How to tell you're gonna lose a game
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
Op, you haven’t figured out that is the balance for you spamming pitches in the dirt?
Didn’t SDS say last year they were gonna punish spamming the same pitch too much?
Have you tried pitching to contact? Keeping them off balance with location/speed mixups?
Bold to complain about cheese tactics not working.
Why would I pitch for contact if my opponent can’t lay off anything? I’d rather strike him out on 3 pitches instead of giving him a chance to run into a lucky homerun
I can’t argue with that, but it further proves that the game is not competitive or even realistic at this point. Which I think is the same argument from OP.
Ponder this, people get bailed out with foul tips on balls in the dirt… but what about the passed ball animation that flashes the ball going all the way to the backstop?? Only for the catcher to still have the ball and throw down to 1st for the out or preventing runners from advancing.
That is a total bailout to dirtballers, and obviously programmed into the game. Not necessarily to balance or bail anybody out, but in past years it was a requested fix due to complaints of too many passed balls.
So maybe this foul tip complaint was SDS’s fix the dirtball spam, the same way bloop hits and errors scored as hits address lack of production or hit variety lol.
One thing I think we all could agree on is this game is Frankenstein’s monster stitched together and needs a major overhaul or completely new engine and code.
Honestly I've never understood the people who say throwing low offspeed should be penalized. The penalty is giving up walks. Walk 4 times and you score a run. Trust me, those "dirtballers" won't throw in the dirt very long if they give up walk after walk after walk. And that's when they have to come into the zone to challenge and THAT'S when you punish them and score all those runners. In other words; baseball 101
But yeah you keep chasing? I'm gonna throw in the dirt all game long. As I should. Anyone who tries to even think otherwise needs to change hobbies.
But yet you have a 5.6 ERA throwing dirt balls how is that going lol something ain’t adding up
Man, it doesn’t add up because people keep swinging, they know they’ll get rewarded with base hits up the middle and foul tips to stay alive, of course after fouling off 10 pitches your opponent can make a mistake pitch.
They problem is getting rewarded too often for bad input
Well if they keep fouling it off maybe just maybe try something else besides straight down in the dirt?
That’s the problem, they foul pitches in the dirt with very early or very late timing, they also foul them in the zone because they sell for fastball knowing offspeed won’t strike them out or put the ball in play for weak contact.
.172 career avr 2.55 Era yeah name fits
Averages have zero impact on the topic of this discussion, foul balls remain a problem regardless of how good or bad a player is.
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@red_ted_is_back said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@grizzbear55_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@write-to-shawn_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@grizzbear55_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@grizzbear55_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
Why is this thread a thing? The OP has left out variables of the eqation.
Who was the pitcher? What pitch was being used? What speed was the pitches? Why were they all out of the zone low? This looks so staged to me as a poor attempt to claim foul offs are happening all the time. It obviously was vs CPU.
Yeah, because vs CPU gives you a pause timer. You big dummy, thank you for completely discrediting yourself so I don't have to.
Ok fair point with timer so it wasn't vs CPU.
But you still haven't explained why so many low and out of zone? If someone pitched crappy like that to me you bet your @ss i'm using contact. People like you who pitch like this is just as much of the problem with online gameplay as the people you are complaining about. Your lil screenshot shows there was a hit where in the zone was that?
Grizzbear, this is wild. The goal is to get the opponent out, get them to chase pitches, etc.
I get that but that many in same spot? Anybody who takes time out to play competitively should not see that many pitches in the same spot.
This was an issue several years back where people spammed the lowball and you could never make contact on them, so the fact that they are getting contact to prevent the lowball spam is a good thing. Do i think the batter shouldv'e laid off absolutely. But in the same breath if that's all he is throwing makes for a boring game. My guess they were tired of him throwing trash so they resorted to contact and just foul him off til he either pitched legitimately by mixing it up like a normal person or switched pitcher.
The issue with addressing an abused mechanic with a band-aid is that it distances the game further from what it is supposed to represent: a strategic game of baseball between two players.
What you’ve described is a band-aid; forcing predetermined outcomes instead of implementing a way to allow the input (from both players) to shape the outcome.
A similar thing happened with bunting which made bunting unusable even in bunt situations (for offline too unfortunately).
A similar thing happened with controlling the outcome of multiple consecutive secondary pitches instead of allowing the players to adjust to the game situation.
Nothing personal, I still enjoy your contributions to the forum and I was glad to see your return earlier this month
Hey, can you elaborate about consecutive secondary pitches? I wasn’t even at a noob level before TS20 so I really don’t know about that and would like to
Way back when (pre-18 or pre-19 release streams) the devs stated that to combat players spamming offspeed pitches (the implication was secondary pitches) they put in a feature that after x number of consecutive secondary pitches they would start going to unintended locations.
