This game is dead the casuals have left
True... But it was "WAY too accelerated" because of their Seasons format.... This is another reason why they should return to their "Innings" format. -
@Loyal-Wiglaf said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
@aaronjw76 said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
can't wait to see the complaints in less than a week about people not having anything to do as they burn through 2 weeks worth of content in 4 days lol
You know, pacing content so that it all doesn't come out on ONE DAY can actually be part of SDS's content strategy. That's been terrible this year.
Exactly. And the same sds boot lickers just nod and like each others posts like its some great strategy they are doing when its not. Go ahead read the complaints, LOL it up, and see the dead game Sds created come mid July
it will be real fkin funny then d1ckbrains.
Possibly, but that would only make a miniscule difference... Going from 99's to 87's or 89's or 93's, etc. is not going to be well liked, regardless.They need to dump Seasons, and I am sure they could still find ways to increase revenue with their Innings format.
@xElRojo44x i wish they'd dump seasons/sets man that would make my day. Would almost make everything else they have screwed up to this point a pass
@Loyal-Wiglaf said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
@aaronjw76 said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
can't wait to see the complaints in less than a week about people not having anything to do as they burn through 2 weeks worth of content in 4 days lol
You know, pacing content so that it all doesn't come out on ONE DAY can actually be part of SDS's content strategy. That's been terrible this year.
You know, people exhibiting some self control so they self pace instead of whining in 4 days when they completed two weeks or progress in 4 days.
I'm not saying SDS can't add another actual program during the weeks there is almost nothing else (season awards is does not count) but the biggest problem are the people who gobble their food down faster than a fat kid eating an ice cream then complain there is no food.
I’m a casual. I can’t win against online opponents at this point and the reward paths all require wins or stubs (BR) with time to get a sniff at something. So I don’t play. I’ve run into too many toxic players and I quickly grew tired of the matchmaking pairing me with players way above my ability level.
@xElRojo44x said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
True... But it was "WAY too accelerated" because of their Seasons format.... This is another reason why they should return to their "Innings" format.People complained about that too. Waiting until late September or October to finally get 99s of your favorite player as Finest Cards was a really, really long haul.
You can always find someone that is complaining about something, which is why you do not make drastic changes based on a few complainers. Even still, the vast majority of complaints that I remember were about gameplay and not as much about content structure. I am not saying there wasn't any complaints, I just don't remember much concerning content structure.Regardless, the biggest reason to change back to the Innings format is because it goes very well with a power creep. Don't forget.... During their streams before '23, the main reason they sold us "Seasons" (in place of Innings) was as a way for them to give us "99's Day 1".... That, I remember very well. Now that "99's Day 1" are gone, there is no longer a legitimate reason to have "Seasons".
I do support a power creep, which is the main reason why I support their previous "Innings" format, over the current "Seasons" content structure.
@Bearsfan217 Man, this is going to be a great 2XP weekend for those who don't have a mom or wife; so lucky!!!
@yankblan no kidding. Hey abandon your family and enjoy this 2x weekend! I appreciate the effort but at best I’ll play an hour or two this weekend.
@xElRojo44x but they did have day 1 99s… if you spent a couple thousand dollars you could get all the love collection and get babe on day 1.
Lol. They are beyond tone deaf.
@yankblan said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
@Bearsfan217 Man, this is going to be a great 2XP weekend for those who don't have a mom or wife; so lucky!!!
Yea no kidding. Have fun basement dwellers
If not dead yet a lot of people will be leaving when their cards are unusable. I will be gone after season 1. I have almost 200 hours in the game. That’s enough to justify my original purchase. Besides they will probably have the first unlock of a wildcard at 1000000 XP.
Plenty of people are already tired of getting bled to death by bad swings. The game is constantly rewarding bad swings that’s my biggest issue with this game and why many people have already left.
@VioletNine9 Yes, I can‘t but (I did not pretend on my part) … but you are just as able. So stop claiming you know. The only ones who know work at SDS .
Other than that: If things are good, I call them out. If that does not match with your opinion, so be it … maybe think about that (and remember to google cognitive bias) too. No one can take your constant annoying seriously
@YOSHI24 just because I can do it too doesn't make it acceptable.
@YOSHI24 said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
@VioletNine9 Yes, I can‘t but (I did not pretend on my part) … but you are just as able. So stop claiming you know. The only ones who know work at SDS .
Other than that: If things are good, I call them out. If that does not match with your opinion, so be it … maybe think about that (and remember to google cognitive bias) too. No one can take your constant annoying seriously
game is dead Yoshi you don’t call anything out you write puff pieces for sds here and are always and I mean always defending them. You’re one of the top 3 worst posters
@VioletNine9 said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
@YOSHI24 said in This game is dead the casuals have left:
@VioletNine9 Yes, I can‘t but (I did not pretend on my part) … but you are just as able. So stop claiming you know. The only ones who know work at SDS .
Other than that: If things are good, I call them out. If that does not match with your opinion, so be it … maybe think about that (and remember to google cognitive bias) too. No one can take your constant annoying seriously
game is dead Yoshi you don’t call anything out you write puff pieces for ads here and are always and I mean always defending them. You’re one of the top 3 worst posters
Dude he's terrible. Only thing you can do is block unless you want to keep seeing it. Unfortunately when ppl quote him i still see it
. This is the worst the game has EVER been since 18, and dude will go down still defending this POS.
@Bearsfan217 it's weird how many defenders and simps they have roaming these forums. They must only exist here cause I can't imagine people truly feel this way about this game living in the real world.
Yoshi, Tyler, Pergo, and BJ are the top 4 I see consistently supporting SDS no matter what they do. All are likely either on the SDS payroll, know someone on the SDS payroll, are trying to get hired by SDS, or are just straight up huge trolls that like riling everybody up by playing devils advocate on the forums.