOLD I hear the vine boom so I guess it’s not all bad. But it’s weird, at least to me. -
@lazy_toast_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@hikes83_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@maddogtannen777_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@tonythetiger2k16 said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@maddogtannen777_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
I dont understand what the issue is with the Bold? Does it REALLY bother you THAT much to give the Topic creator a hard time and not even answer the question?
Thank you MadDog. Or should I say "THANK YOU" .... Lol
I just hate bullies, and INTERNET bullies especially. Would these people say this kind of stuff to our faces? I highly doubt it.
When you’re able to talk with me face to face and include bold words, we’ll discuss
Lmao! Like people who make quotation marks with there hands while talking
Lol exactly
@lazy_toast_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@hikes83_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@maddogtannen777_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@tonythetiger2k16 said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@maddogtannen777_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
I dont understand what the issue is with the Bold? Does it REALLY bother you THAT much to give the Topic creator a hard time and not even answer the question?
Thank you MadDog. Or should I say "THANK YOU" .... Lol
I just hate bullies, and INTERNET bullies especially. Would these people say this kind of stuff to our faces? I highly doubt it.
When you’re able to talk with me face to face and include bold words, we’ll discuss
Lmao! Like people who make quotation marks with there hands while talking
I do that "all" the time.
@tonythetiger2k16 said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
So many talks that Manfred will Officially bring the DH to the NL next year 2022, if that does become the new norm or the NL.
Will SDS make ON-Line Play with DH now too ???
I think they would because now both AL & NL are using DH. I feel this would be awesome for any ON-Line Play (Ranked, Events & BR) & even Off-Line play (Moments, Missions, Conquest & Vs PC) because it takes a way that 95% guaranteed out with the pitcher or forcing your hand to take out your starter if his at bat is at a very crucial point. Our bench could be used more for defensive subs for the late Innings. Or even for situational strategic pinch hitting. You may want or need to pinch hit to go Righty/Lefty or Lefty/Righty, or need someone who has a better chance to get a hit or just looking to go yard. Etc.
What Impact you feel this will have?
I 100% would love a universal DH in the show. Let me use 9 actual hitters. Plus it would eliminate the absolute idiocy in moments where you're playing an AL team in an AL ballpark and the pitcher is hitting for some reason
@itsjackb-yt_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
ALL I’m SAYING is that GRAMMATICALLY these BOLD LETTERS ruin your tone and make it seem like your SCREAMING every other word. I understand using it for the MAIN POINTS but your just emphasizing buzz words at this point like a YouTube title. This would be like if demise went NON PCI HOME RUN WHIFFLE BALL SEVER CITY
I felt like adding this
OVERALL it’s not a huge deal and some people are over reacting. But being someone who knows a lot about tone in writing this just feels like some weird ad and whenever I see the BOLD I hear the vine boom so I guess it’s not all bad. But it’s weird, at least to me.But the OP didn’t use bold every other word. He used it for his “MAIN POINT” question and that’s it. Also being someone who knows a lot about tone in writing, his post is completely fine. The only problem he has grammatically is capitalizing words that shouldn’t be capitalized.
DH is the worst thing to happen to baseball. American league is too afraid to mess up their manicures. NL better not ever go to DH, you grow up playing baseball, everyone hits. This whole thought process to have someone who can't play defense to be able to make a team because they are worried a pitcher...might get hit. I want to see the stats for how many pitchers get hurt batting a year compared to total AB.
@baracesilk_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
DH is the worst thing to happen to baseball. American league is too afraid to mess up their manicures. NL better not ever go to DH, you grow up playing baseball, everyone hits. This whole thought process to have someone who can't play defense to be able to make a team because they are worried a pitcher...might get hit. I want to see the stats for how many pitchers get hurt batting a year compared to total AB.
Once you get out of high school pitchers don't hit, there are a few that do, but kinda rare.
At least the OP is someone who is savvy enough to use the features in this forum!
God knows a lot of you don't use the edit function. The misspells here are incredible sometimes. -
@itsjackb-yt_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
ALL I’m SAYING is that GRAMMATICALLY these BOLD LETTERS ruin your tone and make it seem like your SCREAMING every other word. I understand using it for the MAIN POINTS but your just emphasizing buzz words at this point like a YouTube title. This would be like if demise went NON PCI HOME RUN WHIFFLE BALL SEVER CITY
I felt like adding this
OVERALL it’s not a huge deal and some people are over reacting. But being someone who knows a lot about tone in writing this just feels like some weird ad and whenever I see the BOLD I hear the vine boom so I guess it’s not all bad. But it’s weird, at least to me.Go grab a mocha latte, hippie. Haha! (joking)
SuntLacrimae50replied to so icy42 on Nov 5, 2021, 1:42 AM last edited by SuntLacrimae50_PSN Nov 5, 2021, 1:49 AM
@so-icy42_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@itsjackb-yt_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
ALL I’m SAYING is that GRAMMATICALLY these BOLD LETTERS ruin your tone and make it seem like your SCREAMING every other word. I understand using it for the MAIN POINTS but your just emphasizing buzz words at this point like a YouTube title. This would be like if demise went NON PCI HOME RUN WHIFFLE BALL SEVER CITY
I felt like adding this
OVERALL it’s not a huge deal and some people are over reacting. But being someone who knows a lot about tone in writing this just feels like some weird ad and whenever I see the BOLD I hear the vine boom so I guess it’s not all bad. But it’s weird, at least to me.But the OP didn’t use bold every other word. He used it for his “MAIN POINT” question and that’s it. Also being someone who knows a lot about tone in writing, his post is completely fine. The only problem he has grammatically is capitalizing words that shouldn’t be capitalized.
