Which is your favorite Baseball Movie or best you feel was ever made?
Naked Gun
Men in Black -
Does Baseketball count?
@jonblaze2424_mlbts said in Which is your favorite Baseball Movie or best you feel was ever made?:
Does Baseketball count?
If asking about Basketball Movies. then my fav's there are definitely .....
Coach Carter
Blue Chips
White Men Cant JumpWith Football my fav's are definitely .......
Remember The Titans
We Are Marshall
The Blind Side
Draft Day -
The babe ruth story from 1948
@thaghettoblasta said in Which is your favorite Baseball Movie or best you feel was ever made?:
Once of my favorites was The Sluggers Wife, awesome old school flick with a disappointing ending. Other than that, favorite baseball fictional/non-fictional movies:
The Natural
Major League
The Sandlot
Bull Durham
A League of Their Own (shut up, it was a good movie)
The BabeGreat list. League of their Own was really good. Bull Durham probably my favorite.
Bingo Long’s Traveling All Stars
A made for TV movie with Billy Dee a Williams, Richard Pryor, James Earl Jones, and Mabel King with fictitious representations of Satchel Page and George Foster on a barnstorming Negro League team.
Honorable mention to Ken Burns’ Baseball.
Obviously Major League.
But Bad News Bears with Billy Bob is actually pretty good.
It's very surprising to me that "For Love Of The game" is not getting any "Love" from you guys. I put it as my #1 for a fictitious baseball movie because IMO it was best 1 ever made. Very original with how they tied each inning he was playing within that game to key moments within his personal life facing love issues, dealing with inner demons & fears of a possible career ending injury. Pitching in a game which no one ever though he would be able to pitch after coming back from that injury. Having doubts & confusion about what to do after the game, if he will retire a Tiger or be traded away to an other team if he wants to continue pitching. Him paying homage to his team mates during the game & as well to his opponent team (Yankees). Then realizing in the 7th inning he was actually pitching a perfect game up until that point & the reality of it finally sinking in & having self doubt, worries & fear he may not be able to finish it. And then his battery mate & best friend Gus says. "Just throw what you can. The guys are are here for you Chappie, we will not let you down because right now at this moment we are the best team in baseball all due to you Chappie". In the 8th inning without knowing if he will have the Perfect game or not, he does finally decide what to do & chooses to retire by writing on the ball. "for love of the game, tell them i'm done". And in the top of the 9th he does it, he pitches a perfect game in the final game of his 20+ year career & to top it off, he realizes that his greatest life accomplishments in baseball mean nothing to him if he does not have the women he loves to share them with. So he goes find here & wins her back. ...... A "Perfect" Baseball Movie
Major League and Bull Durham
@yankblan_psn said in Which is your favorite Baseball Movie or best you feel was ever made?:
Major League and Bull Durham
Tim Robbins and Robert Whule are comedy gold. Robbins is an actor that should have had a career like Tom Hanks. Comedies, great flicks like Shawshank and haunting roles like Jacob’s Ladder.
Field of Dreams
Major League
42 -
I love major league but I'll have a special place in my heart for Mr. Baseball with Tom Selleck asking if any lady wants a mustache ride
@chrono_omega_psn said in Which is your favorite Baseball Movie or best you feel was ever made?:
How have none of you mentioned The Benchwarmers yet?
I also enjoy Summer Catch, shout out Jessica Biel for making a boy dream.Jessica Biel in that movie......wow!!!!! Yeah, silly but a fun movie for sure.
Major League
Bull Durham
Mr Baseball
The Bad News Bears
The Bad News Bears Breaking TrainingNon-fiction
Eight Men Out
A League of Their Own
42 -
Hardball guys...the answer is Hardball. LOL
I honestly don't know of a bad baseball movie. They're all great in their own way.
Eight Men Out
Bull Durham
Major League
Money BallBleacher Bums
For love of the game
Bull durham -
Bad News Bears and Bingo Long and the Travelling All Stars
Depends on the mood. Its either Sandlot or Major League.
Bench Warmers not getting any love? A silly movie but I love it. Every other baseball movie listed here is great. Haven't watched "A league of their own" but after all the love it's getting on here I'm going to check it out. Sand Lot was my favorite as a kid and any Kevin Costner baseball movie is good too.