Crazy how SDS doesn’t even try to retain their customers
Content has really been subpar for over a month if we’re being honest. And before Set 3 dropped there was another 2-3 week period of lackluster content. Obviously Madden players are going to leave regardless, but you’d think they’d at least try to put out a little more content.
It’s looking more and more obvious they were just looking for a big profit the first 2 months and haven’t cared much since. Just more recycled players with worse overalls than they previously had.
I’m not even buying Madden this year and still have little interest to log on. This year was such a flop.
There are still 3 more sets to drop and there is still 1/4 of the season left not to mention playoffs when they drop a ton of stuff. Relax man
@genopolanco said in Crazy how SDS doesn’t even try to retain their customers:
Content has really been subpar for over a month if we’re being honest. And before Set 3 dropped there was another 2-3 week period of lackluster content. Obviously Madden players are going to leave regardless, but you’d think they’d at least try to put out a little more content.
It’s looking more and more obvious they were just looking for a big profit the first 2 months and haven’t cared much since. Just more recycled players with worse overalls than they previously had.
I’m not even buying Madden this year and still have little interest to log on. This year was such a flop.
Every single baseball fan knows July and August are baseballs slow months. You’re just being extremely dramatic
Cards released from July 19, 2022 (day after ASG)- August 17, 2022: 93
Cards released from July 12, 2023 (day after ASG)-August 17, 2023: 149It's been pretty obvious going back over the schedules of the past 5 years or so that a couple of weeks after the ASG, the team goes on some sort of retreat to start brainstorming/prepping for the next season.
@jonblaze2424 said in Crazy how SDS doesn’t even try to retain their customers:
@genopolanco said in Crazy how SDS doesn’t even try to retain their customers:
Content has really been subpar for over a month if we’re being honest. And before Set 3 dropped there was another 2-3 week period of lackluster content. Obviously Madden players are going to leave regardless, but you’d think they’d at least try to put out a little more content.
It’s looking more and more obvious they were just looking for a big profit the first 2 months and haven’t cared much since. Just more recycled players with worse overalls than they previously had.
I’m not even buying Madden this year and still have little interest to log on. This year was such a flop.
Every single baseball fan knows July and August are baseballs slow months. You’re just being extremely dramatic
I’m not being dramatic. This year has been the worst year of DD I’ve played and I’m sure a lot of others feel the same. There is no excuse for them to take weeks off at a time in the middle of the season. This is by far the most dead I’ve ever seen this game this early in the year.
I think some of it is self inflicted.
They took a ton of heat for Grind 97 and paywall cards in Set 2 and overcorrected in Set 3 to the point that they would have to drop all 125 switch hitting cards to get anyone to care about a new player that isn’t Elly, Adley, J-Ram, etc. Then people would complain that new card was dropped too late in a season and will burn off too quickly before Season 5.
SDS has also allowed the pitching meta to become too specific and pandered to players by giving everyone outlier (I blame the community for being thrilled with a Pedro that threw 101 mph in last year’s game). What are we supposed to do with a Fernando card when every batter is a 99 killer? To get players out of bed they had to give DeGrom a sinker…
I would also guess that the content team can only read some version of “No one cares, Madden is out” responses to their new content posts before they decide it isn’t worth leaning in at this time of year. Against my better judgement I downloaded Madden and it is a dumpster fire. Copy and paste game, my preorder content went to old gen and there were only a couple hours worth of solos for a whole week of preorder. At least SDS tried something new this year, even if it wasn’t perfect.
There going to always gain players in the beginning and lose people to madden, 2k, FIFA (or whatever it’s called now) and NHL in the fall. It’s why we had sets and seasons to let people use 99s of cards early. They know this ahead of time, if someone wants to play madden, they’re going to play, No amount content will stop that.
Let em go play madden. If ya havent noticed. Its been less toxic around here lately. Less aholes, hopefully they left for Madden. Good
There is some version of this overly dramatic post every year when Madden comes out. Content for Set 3 has been great. Set 2 was kind of weak in my opinion but Sets 1 and 3 have been pretty solid.
Why do you need "content " to play . Just load up your best available roster and play ranked , don't want to play ranked , play online rated , don't want to play online , play vs cpu . Why the dramatics .
Good lord. Now I see why they don’t feel the need to put out content for weeks at a time. All the fanboys defend them til the end.
Then again it’s really only the fanboys left playing.
@genopolanco said in Crazy how SDS doesn’t even try to retain their customers:
Content has really been subpar for over a month if we’re being honest. And before Set 3 dropped there was another 2-3 week period of lackluster content. Obviously Madden players are going to leave regardless, but you’d think they’d at least try to put out a little more content.
It’s looking more and more obvious they were just looking for a big profit the first 2 months and haven’t cared much since. Just more recycled players with worse overalls than they previously had.
I’m not even buying Madden this year and still have little interest to log on. This year was such a flop.
Totally agree, I am waiting for NBA 2K24. At least they patch gameplay issues quickly and seem to make changes to balance the game before release and throughout the game cycle.
This year’s changes for the modes I play sound very promising and like they are trying to combat cheese, animation exploits and increasing the skill gap
They haven’t updated the gameplay in months this year has been a joke. They’ve soiled their reputation pretty bad this year. The online plays horribly and they can’t even code the thing right.
@genopolanco said in Crazy how SDS doesn’t even try to retain their customers:
Good lord. Now I see why they don’t feel the need to put out content for weeks at a time. All the fanboys defend them til the end.
Then again it’s really only the fanboys left playing.
That's always a cheap and easy response...
