What is the difference between seasons and innings?
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@SakAttack87_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
To their credit, the content during the summer was very good, but people had already left the game in droves after months of very infrequent content drops and the best cards being locked behind packs week after week.
correct. a lot of us left too for CFB25. SDS no longer owns the entire summer. They need to get on top of their game from now on.
@SakAttack87_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
To their credit, the content during the summer was very good, but people had already left the game in droves after months of very infrequent content drops and the best cards being locked behind packs week after week.
The All Star weekend was fine, but to me the game still suffered from programs being tiny and quite a bit less offline content than 2023. Was an improvement over the early months, but not at the level of most of 2023.
Even when they were releasing more frequent programs you could still get almost all of them done in 1-2 hours. I spent far less time playing 2024 than I did playing 2023.
I would say 2023 was far superior to 2024 in just about every way as an offline player. Programs were better, there were more mini seasons, and for the online players the sets were less restrictive. For a while 2024 had better freedom of program completion at least, but that faded in the last 3rd of the season where the task lists became extremely rigid.
It may just be me, but I feel like 24 was almost a filler while they worked on 25. I agree that content lacked and it was too easy to complete programs in 1-2 hours. I think SDS knew that sets and seasons were not a hit like they expected so they knew scrapping it was the plan for 25. The reset is going to be great and I think they started focusing on this year by the time the summer hit last year. It’s totally understandable and I for one appreciate them listening to the community. I’m hoping we have a steady dose of content like we did in the past with player programs, more incentives with collections, etc. I fully expect this year to be one of, if not the best and well received years we’ve had. Time will tell.
@The_Bane_Event_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
It may just be me, but I feel like 24 was almost a filler while they worked on 25. I agree that content lacked and it was too easy to complete programs in 1-2 hours. I think SDS knew that sets and seasons were not a hit like they expected so they knew scrapping it was the plan for 25. The reset is going to be great and I think they started focusing on this year by the time the summer hit last year. It’s totally understandable and I for one appreciate them listening to the community. I’m hoping we have a steady dose of content like we did in the past with player programs, more incentives with collections, etc. I fully expect this year to be one of, if not the best and well received years we’ve had. Time will tell.
I also felt 24 was a filler because 25 would be a huge update in graphics and maybe a new engine. None of that came true.
Also remember 24 was the first game for this new team. And they managed to show us they have no idea what they were doing. maybe now this is their 2nd game they'll at least show us they've learned from their mistakes.
@The_Bane_Event_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
It may just be me, but I feel like 24 was almost a filler while they worked on 25. I agree that content lacked and it was too easy to complete programs in 1-2 hours. I think SDS knew that sets and seasons were not a hit like they expected so they knew scrapping it was the plan for 25. The reset is going to be great and I think they started focusing on this year by the time the summer hit last year. It’s totally understandable and I for one appreciate them listening to the community. I’m hoping we have a steady dose of content like we did in the past with player programs, more incentives with collections, etc. I fully expect this year to be one of, if not the best and well received years we’ve had. Time will tell.
I still worry that there is a push from Sony to make more microtransaction sales. This was clearly the case in 2024. But the good thing is I don't feel any lines were truly crossed last year.
@TeakAUS_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
I still worry that there is a push from Sony to make more microtransaction sales. This was clearly the case in 2024. But the good thing is I don't feel any lines were truly crossed last year.
Here's the thing...this community saw right through what they were doing and, while we know d@mn well we won't stop it, maybe convinced them to slow down on them a bit. Felt like last year particularly, we as a community held SDS accountable...especially after 23 with such negative feedback on sets and seasons...only for them to double down on it in 24. So I was impressed with that. Occasionally that does work.
@Sarge1387_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
@TeakAUS_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
I still worry that there is a push from Sony to make more microtransaction sales. This was clearly the case in 2024. But the good thing is I don't feel any lines were truly crossed last year.
Here's the thing...this community saw right through what they were doing and, while we know d@mn well we won't stop it, maybe convinced them to slow down on them a bit. Felt like last year particularly, we as a community held SDS accountable...especially after 23 with such negative feedback on sets and seasons...only for them to double down on it in 24. So I was impressed with that. Occasionally that does work.
Yup, they tried to push that agenda very hard at the beginning of last year. There were many weeks during the first few months of the game when new content simply meant new packs that contained the best cards.
This continued into June and many players abandoned the game. SDS must have gotten the memo because the content in the the second half was very good. The usual ASG/HRD drop was solid as well as the Draft collection. Then you had the Action Figure series which seemed to get overly positive reviews. Even the OOP series at least offered something different and unique despite it being a divisive inclusion. For me, it was the little things like that Tony Gwynn tribute program where you grind some Moments and specific PXP missions in return for a 99 overall. That's when The Show grind is at its best.
24 was like Jekyll & Hyde in that regard.
@TeakAUS_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?: > "I consider the expiring cards as a 'feature' of sets, not seasons. So this does sound like seasons in a different name, but shorter."
Unlike Seasons, there are no need for "Wild Cards" with Innings.
@TeakAUS_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
I consider the expiring cards as a 'feature' of sets, not seasons.
Certain sets were attached to specific seasons (AS/S2, OOP/S3 etc) but the only thing that made them expire was the season ending.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
@TeakAUS_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
I consider the expiring cards as a 'feature' of sets, not seasons.
Certain sets were attached to specific seasons (AS/S2, OOP/S3 etc) but the only thing that made them expire was the season ending.
They could easily do the same thing with innings. Inning 3 can no longer use the inning 1 bosses for example. I'm not saying they will do this, but just because its no longer called seasons doesn't mean that they can't do the same thing.
NBA 2K uses the word "seasons" and the only thing they do is refresh the xp path (which is more commonly called a battle pass...most people dont realize that we have had battle passes in The Show for years, just no paid upgrade upgrade to it). No cards expire. But then nobody is rich enough to actually get the best cards in 2K...
@TeakAUS_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
@TeakAUS_PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
I consider the expiring cards as a 'feature' of sets, not seasons.
Certain sets were attached to specific seasons (AS/S2, OOP/S3 etc) but the only thing that made them expire was the season ending.
They could easily do the same thing with innings. Inning 3 can no longer use the inning 1 bosses for example. I'm not saying they will do this, but just because its no longer called seasons doesn't mean that they can't do the same thing.
NBA 2K uses the word "seasons" and the only thing they do is refresh the xp path (which is more commonly called a battle pass...most people dont realize that we have had battle passes in The Show for years, just no paid upgrade upgrade to it). No cards expire. But then nobody is rich enough to actually get the best cards in 2K...
They had innings for years....cards never expired. Yes, they could change that this year but i think they're smart enough to know that the reason people quit on 24 was because of season specific cards. Lets give them some credit here. They know what didnt work last year and they made a point to acknowledge that. They're not gonna be like "Hey guys, we're getting rid of sets and seasons. Now we're doing innings....with inning specific cards."
Also, seasons arent more commonly called battle passes unless thats your preferred genre. Battle passes are for shooters....seasons are for sports. I've never seen a sports game with battle passes.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in What is the difference between seasons and innings?:
Also, seasons arent more commonly called battle passes unless thats your preferred genre. Battle passes are for shooters....seasons are for sports. I've never seen a sports game with battle passes.
6 of one, half dozen of the other. But I have seen posts saying "I will quit if they ever add battle passes"...uh theyve been here all along....