Thus I call it a band-aid because it’s a quick fix that doesn’t actually do anything to fix what was a perceived problem and in that case actually created other problems.
Whether that feature is still in effect I do not know.
Anyway I'm off to bed it's late and I'm tired. @Bob_Loblaw1984 welcome back, check your DMs. Good night everyone
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
Op, you haven’t figured out that is the balance for you spamming pitches in the dirt?
Didn’t SDS say last year they were gonna punish spamming the same pitch too much?
Have you tried pitching to contact? Keeping them off balance with location/speed mixups?
Bold to complain about cheese tactics not working.
Why would I pitch for contact if my opponent can’t lay off anything? I’d rather strike him out on 3 pitches instead of giving him a chance to run into a lucky homerun
I can’t argue with that, but it further proves that the game is not competitive or even realistic at this point. Which I think is the same argument from OP.
Ponder this, people get bailed out with foul tips on balls in the dirt… but what about the passed ball animation that flashes the ball going all the way to the backstop?? Only for the catcher to still have the ball and throw down to 1st for the out or preventing runners from advancing.
That is a total bailout to dirtballers, and obviously programmed into the game. Not necessarily to balance or bail anybody out, but in past years it was a requested fix due to complaints of too many passed balls.
So maybe this foul tip complaint was SDS’s fix the dirtball spam, the same way bloop hits and errors scored as hits address lack of production or hit variety lol.
One thing I think we all could agree on is this game is Frankenstein’s monster stitched together and needs a major overhaul or completely new engine and code.
Honestly I've never understood the people who say throwing low offspeed should be penalized. The penalty is giving up walks. Walk 4 times and you score a run. Trust me, those "dirtballers" won't throw in the dirt very long if they give up walk after walk after walk. And that's when they have to come into the zone to challenge and THAT'S when you punish them and score all those runners. In other words; baseball 101
But yeah you keep chasing? I'm gonna throw in the dirt all game long. As I should. Anyone who tries to even think otherwise needs to change hobbies.
But yet you have a 5.6 ERA throwing dirt balls how is that going lol something ain’t adding up
Man, it doesn’t add up because people keep swinging, they know they’ll get rewarded with base hits up the middle and foul tips to stay alive, of course after fouling off 10 pitches your opponent can make a mistake pitch.
They problem is getting rewarded too often for bad input
Well if they keep fouling it off maybe just maybe try something else besides straight down in the dirt?
That’s the problem, they foul pitches in the dirt with very early or very late timing, they also foul them in the zone because they sell for fastball knowing offspeed won’t strike them out or put the ball in play for weak contact.
.172 career avr 2.55 Era yeah name fits
Averages have zero impact on the topic of this discussion, foul balls remain a problem regardless of how good or bad a player is.
Well obviously the foul ball are not helping you bud so kinda has some Relevance*
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
Op, you haven’t figured out that is the balance for you spamming pitches in the dirt?
Didn’t SDS say last year they were gonna punish spamming the same pitch too much?
Have you tried pitching to contact? Keeping them off balance with location/speed mixups?
Bold to complain about cheese tactics not working.
Why would I pitch for contact if my opponent can’t lay off anything? I’d rather strike him out on 3 pitches instead of giving him a chance to run into a lucky homerun
I can’t argue with that, but it further proves that the game is not competitive or even realistic at this point. Which I think is the same argument from OP.
Ponder this, people get bailed out with foul tips on balls in the dirt… but what about the passed ball animation that flashes the ball going all the way to the backstop?? Only for the catcher to still have the ball and throw down to 1st for the out or preventing runners from advancing.
That is a total bailout to dirtballers, and obviously programmed into the game. Not necessarily to balance or bail anybody out, but in past years it was a requested fix due to complaints of too many passed balls.
So maybe this foul tip complaint was SDS’s fix the dirtball spam, the same way bloop hits and errors scored as hits address lack of production or hit variety lol.
One thing I think we all could agree on is this game is Frankenstein’s monster stitched together and needs a major overhaul or completely new engine and code.
Honestly I've never understood the people who say throwing low offspeed should be penalized. The penalty is giving up walks. Walk 4 times and you score a run. Trust me, those "dirtballers" won't throw in the dirt very long if they give up walk after walk after walk. And that's when they have to come into the zone to challenge and THAT'S when you punish them and score all those runners. In other words; baseball 101
But yeah you keep chasing? I'm gonna throw in the dirt all game long. As I should. Anyone who tries to even think otherwise needs to change hobbies.