I'm the one responsible for this mess -- poster #2. Ugh. Apologies.
He did edit the original post, which had a slew of bolded words in it. But whatever. It's not that big of a deal.
And both tone and capitalization have little or nothing to do with grammar as such. AP English teacher here. Can we drop this?
Hate the DH but it seems inevitable. Sadly.
@baracesilk_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
DH is the worst thing to happen to baseball. American league is too afraid to mess up their manicures. NL better not ever go to DH, you grow up playing baseball, everyone hits. This whole thought process to have someone who can't play defense to be able to make a team because they are worried a pitcher...might get hit. I want to see the stats for how many pitchers get hurt batting a year compared to total AB.
There's nothing more boring than watching an inept pitcher try to hit or lay down a sac bunt. Give me a DH who is a real hitter. Has nothing to do with pitchers getting injured while batting, it's about entertainment value.
@sauciestburrito_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@baracesilk_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
DH is the worst thing to happen to baseball. American league is too afraid to mess up their manicures. NL better not ever go to DH, you grow up playing baseball, everyone hits. This whole thought process to have someone who can't play defense to be able to make a team because they are worried a pitcher...might get hit. I want to see the stats for how many pitchers get hurt batting a year compared to total AB.
There's nothing more boring than watching an inept pitcher try to hit or lay down a sac bunt. Give me a DH who is a real hitter. Has nothing to do with pitchers getting injured while batting, it's about entertainment value.
That is a very "casual" baseball fan statement. But you are probably in the majority. These days it is all about entertainment value. How many more people can we get to watch more for the commercials than the actual game. Yet you have idiots out there that want to get rid of one of the coolest things in sports and that is the Braves tomahawk chant. As an Astro fan hearing the Braves fans in game 6 trying to start up the chant, and someone obviously brought an official whistle, and then the Astros fans trying to drown it out with boos was awesome! AS long as PC culture is out there, nothing will be fun.
@sauciestburrito_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@baracesilk_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
DH is the worst thing to happen to baseball. American league is too afraid to mess up their manicures. NL better not ever go to DH, you grow up playing baseball, everyone hits. This whole thought process to have someone who can't play defense to be able to make a team because they are worried a pitcher...might get hit. I want to see the stats for how many pitchers get hurt batting a year compared to total AB.
There's nothing more boring than watching an inept pitcher try to hit or lay down a sac bunt. Give me a DH who is a real hitter. Has nothing to do with pitchers getting injured while batting, it's about entertainment value.
There’s nothing more entertaining in baseball than a pitcher hitting a home run or two in a game.
Back in 16 Syndergaard hit two dingers in a game and the second one was after he showed bunt twice in the AB. That’s entertainment.
@red_ted_is_back said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@baracesilk_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
DH is the worst thing to happen to baseball. American league is too afraid to mess up their manicures. NL better not ever go to DH, you grow up playing baseball, everyone hits. This whole thought process to have someone who can't play defense to be able to make a team because they are worried a pitcher...might get hit. I want to see the stats for how many pitchers get hurt batting a year compared to total AB.
There's nothing more boring than watching an inept pitcher try to hit or lay down a sac bunt. Give me a DH who is a real hitter. Has nothing to do with pitchers getting injured while batting, it's about entertainment value.
There’s nothing more entertaining in baseball than a pitcher hitting a home run or two in a game.
Back in 16 Syndergaard hit two dingers in a game and the second one was after he showed bunt twice in the AB. That’s entertainment.
This is the reason small ball is gone. Learning how to bunt and do it well was a great part of the game. Moving that runner into scoring position so the lead off hitter could try to knock him in. It's a game of chess, now people want a game of checkers. They want to see fast quick runs. I want to see well thought out, battle hardened, earned runs.
Plus, like these other two said...when a pitcher hits a HR. Nothing better in all of baseball.
We have enough hitters in the lineup who can hit HRs. We still need small ball strategy and putting a DH in takes that away. Not every player needs to be able to hit a ball 500 feet.
I'm no casual fan, I played ball through high school and I understand all the strategy that goes into it. It's still not exciting to watch pitchers hit. The rare occasion that a pitcher hits a home run doesn't make up for all the other terrible at bats they have.
SDS reflects the rules implemented. Its why we have the 3 batter min and the runner on 2nd, also why there are no 4 pitch intentional walks. So yes if we get the NL DH, we can assume we will see a DH in DD.
@baracesilk_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
We have enough hitters in the lineup who can hit HRs. We still need small ball strategy and putting a DH in takes that away. Not every player needs to be able to hit a ball 500 feet.
In the Show that's really the only way most players score. Pitching is too overpowered. Lots of my games are ones where we both strike out 15+ times and one player hits one more solo shot than the other.
Just sayin.
Since this went into when and where bold and capitalized terms are acceptable, I'd like to steer the discussion back to the original topic.
Personally, I would at least like the option to play with AL rules in DD games against the CPU. Just like how there is a setting where you can toggle the now-extinct runner on second rule. Implementation in online games between players probably wouldn't work, but as an offline player I'd like to play with my DD team using AL rules.