4.2 user rating in meta critic!!
Good job SDS. A 4.2 given to your weak game of baseball. 4.2 given by the poeple that actually have played the game. Honestly I think 4.2 is way too high considering the horrible state of online servers. Check swing is beyond broken. Pitch and batting feedback is broken and inaccurate. The list is too [censored] long to go over. Multiplayer online is totally garbage on several different levels. Get your heads out of your asses and fix your game.
@worterror_psn said in 4.2 user rating in meta critic!!:
Good job SDS. A 4.2 given to your weak game of baseball. 4.2 given by the poeple that actually have played the game. Honestly I think 4.2 is way too high considering the horrible state of online servers. Check swing is beyond broken. Pitch and batting feedback is broken and inaccurate. The list is too [censored] long to go over. Multiplayer online is totally garbage on several different levels. Get your heads out of your asses and fix your game.
You lost me at check swing being broken. That's one thing they actually fixed this year. It was broken last year.
Sales>metacritic score
Metacritic is 7.8..
User is the low one.. which nobody cares about when looking up ratings. Read them and it's all about RTTS.. if it applies to you then don't buy this game.. -
My advice is if you don't want to play DD, game isn't for you. It's for online and only online anymore. That's the best chance they have for microtransactions so the rest of the modes are either ignored and outdated, or with RTTS forces you into DD
@baboonishace_psn said in 4.2 user rating in meta critic!!:
My advice is if you don't want to play DD, game isn't for you. It's for online and only online anymore. That's the best chance they have for microtransactions so the rest of the modes are either ignored and outdated, or with RTTS forces you into DD
I think its the other way around no?. Isn't it the DD casuals the ones crying every day about server issues and not getting their silly cards and stuff?. As an offline Season guy, this game is a dream...core gameplay mechanics is the best ever once you play with a mature Slider set.
@joshjays44_psn said in 4.2 user rating in meta critic!!:
@baboonishace_psn said in 4.2 user rating in meta critic!!:
My advice is if you don't want to play DD, game isn't for you. It's for online and only online anymore. That's the best chance they have for microtransactions so the rest of the modes are either ignored and outdated, or with RTTS forces you into DD
I think its the other way around no?. Isn't it the DD casuals the ones crying every day about server issues and not getting their silly cards and stuff?. As an offline Season guy, this game is a dream...core gameplay mechanics is the best ever once you play with a mature Slider set.
Well if you look on the Metacritic reviews op is referencing, it's all RTTS complaints, not DD
@worterror_psn said in 4.2 user rating in meta critic!!:
Good job SDS. A 4.2 given to your weak game of baseball. 4.2 given by the poeple that actually have played the game. Honestly I think 4.2 is way too high considering the horrible state of online servers. Check swing is beyond broken. Pitch and batting feedback is broken and inaccurate. The list is too [censored] long to go over. Multiplayer online is totally garbage on several different levels. Get your heads out of your asses and fix your game.
Thanks for the encouragement. Glad to know we absolutely destroy any recent Madden and beat all the other popular sports games as well. Nothing new.
Fifa21 User 0.8
Madden 21 User 1.3
NBA 2K21 User 2.6Not even close
Relying on the Metacritic aggregated user score. LOL