Zone hitters
I'll give it to you guys who use zone hitting and have figured it out. Im terrible and just can't quite get it.
I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Been doing zone about a year and still stuck doing the same old [censored]. I wish I could see a video of somebody who was terrible and improved significantly and how they did it. Watching the youtubers is fine but they are good so that doesn't translate to me, since I suck and can't seem to get better.
Back in 16 it honestly took me a good month or so of playing to get it down. Just practice man.
@elway7751 said in Zone hitters:
I'll give it to you guys who use zone hitting and have figured it out. Im terrible and just can't quite get it.
I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Been doing zone about a year and still stuck doing the same old [censored]. I wish I could see a video of somebody who was terrible and improved significantly and how they did it. Watching the youtubers is fine but they are good so that doesn't translate to me, since I suck and can't seem to get better.
I dont know you but using zone with PCI off helped me a lot
@elway7751 said in Zone hitters:
I'll give it to you guys who use zone hitting and have figured it out. Im terrible and just can't quite get it.
I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Been doing zone about a year and still stuck doing the same old [censored]. I wish I could see a video of somebody who was terrible and improved significantly and how they did it. Watching the youtubers is fine but they are good so that doesn't translate to me, since I suck and can't seem to get better.
I feel your pain, I have terrible PCI placement, anything down the middle and I can hit it, but if i have to move the PCI much I am a total spaz, and my timing is off. I have yet to figure out how to hit a low inside pitch unless I am sitting directly on it. And even then pitch movement will make me pull off that spot.
But hitting is so much more rewarding when I do hit the ball. But these guys who put the PCI on the ball 90-100% of the time are incredible. Been using zone since 17 and as much ad it hurts my thumb hitting a button, I can't go back.
I started using zone this year too... I ran through MTO on dynamic twice after practicing with different PCI setups to get used to it. Dynamic was nice because when you get to next level it gives you time to get used to next level and if it’s a struggle it will drop you down.
Honestly just play the way YOU want to, anyone who has an issue with how other people play is their issue.
@elway7751 said in Zone hitters:
I'll give it to you guys who use zone hitting and have figured it out. Im terrible and just can't quite get it.
I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Been doing zone about a year and still stuck doing the same old [censored]. I wish I could see a video of somebody who was terrible and improved significantly and how they did it. Watching the youtubers is fine but they are good so that doesn't translate to me, since I suck and can't seem to get better.
Practice. Understand what you're doing wrong and why you're doing it. Example. Are you yanking your pci down. Could be the way your thumb is positioned, maybe you have to much pressure applied somewhere. Could be mental, maybe you're so worried about getting to a ball, you kinda panic and los control. Could be a mixture of both. Im not Great at the game so i don't have it down packed yet where i can consistently make great contact so i always have to adjust to the next thing. What i mean is don't try to solve all your weakness with pci placement at once. Start with one and once you've got that down move to the next. I used to be one of those guys that consistently dropped my pci, I focused on working on that and when i got to the point when i rarely did it, I moved on to my next weakness which was hitting balls inside etc etc. Just take your time and focus on one thing at atime.
I started out just parking the pci at the bottom of the zone and after a bunch of games, seeing the ball come in, it just became natural to move it with the pitch. I'm by no means a great hitter but usually hit around .300.
@elway7751 said in Zone hitters:
I'll give it to you guys who use zone hitting and have figured it out. Im terrible and just can't quite get it.
I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Been doing zone about a year and still stuck doing the same old [censored]. I wish I could see a video of somebody who was terrible and improved significantly and how they did it. Watching the youtubers is fine but they are good so that doesn't translate to me, since I suck and can't seem to get better.
Try practicing on LEGEND. It's really the only way. The PCI is tiny and you catch up to the speed of the game. Hitting is about timing like in RL. (After this, hitting will slow down in other difficulties.)
Another thing that has helped me a lot: like a hitter in RL, accept the holes in your swing. I can't hit same-side high and tight stuff, so I lay off. Inside on same/same match ups are off limits and I crush everything middle/away.
Lastly, do not, under any circumstance unless it is a meatball to a good hitter, swing at the first pitch. The math is waaayyy in the favor of the pitcher on the first pitch unless you have the "teacup" and , even then, just be patient. Counts factor in heavily to the outcomes in this game.
@jreyes533 said in Zone hitters:
@elway7751 said in Zone hitters:
I'll give it to you guys who use zone hitting and have figured it out. Im terrible and just can't quite get it.
I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Been doing zone about a year and still stuck doing the same old [censored]. I wish I could see a video of somebody who was terrible and improved significantly and how they did it. Watching the youtubers is fine but they are good so that doesn't translate to me, since I suck and can't seem to get better.
Try practicing on LEGEND. It's really the only way. The PCI is tiny and you catch up to the speed of the game. Hitting is about timing like in RL. (After this, hitting will slow down in other difficulties.)
Another thing that has helped me a lot: like a hitter in RL, accept the holes in your swing. I can't hit same-side high and tight stuff, so I lay off. Inside on same/same match ups are off limits and I crush everything middle/away.
Lastly, do not, under any circumstance unless it is a meatball to a good hitter, swing at the first pitch. The math is waaayyy in the favor of the pitcher on the first pitch unless you have the "teacup" and , even then, just be patient. Counts factor in heavily to the outcomes in this game.
One guy finally gets it
Pitchers confidence determines every outcome🤨
Tried something different today and turned off strike zone while leaving PCI on. Mixed results. I like the cleaner screen though.
Have tried the PCI off version a few times which seems to work and goes completely against conventional wisdom but the clean screen seems less distracting and allows me to focus better, at least that's what I think.
I guess I'll go with what's most comfortable and allows me to be competitive as I can. -