@samguenther1987 said in THIS IS INSANE!:
@jz2016cubs said in THIS IS INSANE!:
I am looking at my golds that I saved... I am selling them! The golds went up 7K from earlier! Whoever said that I should sell earlier just lost me a lot of stubs...… JK I don't care.
If you aren't flipping GO NOW!
Pulled Jose Ramirez, expected 5k.... 20k!!!
Nice! I love seeing everyone so stoked about a game. With all the dour and greed most companies have and players have become so negative and bummed about everything, it's awesome to see all this positivity.
@BodamEscapePlan said in THIS IS INSANE!:
@samguenther1987 said in THIS IS INSANE!:
@jz2016cubs said in THIS IS INSANE!:
I am looking at my golds that I saved... I am selling them! The golds went up 7K from earlier! Whoever said that I should sell earlier just lost me a lot of stubs...… JK I don't care.
If you aren't flipping GO NOW!
Pulled Jose Ramirez, expected 5k.... 20k!!!
Nice! I love seeing everyone so stoked about a game. With all the dour and greed most companies have and players have become so negative and bummed about everything, it's awesome to see all this positivity.
This is such a huge content drop today i personally help but feel excited lol.
I've been exchanging every gold and silver I have plus diamonds. I'm up 200k just through exchanging. Stubbs for days.
I made over 100k just selling my golds didn't have as many as I had thought but I had 4 Jensens
I have 400k in quicksell golds. I'll be on in 15 minutes. Hopefully I can still make bank
I sold the cards that I wasn’t gonna do an exchange with and made 300k and I didn’t planned to flip they were just sitting there in my collection
I've made 500k so far just selling some diamonds and maybe 20 or so 84 golds.
I made about 600k with at least another 100k pending sales just selling golds that would net 2500 or more. I had just saved pretty much every gold I pulled since TA3 dropped.
Just like Dale and Brennan used to say... SO MANY ACTIVITIES!!!
I'm up from 400k to 2.2 million in under an hour. This is wild.
Sounds like you’re better off selling you’re golds and buying finest cards outright?
For the market experts out there, would you expect these finest cards to go up in price over time, or down? There are a few id like to buy but not sure when the best time to do so would be.
Stubs arent hard to come by. Im just gonna exchange mine and see what comes from the packs. Will still get a bunch of unneeded stubs too
I've made 2.5 million so far and completed 10 or so TA4s. So many stubs in the game.
@EvylShaun said in THIS IS INSANE!:
I'm up from 400k to 2.2 million in under an hour. This is wild.
Yeah I got in on the tail end of it. Made 300k in 30 minutes.
@NCStateHokie said in THIS IS INSANE!:
I've made 2.5 million so far and completed 10 or so TA4s. So many stubs in the game.
When you say “completed”, do you mean the conquest?
@mjfc_363 said in THIS IS INSANE!:
mpleted”, do you mean the conquest?
I am guessing he means completed as in maxed out via exchanges.
Bought 247 snells and 259 statons for around 1,300 each.
Been a solid day for profit. Sold each one around 7-7500.
Finished my all royals team. Better watched out ranked seasons!!!! Here I come!!! I did throw Will Myers and Ben zobrist on the squad... go royals!!
Yeah I saved a lot of packs to pull, I’d rather have things to do with exchanges than just have tons of stubs. Already have 500k without trying from all the rewards we get. Trying to complete all TA’s now.