500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.
Seriously? They made the grind for Rizzo pretty hard(which is fine) for an ok First Baseman. He not even the best and now we’re getting Delgado. Rizzo you’re going to the bench.
Edit. It isn’t hard to get Rizzo. It’s just time consuming.
1B is always stacked with options. Not surprised at all.
I think you are underestimating how expensive delgado will be tbh. Most of the people with that kind of stubbage already have Frank
I have Frank Thomas and I still prefer Freeman at first. He'll have it until we get a Diamond George Brett.
@the_dragon1912 said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
I think you are underestimating how expensive delgado will be tbh. Most of the people with that kind of stubbage already have Frank
How much are you thinking?
I’m just hoping for a lower version of Jimmie Foxx as a headliner
@go4stros25_psn said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
@the_dragon1912 said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
I think you are underestimating how expensive delgado will be tbh. Most of the people with that kind of stubbage already have Frank
How much are you thinking?
I'm guessing he settles between 130-150k. He might be between 80-100k right out of the gate as the whales rip 50 bundles, but Pujols is 100k and he has been in chase packs since launch. With less people buying packs at this stage he will be more than what Pujols is now
@the_dragon1912 said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
@go4stros25_psn said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
@the_dragon1912 said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
I think you are underestimating how expensive delgado will be tbh. Most of the people with that kind of stubbage already have Frank
How much are you thinking?
I'm guessing he settles between 130-150k. He might be between 80-100k right out of the gate as the whales rip 50 bundles, but Pujols is 100k and he has been in chase packs since launch. With less people buying packs at this stage he will be more than what Pujols is now
My exact thoughts. Although I can also see him being above 200k. We will see
The question is will this be his highest rated card at 97?
Usually when they release a new legend it's a lower Diamond at first.
I think we have lost sight of what DD is, the most is about playing the game and collecting the cards to build the fantasy team of our making. This game as so many elements to it an many many players aren't concerned with who is or isn't the best card at any position. So what there are 345 first baseman by games end how many can you use to build theme teams for event squads. Stop focusing on the god/prime squad and look at the bigger picture of what this mode is. Rizzo was gonna be replaced with a couple weeks and I would argue that for 95% of the player base Delgado won't be the replacement cause that card about to be 150k plus.
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
I think we have lost sight of what DD is, the most is about playing the game and collecting the cards to build the fantasy team of our making. This game as so many elements to it an many many players aren't concerned with who is or isn't the best card at any position. So what there are 345 first baseman by games end how many can you use to build theme teams for event squads. Stop focusing on the god/prime squad and look at the bigger picture of what this mode is. Rizzo was gonna be replaced with a couple weeks and I would argue that for 95% of the player base Delgado won't be the replacement cause that card about to be 150k plus.
Unfortunately this game is all about following whatever meta the youtubers deem godly.
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
I think we have lost sight of what DD is, the most is about playing the game and collecting the cards to build the fantasy team of our making. This game as so many elements to it an many many players aren't concerned with who is or isn't the best card at any position. So what there are 345 first baseman by games end how many can you use to build theme teams for event squads. Stop focusing on the god/prime squad and look at the bigger picture of what this mode is. Rizzo was gonna be replaced with a couple weeks and I would argue that for 95% of the player base Delgado won't be the replacement cause that card about to be 150k plus.
I agree. It's about card collecting and playing with who I want, I mean I'll have Larkin in my lineup until they put out a diamond version. Yes that's right I will be that 1 person to get that silver card to level V already one of only 2 to have level 3.
However some people want to always have best possible lineup at all time, the keeping up with the Jones for online H2H. I won't tell anyone how to play their game, but that's not for me. I'll be getting Rizzo and putting him at 1B or maybe i won't. Who cares? I will have more fun grinding for Rizzo than I will using him, always been that way.
How exactly did they make the grind for Rizzo "hard"? It was quite literally "play the game and get xp every time you bat/pitch with specific players". We didnt have to jump through hoops or do anything other than play the game.
