Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?
@collintacoz09_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
I’m just tired of out-of-pci early timing homers on low curveballs
What @Exotic_Combs_PSN said. You have to be really careful where you throw change-ups and curveballs. I rarely throw curveballs in the zone.
Heading back to Netflix since this game just isn't fun today or most days for that matter.
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
@collintacoz09_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
I’m just tired of out-of-pci early timing homers on low curveballs
What @Exotic_Combs_PSN said. You have to be really careful where you throw change-ups and curveballs. I rarely throw curveballs in the zone.
Heading back to Netflix since this game just isn't fun today or most days for that matter.
Yeah, any curveball or change up should be thrown out of the zone unless you have your opponent completely guessing on every pitch.
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
@collintacoz09_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
I’m just tired of out-of-pci early timing homers on low curveballs
What @Exotic_Combs_PSN said. You have to be really careful where you throw change-ups and curveballs. I rarely throw curveballs in the zone.
Heading back to Netflix since this game just isn't fun today or most days for that matter.
I started playing because Dodgers vs Mets wasn’t fun, came back to Dodgers vs Mets and still not fun
@eatyum_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
I only recently got to 100 ranked games played, and I used to play 500-700 games a year. Now some of that is less time to play bc RL, but I don't enjoy ranked once I get to HoF and find myself playing way more events and BR
I’m in the same boat. Ranked is boring AF for me right now. Get to HOF and all of the desire just goes right out the window.
@mrwonderful95 said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
@eatyum_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
I only recently got to 100 ranked games played, and I used to play 500-700 games a year. Now some of that is less time to play bc RL, but I don't enjoy ranked once I get to HoF and find myself playing way more events and BR
I’m in the same boat. Ranked is boring AF for me right now. Get to HOF and all of the desire just goes right out the window.
I have played 16 total games and usually only do so to complete complete game missions online … gone 11-5
Plus side, decided to get into BR this month and am having a lot of fun. The new reward path is great and seems like the best value for my time and it feels great to load into an game and feel like i actually have a chance to hit the ball and score some runs.
Extra innings mode the most respectable way to go,a win on allstar level or higher against Any team in xtra innings mode is respected. And honestly won.Leave the cheese at home, its useless in there.
@rymflaherty_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
Plus side, decided to get into BR this month and am having a lot of fun. The new reward path is great and seems like the best value for my time and it feels great to load into an game and feel like i actually have a chance to hit the ball and score some runs.
BR is fun this year, I agree. I’ve always avoided it but the program has made it much more fun.
I would concur. There is just no explanation for what goes on in this game in ranked. “That’s baseball” doesn’t cut it.
It’s too easy to pitch like a champ and if you can bunt for a hit with Lou Brock, you can win games while your opponent squares up balls that go nowhere because of pitcher confidence. It’s just not good.
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
@codywolfgang_xbl said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
I enjoy ranked seasons, but the fluctuating connection makes it frustrating with the pitch speeds high and timing windows small.
You can be on everything against DeGrom for instance thinking you are getting things figured out and next game you face DeGrom again and get blown away. I really don’t enjoy that aspect at all.
On the flip side you got guys batting .400….
I saw an advertisement for Verizon FIOS fiber optic gaming internet that reduces lag……. @D_e_m_I_s_E_PSN
I have wired fiber internet. It works great for other games, streaming and web surfing. This is an MLB The Show issue which won't get resolved until they get a competent competitor. Not sure who in that company figures a 1 v 1 connection with someone over 1000 miles away is a good idea.
Not even 99 George Brett will save me from punting this game when Battlefield comes out.
Honestly I don’t think distance matters. Just time of day.
As I’m in UK I’d say about 50% of my games are against US players, 30% UK players and the rest either South Korea, Germany, Holland or Australia
I have not noticed any difference with whom I play and lag. Most of my games are played during night time or early morning US time.
@mcgalamaad_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
It’s unplayable over 800 this year, I can’t believe it. Every pitcher has outlier…not even remotely fun to play ranked anymore. Kind of destroys the whole point of DD for me.
I think they try to please everyone with it ... So everybody who bunt cheese L2 hold stuck at all star and people who just contact hit till death a 37 ft outside slider and tip it foul can make it to pennant player got there ws ranking between them all the rest who enjoy baseball and wanna play a good real sim game ( w or L ) is just lost in all that non sense baseball they love to call simulation ... Well it suck cause game have so much potential...