But yet you have a 5.6 ERA throwing dirt balls how is that going lol something ain’t adding up
Man, it doesn’t add up because people keep swinging, they know they’ll get rewarded with base hits up the middle and foul tips to stay alive, of course after fouling off 10 pitches your opponent can make a mistake pitch.
They problem is getting rewarded too often for bad input
Well if they keep fouling it off maybe just maybe try something else besides straight down in the dirt?
That’s the problem, they foul pitches in the dirt with very early or very late timing, they also foul them in the zone because they sell for fastball knowing offspeed won’t strike them out or put the ball in play for weak contact.
.172 career avr 2.55 Era yeah name fits
Averages have zero impact on the topic of this discussion, foul balls remain a problem regardless of how good or bad a player is.
Well obviously the foul ball are not helping you bud so kinda has some relivence.
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
Op, you haven’t figured out that is the balance for you spamming pitches in the dirt?
Didn’t SDS say last year they were gonna punish spamming the same pitch too much?
Have you tried pitching to contact? Keeping them off balance with location/speed mixups?
Bold to complain about cheese tactics not working.
Why would I pitch for contact if my opponent can’t lay off anything? I’d rather strike him out on 3 pitches instead of giving him a chance to run into a lucky homerun
I can’t argue with that, but it further proves that the game is not competitive or even realistic at this point. Which I think is the same argument from OP.
Ponder this, people get bailed out with foul tips on balls in the dirt… but what about the passed ball animation that flashes the ball going all the way to the backstop?? Only for the catcher to still have the ball and throw down to 1st for the out or preventing runners from advancing.
That is a total bailout to dirtballers, and obviously programmed into the game. Not necessarily to balance or bail anybody out, but in past years it was a requested fix due to complaints of too many passed balls.
So maybe this foul tip complaint was SDS’s fix the dirtball spam, the same way bloop hits and errors scored as hits address lack of production or hit variety lol.
One thing I think we all could agree on is this game is Frankenstein’s monster stitched together and needs a major overhaul or completely new engine and code.
Honestly I've never understood the people who say throwing low offspeed should be penalized. The penalty is giving up walks. Walk 4 times and you score a run. Trust me, those "dirtballers" won't throw in the dirt very long if they give up walk after walk after walk. And that's when they have to come into the zone to challenge and THAT'S when you punish them and score all those runners. In other words; baseball 101
But yeah you keep chasing? I'm gonna throw in the dirt all game long. As I should. Anyone who tries to even think otherwise needs to change hobbies.
But yet you have a 5.6 ERA throwing dirt balls how is that going lol something ain’t adding up
Man, it doesn’t add up because people keep swinging, they know they’ll get rewarded with base hits up the middle and foul tips to stay alive, of course after fouling off 10 pitches your opponent can make a mistake pitch.
They problem is getting rewarded too often for bad input
Well if they keep fouling it off maybe just maybe try something else besides straight down in the dirt?
That’s the problem, they foul pitches in the dirt with very early or very late timing, they also foul them in the zone because they sell for fastball knowing offspeed won’t strike them out or put the ball in play for weak contact.
.172 career avr 2.55 Era yeah name fits
Averages have zero impact on the topic of this discussion, foul balls remain a problem regardless of how good or bad a player is.
Well obviously the foul ball are not helping you bud so kinda has some relivence.
Thank you
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
Anyway I'm off to bed it's late and I'm tired. @Bob_Loblaw1984 welcome back, check your DMs. Good night everyone
Goodnight…I’m going stay up a bit and wait to see if eatyum gets back to me with the proof.
See you tomorrow.
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@domebay33_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
Op, you haven’t figured out that is the balance for you spamming pitches in the dirt?
Didn’t SDS say last year they were gonna punish spamming the same pitch too much?
Have you tried pitching to contact? Keeping them off balance with location/speed mixups?
Bold to complain about cheese tactics not working.
Why would I pitch for contact if my opponent can’t lay off anything? I’d rather strike him out on 3 pitches instead of giving him a chance to run into a lucky homerun
I can’t argue with that, but it further proves that the game is not competitive or even realistic at this point. Which I think is the same argument from OP.
Ponder this, people get bailed out with foul tips on balls in the dirt… but what about the passed ball animation that flashes the ball going all the way to the backstop?? Only for the catcher to still have the ball and throw down to 1st for the out or preventing runners from advancing.
That is a total bailout to dirtballers, and obviously programmed into the game. Not necessarily to balance or bail anybody out, but in past years it was a requested fix due to complaints of too many passed balls.
