Diamond Dynasty might need to be renamed.
Yeah, the moments do need to get toned down. I was an avid franchise player until this year when I realized how fun DD is. But [censored] all these player programs, topps now moments, dailies, etc. I just don't have the patience to play through them.
I really miss all the stat missions / career stat missions from ‘18. I don’t think they need to be as extreme as some of them but I hated that they completely went away from most stat mission type things. Always liked unlocking a random card for my 150th career HR online. You could really put some crazy cards in these missions. I’m happy to see them come back to some extent this year but I’d love to see more of them.
The entire motto for this years game was “play how you want” except we will force everyone to play a ridiculous amount of moments to unlock anything.
As an offline player I like the fact that I can earn a bunch of good cards in Moments. I'll take them over the relentless stat grinds of 18 any day (I played 18 a whopping 50 hours and was done with the game in May of that year). I don't enjoy every moment and I agree that random 3 inning games are not moments but until someone comes up with a better plan that does not include forcing me to playing endless games trying to get 20 hits and 10 doubles with a bronze or silver player that I don't even want in my lineup I'll take moments.
I don’t mind doing moments , but agree it would be nice if there was a way to bypass a few of them that get tough whether it was through exchanges or offline stat missions or something else
@genopolanco_psn said in Diamond Dynasty might need to be renamed.:
@kingss35_psn said in Diamond Dynasty might need to be renamed.:
@tgn848_psn said in Diamond Dynasty might need to be renamed.:
Agreed. The moments are excessive. Every new content drop is a moments fest. If there were more ways to complete the small programs they’d be more enjoyable, especially since most of these small program cards are not good enough to make a roster at this point, but are more useful for future collections or random XP for the current inning.
To be fair would you rather do moments or hours of mindless stat grinding like in MLB 18? That game was awful with some of the stats you had to accumulate to unlock some Diamond players
Why can’t there just be a middle ground? Or both options for whatever we prefer?
If it was an endless stat grind I’d at least complete things over time. Really don’t think I’ll even touch the Gary Carter Evo but if it was a stat grind at least I would get him eventually.
Basically like how Team Affinities are. Team specific stats, different categories, repeatable. You can use the stat grinds to complete the program completely or combine it with moments to fly through it quicker.
POTM is close but still impossible to complete without doing moments.
You know, I actually knocked out Carter pretty easy. I did the 5 xbh on PvCPU in a few games on rookie @ Coors, did the exchange and then did the two "hit 1 home run" moments and I had him. No way was I going to do that 5 xbh in 5 games, or whatever it was, but it only took a few hours once I sat down and concentrated on it.
Of course, the first time I tried, I had like 50 at bats at the first moment to hit 1 homerun and I couldn't do it... lol. Just come back to it and you can knock it out pretty easily.
@kingss35_psn said in Diamond Dynasty might need to be renamed.:
@tgn848_psn said in Diamond Dynasty might need to be renamed.:
Agreed. The moments are excessive. Every new content drop is a moments fest. If there were more ways to complete the small programs they’d be more enjoyable, especially since most of these small program cards are not good enough to make a roster at this point, but are more useful for future collections or random XP for the current inning.
To be fair would you rather do moments or hours of mindless stat grinding like in MLB 18? That game was awful with some of the stats you had to accumulate to unlock some Diamond players
This isn’t MLB 18
My biggest gripe about all the
Moments is that the game plays differently on account of all the slider tweaking that goes into making them “challenging”.I honestly don’t hate moments, so much as how playing them feels completely random. I know if I just make enough atttemps, eventually, I will succeed. When I do, it rarely feels like it has anything to do with how good my swing was or my pitch sequencing or whatever.
This has the effect of making me bad at the game, because it kind of lulls me into a stupor. Then I need to do a bunch of batting practice to actually take on a real opponent.
It would be great if the game played <I>consistently </I> throughout the modes, so that you could get better at the game by playing any aspect of the game.
It does not feel like that at all to me now.
Middle ground...i've said it before I hate moments, some i knock out the first time or in like 5 minutes and some take for f'n ever! If I can choose to grind some stats and maybe knock out a few moments and leave the ones i want no part of i'm fine with that. Just put stat grinding as an option is all and to each their own. you wanna grind stats, grind'em, you love moments and think they're awesome do'em. We're not talking long division here.
I actually don't mind this year too much. I hate playing online so the moments and other options are good for me. I think it would be great if they could give you multiple options to acquire so many points to unlock something whether that be moments or grinding stats. Some either/or to make everyone happy doesn't seem too far fetched.
There should be an season mode vs cpu with ur dd team
@kingss35_psn said in Diamond Dynasty might need to be renamed.:
@tgn848_psn said in Diamond Dynasty might need to be renamed.:
Agreed. The moments are excessive. Every new content drop is a moments fest. If there were more ways to complete the small programs they’d be more enjoyable, especially since most of these small program cards are not good enough to make a roster at this point, but are more useful for future collections or random XP for the current inning.
To be fair would you rather do moments or hours of mindless stat grinding like in MLB 18? That game was awful with some of the stats you had to accumulate to unlock some Diamond players
Why should that be the only 2 options? I like his idea of being able to use your own roster to compete in more than just Conquest.
To be fair, and this is just my opinion, going through a draft of players that "typically" don't reflect their card ratings is an added layer of time consumption that can be frustrating to some.
I guess until most of these modes don't just feel totally random, there are always going to be complaints.
Developers probably do their best. But some things, I suppose, just can't be fixed.
The only moment I haven't finished this year is the Gary Carter 5 XBH in 3 games. I don't play online so I came into the season telling myself I was going to do every moment this year.
It's not fun at all .... I really rather play a 9 inning game vs CPU and parallel players than do moments for 1 hour.
It really makes you want to stop playing the game for a while.