Not a game anymore
It is a matter of what is a baseball video game about. i come from the old school that it was to play baseball. The idea that you have to collect virtual cards and compete against other video gamers is fun for some but not all. Some of old timers don't have the abilities with a video game that the younger set have. So why should we be spending our SS check for stuff just to be humiliated and insulted by younger guys that are only interested in winning? When I first started playing MLBTS there was no DD, card collecting or stubs. It was all about playing baseball and enjoying yourself. I don't get into the garbage in this game so that is why after this year I am done. Too bad that they lose a long time (12 years) customer. It would be ok if they would make the other modes enjoyable but they have ruined them to try to get everyone to do the collecting and online stuff that makes them more money. The fact that they need to patch every week shows that the game is garbage.
It would be ok if they would make the other modes enjoyable but they have ruined them to try to get everyone to do the collecting and online stuff that makes them more money.
This right here, they neglect basically everything that doesn't involve you spending more and more money
I still skew toward enjoying the game, but This is why when anyone says something along the lines of “it’s my money. Why do you care what u do with it” (that’s the kind version) they are invalid.
Every micro transaction purchased over the past decade, every whale that spends thousands has contributed to games losing features and modes, or having them hidden behind additional paywalls. They are the reason publishers prioritize grind over gameplay and retail games resemble a free to play model.
It’s the reason developers will keep moving the line on what’s deemed acceptable, because SDS will openly receive praise for what would have been deemed unacceptable 5 years ago because other developers are even worse now and people have completely forgot what normalcy is. -
Is what it is man. Times change, things evolve. This is gaming now. I know your pain though. I miss playing Franchise mode in madden back when it was the the priority of the game. But now Franchjse gets no love, only mut. So i stopped buying madden. Don't like mut. I mean look at rtts, what they add? Friendships
Would like to play Franchise and rtts along with DD but both modes are to shallow in features
@NicholasHowardT5 said in Not a game anymore:
Lmao, so a game where you don’t have to spend a single dime to get cards and compete is being complained about because they want our money? Hmm seems fishy.
You could look at it this way. Yes, SDS gives out a lot of free cards and a lot that are MORE than capable of staying in lineups year round. But don't you think that it might be possible that a company that is in the business of making money might be playing on the fact that it knows that just isn't enough for a lot of it's fan base? There are always going to be people that say yeah, I have this card...but what if I had THAT card. And THAT card is gonna cost ya. Now, sure someone could flip batting gloves for 5 months and get THAT card eventually, but I'm guessing that a company in the business of making money is banking on the fact that those players are going to pump money into the game if they dangle the carrot just enough( Keeping them engaged via RNG or what have you) so they get THAT card now !!
Well why do the top players always win? where is their RNG ? Top players are top players for a reason. They spot up everything wit their PCI and smash. So while it might happen to them during their games as well they usually have already won the game. most of the RNG I've experienced had been what like maybe 4-5 pitches per game maybe a random error here and there and all of my squared up balls going no where. So it probably affects us more because we aren't dropping bombs every other at bat. But maybe I would if I had THAT card
It's more grind than game. I put what I think is a good amount of time into grinding and playing this game (one to two hours a day). Well, most of the teams I match up with are better than mine. Why? because they put even more time and/or money into it. I think it's insane. It's like a part time job just to put together a team to compete. I already have a job. I don't want another one. And I'm not dropping a penny into this game with the way the economy is looking. And for that reason, I'm out.
@KOTANK1334 said in Not a game anymore:
@NicholasHowardT5 said in Not a game anymore:
Lmao, so a game where you don’t have to spend a single dime to get cards and compete is being complained about because they want our money? Hmm seems fishy.
You could look at it this way. Yes, SDS gives out a lot of free cards and a lot that are MORE than capable of staying in lineups year round. But don't you think that it might be possible that a company that is in the business of making money might be playing on the fact that it knows that just isn't enough for a lot of it's fan base? There are always going to be people that say yeah, I have this card...but what if I had THAT card. And THAT card is gonna cost ya. Now, sure someone could flip batting gloves for 5 months and get THAT card eventually, but I'm guessing that a company in the business of making money is banking on the fact that those players are going to pump money into the game if they dangle the carrot just enough( Keeping them engaged via RNG or what have you) so they get THAT card now !!
