22 worse than 21?
I’m fairly new to DD in mlb the show but having played a good amount the past 3 years I feel like my ranking would be 21, 20, and then 22. Hoping that 22 comes on strong to change my mind over the next few months.
@tripleh-4481_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
It seems to be the popular opinion on this forum that 22 is a significant downgrade from 21. I tend to agree as I feel like 21 was a more enjoyable and rewarding experience by a good margin thus far. Do we think the vast majority of the player base feels this way or just the vocal minority on the forum? Just curious.
It really isn’t rewarding the 1-2-3 innings off of completely perfect swings is crazy this year
@imdfc_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
Here at the Official MLB The Show forums, we always hate the current game and pine for the previous ones.
Except that one year we never speak of. I do miss parts of 17 though
The problem is that it’s even a debate. We gave them covid, it’s okay that the game didn’t improve, and the menus looked awful, and content got repeated. That was a while ago now, it’s time to start moving forward not backwards.
They need to learn from there mistakes and add all the content back. Team Affinity, Team Epics, the ticket counter, the XP path, the rookie to prime missions, the extreme program in the first month NOT the last month. Make the game fun again. Give people 95 overall cards to earn just put them behind TA, Then Team Epic, then a large grind with that player like Immortals. JUST DONT PUT IN SOUVENIRS.
It’s so obvious how to make this game more enjoyable but they want everyone to wait a week for 8 more moments 4 times a month 12 times a year.
Last year was my first year to play and I realize cards were super easy to obtain and the market functioned like a stub making atm, but I think there were some things that were definitely better in 21…
-commentary was a million times better
-daily moments reward path
-team affinity was a lot of fun
-player and evolution programs
-there were missions but not everything was tied to pxpThings I feel are better in 22…
-slower rollout of high nineties
-mini seasons is a great idea
-earlier rewind packs are making cards easier to obtain for the masses
-Topps Now and MA moments are not as time consuming
-dedicated BR mission rounds are great and the mission players have been top notchGameplay is pretty bad on both, but overall I think 21 was a touch better. Pinpoint was a bit too overpowering in 21 but it is too inconsistent in 22. My batting averages are higher in 22 but so many hits are just weird.
22 is IMO the worse release ffrom SDS .Mini mouse seasons should be discontinued and extra inning mode brought back. Make extra innings mode preset to be competitive enough to draw as much recognition s ranked season and you solve 90 percent of all complaints.Just make it one set difficulty equal to legend hof or even allstar. No more cheesing. You quit you lose.Miini seasons and conquest are dashboard fodder.Make people play 9 inning BASEBALL game.Monitor controller and every other cheat _ advantage nil. The CPU will wait til hades freezes over if you freeze glitch it.At least 80 percent of the games players are not interested in playing baseball as muchh as they are interested in beating SOMEBODY. Thats a shame . Catering to them is a bigger shame.
Nobody complained about Mini Season, best add to this game in a while.
I just did
@kwikpoppa_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
I just did
Mini seasons at minimum is 10x better than Extra innings was. It's easily the most enjoyable offline mode by a longshot
@the_dragon1912 said in 22 worse than 21?:
@kwikpoppa_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
I just did
Mini seasons at minimum is 10x better than Extra innings was. It's easily the most enjoyable offline mode by a longshot
It would be nice if you had a choice between mini and extra innings. I like Mini Seasons but only because I've never experienced the problems a lot of people have posted about. I liked Extra Innings when you could go in and choose anyone at any level to play.
@texas10pt_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
@the_dragon1912 said in 22 worse than 21?:
@kwikpoppa_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
I just did
Mini seasons at minimum is 10x better than Extra innings was. It's easily the most enjoyable offline mode by a longshot
It would be nice if you had a choice between mini and extra innings. I like Mini Seasons but only because I've never experienced the problems a lot of people have posted about. I liked Extra Innings when you could go in and choose anyone at any level to play.
Don't get me wrong mini seasons could have a few things added to improve it, but last year's extra inning missions were the first time 99% of players looked at the mode since the yetis. There definitely was little to no downside to removing the mode
@the_dragon1912 said in 22 worse than 21?:
@texas10pt_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
@the_dragon1912 said in 22 worse than 21?:
@kwikpoppa_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
I just did
Mini seasons at minimum is 10x better than Extra innings was. It's easily the most enjoyable offline mode by a longshot
It would be nice if you had a choice between mini and extra innings. I like Mini Seasons but only because I've never experienced the problems a lot of people have posted about. I liked Extra Innings when you could go in and choose anyone at any level to play.