People don't agree with my criticisms so I will just call them fanboys.
I am not a fan of sets and seasons thus far and I agree with the opinion we are getting lesser versions of players we had earlier. I even posted about it a week or so ago. And yet at various times I have been called a fanboy, and accused of being an SDS shill.
But, I am not so arrogant as to believe that everyone who does not agree with my opinion or is still having fun with the game is simply a "fanboy" who just accepts whatever SDS dishes out. Nor do I believe that SDS is not trying to retain customers.
What I do realize from years of visiting this forum, since even before they created the current forum setup, is that no matter what they do they will not please everyone no matter how hard they try. That every year at this time there are the inevitable posts about Madden.
None of us have a magic formula that would improve this game for every single player out there and keep it interesting for all for the entire year, but it is sure easy to come to the forum and pretend that we do.
@Pergo said in Crazy how SDS doesn’t even try to retain their customers:
There is some version of this overly dramatic post every year when Madden comes out. Content for Set 3 has been great. Set 2 was kind of weak in my opinion but Sets 1 and 3 have been pretty solid.
Set 1 was good. Set 2 was awful start to finish. Set 3 started well with the added TA collections and dropped way off since. The extreme program was the only content for 2 weeks with only 5 cards as rewards. Combine that with the ASG break (and less Topps Now as a result) and it's felt pretty barren for long stretches.
The program last Friday was terrible and the only one I remember that requires collecting cards to finish. Usually collections are a shortcut but not necessary. It's a worrying step and I'm waiting to see the program tomorrow to see if that was just a one-off. I hope it was.
@Dolenz said in Crazy how SDS doesn’t even try to retain their customers:
@genopolanco said in Crazy how SDS doesn’t even try to retain their customers:
Good lord. Now I see why they don’t feel the need to put out content for weeks at a time. All the fanboys defend them til the end.
Then again it’s really only the fanboys left playing.
That's always a cheap and easy response...
People don't agree with my criticisms so I will just call them fanboys.
I am not a fan of sets and seasons thus far and I agree with the opinion we are getting lesser versions of players we had earlier. I even posted about it a week or so ago. And yet at various times I have been called a fanboy, and accused of being an SDS shill.
But, I am not so arrogant as to believe that everyone who does not agree with my opinion or is still having fun with the game is simply a "fanboy" who just accepts whatever SDS dishes out. Nor do I believe that SDS is not trying to retain customers.
What I do realize from years of visiting this forum, since even before they created the current forum setup, is that no matter what they do they will not please everyone no matter how hard they try. That every year at this time there are the inevitable posts about Madden.
None of us have a magic formula that would improve this game for every single player out there and keep it interesting for all for the entire year, but it is sure easy to come to the forum and pretend that we do.
All I’m asking for is consistent content. Shouldn’t be too hard to ask when there’s 2 months left of the regular season. I don’t think everyone who disagrees with my opinion is a fanboy but it is pretty ridiculous how many people defend them left and right when they are clearly slacking this year. The Sets and Seasons is a big reason why I have an issue with them taking extended breaks. In order for this strategy to work, they needed to pump out content more than ever since a lot of cards are expiring.
I’m just frustrated with this whole year of DD. I can’t believe they couldn’t see how awful of a plan this was and I find it even more odd that they hire content creators from the community and this is the plan they come up with. I would be shocked if CBrev thought this was a good strategy. Not that I think they gave him much say, but why hire people from the community if you’re not going to listen to them at all?
I completely agree. Started playing in '21 and it was a blast even though there were some gameplay issues. '22 was tolerable but was definitely lacking. '23 has just been a complete mess in my opinion. To me "content" is not "more cards". I think a lot of people like it this year because they think they are getting "content", because there are 20-50 new cards each week.
This game is completely designed to keep people playing and playing the way SDS dictates and/or spend stubs like crazy. I have had almost 2 million stubs since set one and still have them because everything just seems pointless. I really may be off here, but it seems that the players who really like the game this year are offline players. The like having long programs that they are always working on. I miss the days where online and offline players could complete programs in a reasonable period of time and then play the modes they wanted with the players they wanted. I don't think you are being one bit overly dramatic.
Being fairly new to DD, started in 2020, I can say this year has a much different feel to it. Usually I’ve been able to acquire all cards in the mode but this year multiple versions of the same player can make the grind feel pointless.
I really may be off here, but it seems that the players who really like the game this year are offline players. The like having long programs that they are always working on.
That’s funny that you say this because I feel the opposite. I’ve said early and often, DD is pushing me (offline only) to go online. Particularly to finish Collections. I said in another thread, I’ve done all of Set 1 that I can. I was still 40 cards short. The only way to get them was buy them (which I’m doing slowly) or play online.
I can finish Set 2 w/o having to go online.
I haven’t done the math yet on Set 3. I’m still 150 cards away there. I’m hoping I can finish by playing offline.
I miss the days where online and offline players could complete programs in a reasonable period of time and then play the modes they wanted with the players they wanted.
This we definitely agree on!!
Like Madden, this baseball franchise own their market. Until that changes, they will continue to basically, do they want and still generate revenue. Revenue, not customers, is ultimately what matters to businesses and those two aspects are not always directly related. Having an unhappy customer base does not matter if there is no competition.
Like MUT, DD is MLBTS's golden goose. Their new DD Set card expiring format, is like having a new game release several times a year, generating even more revenue. While I have been a supporter of this game for over a decade, I loathe this new DD Set card expiring format, and unfortunately, this business decision may hurt them in the the long-term.