Companion App says complete tutorial or login in console first
This started happening to me last night. I am on Xbox and Android. I have logged out and signed in multiple times and even tried deleting and re-downloading the app without success.
Not working for me either. Tried logging in and out. Tried unlink and relink. Mac91red game tag on ps5
Same. Been working all year before this. I’m about to give up on this year. Tired of being disappointed in everything they do.
Yeah same issue for me here too. Worked perfectly fine until last night.
I am also having the prob with it saying complete the tutorial and I'm already like 50 hours in. I tried signing in and out and also reinstalling nothing is helping
Was working until this morning. Now same thing.
Same issue
Hey, I’ve been experiencing this for the whole entire duration of this year, and I’ve seen a few other people experiencing this as well, which they got it fixed. I’ve basically tried everything, and I need a manual fix at this point because there’s nothing I can do. Please fix this!!!! My username is Hackattacker32, let me know if you need anything more.
I’m having the same issue! I need y’all to fix this!
For those stuck with this error, please create a ticket here: support team can assist in fixing your accounts.
@Pat_SDS I already created one almost a week ago with the same issue. No response. ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC. I’m a ICU nurse who can’t afford to be late for one second. You answer emails all day and can’t do your job. FIX IT.
Still not fixed. Pathetic
@AllRise__99 Sorry to hear you're still having this issue.
I've reached out to our support team. When was the last time you checked? Did you login using PSN?
I reached out and nobody has fixed my account
0 stubs online and no roster
Still not working
No help from SDS on this at all
I can't be the only one still having this issue
Still no good
Another day with no fix