So maybe this foul tip complaint was SDS’s fix the dirtball spam, the same way bloop hits and errors scored as hits address lack of production or hit variety lol.
One thing I think we all could agree on is this game is Frankenstein’s monster stitched together and needs a major overhaul or completely new engine and code.
Honestly I've never understood the people who say throwing low offspeed should be penalized. The penalty is giving up walks. Walk 4 times and you score a run. Trust me, those "dirtballers" won't throw in the dirt very long if they give up walk after walk after walk. And that's when they have to come into the zone to challenge and THAT'S when you punish them and score all those runners. In other words; baseball 101
But yeah you keep chasing? I'm gonna throw in the dirt all game long. As I should. Anyone who tries to even think otherwise needs to change hobbies.
But yet you have a 5.6 ERA throwing dirt balls how is that going lol something ain’t adding up
Man, it doesn’t add up because people keep swinging, they know they’ll get rewarded with base hits up the middle and foul tips to stay alive, of course after fouling off 10 pitches your opponent can make a mistake pitch.
They problem is getting rewarded too often for bad input
Well if they keep fouling it off maybe just maybe try something else besides straight down in the dirt?
That’s the problem, they foul pitches in the dirt with very early or very late timing, they also foul them in the zone because they sell for fastball knowing offspeed won’t strike them out or put the ball in play for weak contact.
.172 career avr 2.55 Era yeah name fits
Averages have zero impact on the topic of this discussion, foul balls remain a problem regardless of how good or bad a player is.
Well obviously the foul ball are not helping you bud
Dude, I don’t have to explain myself to you but will do, maybe it will clear the perception you have and give you the clarity you need to stop relying on averages and start debating like the person with a functional brain that you are would do.
I started playing DD around June of 2020. I put in the work to become better and made WS for the first time in Late January or February of that game cycle, it carried over to TS21 and I went from being a really bad player to what I believe myself to be (average to slightly above average player), that should help to explain such bad hitting average.
Now, let’s discuss foul balls please. Don’t you think every AB against players with bad plate discipline being a 10-15 pitches at bat isn’t a problem?
I would assume you are a 3 inning BR a player as well?
@red_ted_is_back said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@red_ted_is_back said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@grizzbear55_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@write-to-shawn_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@grizzbear55_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@grizzbear55_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
Why is this thread a thing? The OP has left out variables of the eqation.
Who was the pitcher? What pitch was being used? What speed was the pitches? Why were they all out of the zone low? This looks so staged to me as a poor attempt to claim foul offs are happening all the time. It obviously was vs CPU.
Yeah, because vs CPU gives you a pause timer. You big dummy, thank you for completely discrediting yourself so I don't have to.
Ok fair point with timer so it wasn't vs CPU.
But you still haven't explained why so many low and out of zone? If someone pitched crappy like that to me you bet your @ss i'm using contact. People like you who pitch like this is just as much of the problem with online gameplay as the people you are complaining about. Your lil screenshot shows there was a hit where in the zone was that?
Grizzbear, this is wild. The goal is to get the opponent out, get them to chase pitches, etc.
I get that but that many in same spot? Anybody who takes time out to play competitively should not see that many pitches in the same spot.
This was an issue several years back where people spammed the lowball and you could never make contact on them, so the fact that they are getting contact to prevent the lowball spam is a good thing. Do i think the batter shouldv'e laid off absolutely. But in the same breath if that's all he is throwing makes for a boring game. My guess they were tired of him throwing trash so they resorted to contact and just foul him off til he either pitched legitimately by mixing it up like a normal person or switched pitcher.
The issue with addressing an abused mechanic with a band-aid is that it distances the game further from what it is supposed to represent: a strategic game of baseball between two players.
What you’ve described is a band-aid; forcing predetermined outcomes instead of implementing a way to allow the input (from both players) to shape the outcome.
A similar thing happened with bunting which made bunting unusable even in bunt situations (for offline too unfortunately).
A similar thing happened with controlling the outcome of multiple consecutive secondary pitches instead of allowing the players to adjust to the game situation.
Nothing personal, I still enjoy your contributions to the forum and I was glad to see your return earlier this month
Hey, can you elaborate about consecutive secondary pitches? I wasn’t even at a noob level before TS20 so I really don’t know about that and would like to
Way back when (pre-18 or pre-19 release streams) the devs stated that to combat players spamming offspeed pitches (the implication was secondary pitches) they put in a feature that after x number of consecutive secondary pitches they would start going to unintended locations.
Thus I call it a band-aid because it’s a quick fix that doesn’t actually do anything to fix what was a perceived problem and in that case actually created other problems.