@nflman2033_mlbts said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
I think we have lost sight of what DD is, the most is about playing the game and collecting the cards to build the fantasy team of our making. This game as so many elements to it an many many players aren't concerned with who is or isn't the best card at any position. So what there are 345 first baseman by games end how many can you use to build theme teams for event squads. Stop focusing on the god/prime squad and look at the bigger picture of what this mode is. Rizzo was gonna be replaced with a couple weeks and I would argue that for 95% of the player base Delgado won't be the replacement cause that card about to be 150k plus.
I agree. It's about card collecting and playing with who I want, I mean I'll have Larkin in my lineup until they put out a diamond version. Yes that's right I will be that 1 person to get that silver card to level V already one of only 2 to have level 3.
However some people want to always have best possible lineup at all time, the keeping up with the Jones for online H2H. I won't tell anyone how to play their game, but that's not for me. I'll be getting Rizzo and putting him at 1B or maybe i won't. Who cares? I will have more fun grinding for Rizzo than I will using him, always been that way.
I'm not that devoted, but every year I feel like I'm one of few people who use Bagwell
TonyTheTiger2k16wrote on May 10, 2022, 5:21 PM last edited by TonyTheTiger2k16 May 10, 2022, 5:23 PM
Only reason why I grinded to get Rizzo is just to have him within my collections which will be needed for other better cards eventually to come out. Look at last year all the collections needed to be completed & all the cards needed within those collections just to be able to get Kershaw & then Griffey Jr. Every card you can earn is MUCH BETTER then a card you have to buy.
I didn't get Rizzo with the intentions of him being my August, September & October starting 1st baseman within my go to DD Line-up. I am currently using him now, but there will be other 1st baseman that will be released which will become within my late season go to DD starting line-up.
I won’t use him, because every year I have a team build of High Socks and Stirrups only because of my OCD with uniforms, but I still grinded for him because of collections.
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
I think we have lost sight of what DD is, the most is about playing the game and collecting the cards to build the fantasy team of our making. This game as so many elements to it an many many players aren't concerned with who is or isn't the best card at any position. So what there are 345 first baseman by games end how many can you use to build theme teams for event squads. Stop focusing on the god/prime squad and look at the bigger picture of what this mode is. Rizzo was gonna be replaced with a couple weeks and I would argue that for 95% of the player base Delgado won't be the replacement cause that card about to be 150k plus.
I agree with this but I’m just not crazy about Rizzo. I don’t have Frank yet, I do have Pujols that I got from a pack. I’ve been using Josh Bell at first and I like him more than Rizzo. I Leah’s liked Delgado as a player and I think his card will be juiced. If I can get him I’ll most likely use him. It’s not about meta for me. I’m not good enough at this gsme to worry bout meta. Even if I had a “meta” team I’d probably still get beat by a lo5 of you guys. I just like to ply and have fun.
@easy_duhz_it__mlbts said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
How exactly did they make the grind for Rizzo "hard"? It was quite literally "play the game and get xp every time you bat/pitch with specific players". We didnt have to jump through hoops or do anything other than play the game.
It was hard because you had to play the game. /s
Honestly though, it was more time intensive than last year but still easy. I ran through some conquest games and finally gave mini seasons a shot and knocked everything out no problem. I probably wasted more time completing additional missions before locking in the 5 cards since the progress didn't carry over into the final stage, but whatever. I enjoyed using different cards for a while.
@easy_duhz_it__mlbts said in 500 hour grind for Rizzo and now we get Delgado.:
How exactly did they make the grind for Rizzo "hard"? It was quite literally "play the game and get xp every time you bat/pitch with specific players". We didnt have to jump through hoops or do anything other than play the game.
I didn’t say it was hard to get Rizzo. I said it took a long time for a card that’s a bit underwhelming to me.
Yeah, this is all about collections at this point. You get the card and do the program and get the other cards and buy other cards you'll never use...because when the first collection drops, prices will double.
Squirrels gathering nuts. Winter is coming.