@codywolfgang_xbl said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
@collintacoz09_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
I’m just tired of out-of-pci early timing homers on low curveballs
I just lost a game against a guy that was flailing all game and had four home runs with single digit pci ratings. At this point I am chalking it up to the feedback being wrong.
“Im Mark Derosa, welcome to the show”
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
I tell myself I do but then I'll play a few games of it and then want to slap someones grandma that's how frustrating it is. But then I don't play for a few hours and I get the itch again. Rinse and repeat.
What makes it lame is every game is the same. Who can keep their opponent from hitting the fewest homeruns. Because there is no other way people score besides HRs. LITERALLY. No other way. 90% of the games I play are like 1-0, 2-1, 2-0... The default sliders for the game are bad so you see a lot of things like outfielders being able to run from a mile away to get under a ball and catch it. Line drives off the bat arent realistic at all. It looks like when you hit a golf ball with a 9 iron.
But yeah my biggest gripe is the lack of diversity when it comes to plays on offense. All you see is. Strikeout. HR. Slowest hit ball ever for infield single. Pop-out to catcher that only went 7 feet in the air. Or line drive directly at an OF.
just spot on here
I guess it would be fine if we didn’t have real baseball to compare it to.
Nope. Made world series twice, it was fun for awhile but i mean i'm hitting like .250 on hof i thought i figured out cabrera but my last few outings have just been awful. im done. hardly playing i play chise here and there but i wish they could incorporate a franchise mode right into DD with new cards being released as free agents in your franchise.
My main gripe is that from one game to the next the game plays really inconsistently. Pitch speeds and timing windows can vary wildly. It also seems usually one player gets the benefit of poor pci homeruns and balls finding holes while the other makes errors and has a noodle bat.
How much of this is connection related? Not sure. Very annoying though.
@duiaintez_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
My main gripe is that from one game to the next the game plays really inconsistently. Pitch speeds and timing windows can vary wildly. It also seems usually one player gets the benefit of poor pci homeruns and balls finding holes while the other makes errors and has a noodle bat.
How much of this is connection related? Not sure. Very annoying though.
This, in general, really sums up the problems with the game in a nutshell.
You could say a lot about the gameplay but nobody would say that it is consistent, unless you were saying it is consistently inconsistent.
I think this is by design. It allows the gameplay and outcomes (can’t have batting averages look like a video game) to be controlled/manipulated.
The whole pitch this year was about playing the game you want. There was even the whole sim/casual/competitive choice that was supposed to cater to the type of game you wanted. Right.
@halfbutt_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
@duiaintez_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
My main gripe is that from one game to the next the game plays really inconsistently. Pitch speeds and timing windows can vary wildly. It also seems usually one player gets the benefit of poor pci homeruns and balls finding holes while the other makes errors and has a noodle bat.
How much of this is connection related? Not sure. Very annoying though.
This, in general, really sums up the problems with the game in a nutshell.
You could say a lot about the gameplay but nobody would say that it is consistent, unless you were saying it is consistently inconsistent.
I think this is by design. It allows the gameplay and outcomes (can’t have batting averages look like a video game) to be controlled/manipulated.
The whole pitch this year was about playing the game you want. There was even the whole sim/casual/competitive choice that was supposed to cater to the type of game you wanted. Right.
I’ll say it again, 100+ attributes are messing with the RNG which in turn messes with outcomes which then leads to 90% of the complaints we see. 99 should be the max, gameplay is so much better offline when using just regular rated players.
I enjoy it when it plays well, but I don't play a ton online anyway. My most recent game I had struck out 14 of 16 hitters. One grounded out to second and you guessed it the other was a solo bomb making it 1-0 while I had 7 hits and was making decent contact all game. Just couldn't push a run across. I just kinda shrugged it off as part of the game and felt like I woulda won anyway but I decided to go ahead and quit to hop on COD with a buddy. I just had to laugh at how that game is pretty representative of ranked as a whole.
@duiaintez_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
My main gripe is that from one game to the next the game plays really inconsistently. Pitch speeds and timing windows can vary wildly. It also seems usually one player gets the benefit of poor pci homeruns and balls finding holes while the other makes errors and has a noodle bat.
How much of this is connection related? Not sure. Very annoying though.
My guess is it is all connection related. I would bet this game runs great in the studio. Problem is matching up people with bad internet or matching people 1000 miles away. When ms are so important, it isn't a good idea. This game desperately needs to improve on the networking side of things. That is where most of the issues lie. Seen some streamers complaining about it the last few days. That is actually a good thing. Maybe it will open SDS' eyes.