Whether that feature is still in effect I do not know.
I hope not, thanks for sharing the info, I appreciate it.
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
I would assume you are a 3 inning BR a player as well?
I hate BR, but how does the innings played per game impact the foul balls situation?
Reason I ask this is because you cannot base how bad this Baseball game off playing 3 inning games. You don’t even get a chance to figure the tendencies of the opposing pitcher or the batting tendencies in a 3 inning game.
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
I would assume you are a 3 inning BR a player as well?
I hate BR, but how does the innings played per game impact the foul balls situation?
He's a troll bro. Said he only plays online rated the other day and no DD. Yet he has been here for a few days with 0 contribution other than poor attempts to troll. It's better to just ignore him.
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
I would assume you are a 3 inning BR a player as well?
I hate BR, but how does the innings played per game impact the foul balls situation?
You know what fixes the fouls balls figuring out what they swing and miss at what location ect… takes more than a 3 inning game to figure it out lol
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
I would assume you are a 3 inning BR a player as well?
I hate BR, but how does the innings played per game impact the foul balls situation?
You know what fixes the fouls balls figuring out what they swing and miss at what location ect… takes more than a 3 inning game to figure it out lol
So, swinging very early/late at consecutive pitches in different locations out of the zone and still fouling off isn’t a problem?
Becuase in the first AB of the last 9 innings game I played my opponent fouled off 16 pitches with all sorts of timing until I ended up hanging one and he hit a double to the RF gap?
@raesone_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
I would assume you are a 3 inning BR a player as well?
I hate BR, but how does the innings played per game impact the foul balls situation?
He's a troll bro. Said he only plays online rated the other day and no DD. Yet he has been here for a few days with 0 contribution other than poor attempts to troll. It's better to just ignore him.
Lmfao man, I see, I have nothing better to do right now tho… I tried to go to sleep and couldn’t. I’ll see if I can’t get anything good out of this. Maybe I get bored and fall asleep
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
I would assume you are a 3 inning BR a player as well?
I hate BR, but how does the innings played per game impact the foul balls situation?
You know what fixes the fouls balls figuring out what they swing and miss at what location ect… takes more than a 3 inning game to figure it out lol
So, swinging very early/late at consecutive pitches in different locations out of the zone and still fouling off isn’t a problem?
Becuase in the first AB of the last 9 innings game I played my opponent fouled off 16 pitches with all sorts of timing until I ended up hanging one and he hit a double to the RF gap?
Don’t hang a pitch but one thing I wish they got rid of or greatly reduce the size of is the outer pci it should be completely gone.
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
I would assume you are a 3 inning BR a player as well?
I hate BR, but how does the innings played per game impact the foul balls situation?
You know what fixes the fouls balls figuring out what they swing and miss at what location ect… takes more than a 3 inning game to figure it out lol
So, swinging very early/late at consecutive pitches in different locations out of the zone and still fouling off isn’t a problem?
Becuase in the first AB of the last 9 innings game I played my opponent fouled off 16 pitches with all sorts of timing until I ended up hanging one and he hit a double to the RF gap?
Don’t hang a pitch but one thing I wish they got rid of or greatly reduce the size of is the outer pci it should be completely gone.
There we go dude, you’re starting to understand what we’re trying to say here… the excessive amount of foul balls is due to the outer pci that gets bigger when you swing for contact instead of normal/power. They make it smaller and gameplay improves a ton.
I knew this was not a hopeless case @raesONE_PSN … this is why I still believe in humanity!
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
@spc_garza_psn said in How to tell you're gonna lose a game:
I would assume you are a 3 inning BR a player as well?
I hate BR, but how does the innings played per game impact the foul balls situation?
You know what fixes the fouls balls figuring out what they swing and miss at what location ect… takes more than a 3 inning game to figure it out lol
So, swinging very early/late at consecutive pitches in different locations out of the zone and still fouling off isn’t a problem?
Becuase in the first AB of the last 9 innings game I played my opponent fouled off 16 pitches with all sorts of timing until I ended up hanging one and he hit a double to the RF gap?
Don’t hang a pitch but one thing I wish they got rid of or greatly reduce the size of is the outer pci it should be completely gone.
There we go dude, you’re starting to understand what we’re trying to say here… the excessive amount of foul balls is due to the outer pci that gets bigger when you swing for contact instead of normal/power. They make it smaller and gameplay improves a ton.
I have always said this. I even made a post about taking it out got mostly ignored or drowned out with the complainers But even still with it 1.5 ERA with 76 and 69 and below pitchers going up against Yankees dodgers over and over taking out that outer pci would only make me more lethal