Well why do the top players always win? where is their RNG ? Top players are top players for a reason. They spot up everything wit their PCI and smash. So while it might happen to them during their games as well they usually have already won the game. most of the RNG I've experienced had been what like maybe 4-5 pitches per game maybe a random error here and there and all of my squared up balls going no where. So it probably affects us more because we aren't dropping bombs every other at bat. But maybe I would if I had THAT card
Yes some do pump money into the game but a majority dont. I have about 4 collections left and have only spent about $40 outside of buying the game because I’ve had good pulls. Just saying this game is pay to win or even a money grab is a massive joke.
SDS deserves their fair share of criticism for sure (fielding is a joke, fly balls hit you in the head, outfielders moonwalk 30ft at extreme speeds, baserunning is flat terrible, hitting and feedback is terribly inconsistent, servers are awful this year, etc).
But their diamond dynasty content is not where the criticism should be directed. At all. They've already released a ridiculous amount of content. Hell, they just put out 30 90+ FS cards for free. 85 Zimmerman, 87 glasnow, 88 tim Anderson and 93 Didi are basically handed to you. A day or so after I had the game, they gave me 90ovr Cargo who rakes. 85 posada is legit. Not to mention the xp rewards and programs where you get a bunch of legit high diamonds for free. That includes by far the best pitcher in the game. And Reggie mashes. Etc etc etc.
Go try to play nba2k... they release packs that you literally cannot use your myteam points to purchase, it's exclusively for those who buy MT. And they're constantly making 3-4wk old cards virtually obsolete. That game is a joke.
In the show, they literally tell you when you want to buy stubs that it's completely unnecessary. Granted, covid has aided my progress but I haven't spent a dime, I have mantle and about 200k stubs I'm sitting on. And I did get lucky by packing Trout twice from reward packs but that just sped up the process by a few weeks.
If you play the game, there's no reason to buy stubs and the people who do are just cheesedicks. If they just say log in, here's every card on the game, what fun would that be? So we all agree there needs to be some method to attaining high ranked cards. They're a business, of course they're going to let you buy them if you want. That's a given. But other than that, how else besides playing the game and completing tasks and missions would you suggest me the means to attaining the best cards? A lottery system?
A business that wants to make money? Never heard of such a thing.
@PhatWhiteOwl said in Not a game anymore:
A business that wants to make money? Never heard of such a thing.
The problem is it’s at the expense of producing a quality product, and as baseball fans we have nowhere else to go. And this is specifically why monopolies are suppose to be illegal.
Would we encounter the same problems year after year if there was a viable alternative in the marketplace? Probably not. And some things have seemingly gotten worse; like fielding, for instance.
But hey, we can now press any button to advance from the main menu, and not just the start button exclusively. Whoa!
@Politergeist said in Not a game anymore:
@PhatWhiteOwl said in Not a game anymore:
A business that wants to make money? Never heard of such a thing.
The problem is it’s at the expense of producing a quality product, and as baseball fans we have nowhere else to go. And this is specifically why monopolies are suppose to be illegal.
Would we encounter the same problems year after year if there was a viable alternative in the marketplace? Probably not. And some things have seemingly gotten worse; like fielding, for instance.
But hey, we can now press any button to advance from the main menu, and not just the start button exclusively. Whoa!
I think the game is great.
@PhatWhiteOwl said in Not a game anymore:
A business that wants to make money? Never heard of such a thing.
All businesses want to make money, but quality should always be number one, because quality means you care about your product, you back up your product OR service, whatever that might be...
This is beyond a videogame. It's better then real life baseball
Competition in any business is sure to create better products. As soon as there is a monopoly, there is zero impetus to improve.
As good as MLB the Show has been, without a competitor in the genre, we are pretty much stuck with the status quo.
All the issues with gameplay this year have existed in previous versions of the game to some degree. The fact that mistakes corrected in the past find themselves back in the current version of the game is pretty good evidence of that.