Don't get me wrong mini seasons could have a few things added to improve it, but last year's extra inning missions were the first time 99% of players looked at the mode since the yetis. There definitely was little to no downside to removing the mode
I know I am the minority, but I will add in that I wish Extra Innings had been left in. It was the only way to play nine inning games against DD teams in an offline setting. Now the only option for that is playing ranked. Perfect world for me would be having both Mini Seasons and Extra Innings or being able to choose three or nine innings with Mini Seasons. I think with a little tweaking Mini Seasons can be really good, but I don’t see why there was a need to remove Extra Innings….outside of needing to use the tab because they didn’t want to take the time to develop a new menu page.
Absolutely! I couldn't wait to get on and grind team affinity or the inning programs, hell even the monthly programs were really fun. Pack lucks always sucked, but you got a ton of them, so it made up for it. This year I've played since it dropped and I'm already bored. That, plus the horrible inconsistencies that is playing this game online. 100x better last year, this year has just been a pay2play nightmare and it's not fooling anyone
One thing better in 22 is Stadium creator. The one in 21 was all kinky. This one works much better.
21 did DD better. Better organized mode. No game crashes. Less bugs. And if there were bugs they'd get fixed pretty quick.
Other than improved gameplay in 22 offline franchise - 22 is a mess compared to 21. Still a solid game ,but DD is not as fun in 22.
@luvmyxbox_xbl said in 22 worse than 21?:
21 did DD better. Better organized mode. No game crashes. Less bugs. And if there were bugs they'd get fixed pretty quick.
Other than improved gameplay in 22 offline franchise - 22 is a mess compared to 21. Still a solid game ,but DD is not as fun in 22.
Oh I don’t know. I just started doing mini seasons and I really like that. I did extra innings last year but this is more fun.
Like inflation.... Bans are up.
SDS mods cower in the bunker and don't know how to reply to anything except a copy and paste from Joseph.
Oh, you meant gameplay?
My buddy wouldn't be able to comment because he was banned from playing the game for no reason other than some mod didn't like a man shot line.
@beatlesnews_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
@luvmyxbox_xbl said in 22 worse than 21?:
21 did DD better. Better organized mode. No game crashes. Less bugs. And if there were bugs they'd get fixed pretty quick.
Other than improved gameplay in 22 offline franchise - 22 is a mess compared to 21. Still a solid game ,but DD is not as fun in 22.
Oh I don’t know. I just started doing mini seasons and I really like that. I did extra innings last year but this is more fun.
ya mini seasons is a plus but overall 21 was better DD
@luvmyxbox_xbl said in 22 worse than 21?:
21 did DD better. Better organized mode. No game crashes. Less bugs. And if there were bugs they'd get fixed pretty quick.
Other than improved gameplay in 22 offline franchise - 22 is a mess compared to 21. Still a solid game ,but DD is not as fun in 22.
And 20 did DD better than 21. 21's overall structure was less imaginative, and they dropped free 99's from an airplane to anyone who wanted them about 3 days after release. Team Affinity was awesome, though.
This year EVERY [censored] THING is stripped down, simplified, made dull. "Other Programs" and actual tab ... will never stop spamming how stupidly unimaginative that is. Scrolling through DD is like reviewing a student's last-minute PowerPoint presentation...
22 does have great improvements with the offline modes (RTTS, MTO & Franchise) & the newly added Mini Seasons to DD ..... However everything else is worse. Online game play is horrible. Everyone can hit ND-HR's on pitches way out the zone. Pitching is horrible. They took away Innings Programs & changed them for themed Featured Programs that serve better as side programs. They took away Team Affinity. They doing too many Nike side programs. Everything requires more of a grind to gain total XP or Star Points to complete Featured & POTM programs & the rewards are not worth the grind. They giving away too many Show Packs & 5 Pack & 10 Pack bundles as rewards which is pointless with pack odds of getting anyone over a 88 overall. So yes every year from 17 to 21 is far better then 22.