'Twas the night before The Show...
I missed your posts so much. Don't ever leave again.
See Schnauzer you do know how to fish for a City Boy
Great post. Exactly what I needed right now.
This is pure Gold.
@schnauzerface said in 'Twas the night before The Show...:
‘Twas the night before The Show, and anticipation was at a fervor
But not a thing was working correctly, not even a server.
Preorders were made and the legends revealed,
SDS hoped that last year’s wounds were all healed.
The fanbase was huddled in front of their consoles
While exploiters were dreaming of capitalizing on loopholes.
That stupid Coach puppet, whose voice is so grating,
Announced Tatis’s laughably inflated overall rating.
When out from our dashboards came a new notification!
It’s time to download The Show to your Switch or Xbox or Playstation!
Immediately we started the download and install,
In just a few moments, we’d be playing baseball!
But, alas! As has been since time immemorial,
First we would all have to play a pointless 9-inning tutorial.
Finally, the game begins and what do we behold?
Our favorite player has been disrespected with an 82 gold.
Never mind that! Time to get started,
But here comes a server error. O, the broken-hearted!
We load and reload and reload and reload once more,
I swear to God if this doesn’t work I’m throwing my TV out the front door.
Hour after frustrating hour has passed
And by 4 am, we log in at last!
Let’s start easy, we think, with a quick game of conquest
What's this? Somehow the game played better in tech test.
Fielding and hitting and pitching are far beyond broken
“We are aware of technical glitches,” says The Show Twitter. SDS has spoken!
Now, Colin! Now, Luis! Now, our friend Ramone Russell!
Fix this effing game, and we beg you to hustle!
I wanted to be civil, but I have no choice but to break from decorum,
And spend the next 12 months bitching about this game on your very own forum.‘Twas the night before baseball magnet corners being painted by PPP and secondary pci foul balls off pitches headed outside the opposite batters box.
SF for the WIN!!!
@schnauzerface said in 'Twas the night before The Show...:
And spend the next 12 months bitching about this game on your very own forum.
Always and forever the GOAT of this forum.
Well done!
Welp post of the year and the game isn't even out yet
Lol knew you’d be getting it on the 1st
Awesome job with this. Made me laugh out loud
Robert Frost or Edgar Allen Poe got nothing on SF! Well done!
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in 'Twas the night before The Show...:
Welp post of the year and the game isn't even out yet
Can we get this permanently pinned until next seasons part 2 rendition. There will be a second one? Right? Just like the generation of today, I’ve already consumed this and I want more!!!
@quinnymcquinn said in 'Twas the night before The Show...:
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in 'Twas the night before The Show...:
Welp post of the year and the game isn't even out yet
Can we get this permanently pinned until next seasons part 2 rendition. There will be a second one? Right? Just like the generation of today, I’ve already consumed this and I want more!!!
I say this should at least be a quarterly thing. Or prior to every major content drop, like SFs version of a pre inning or TA stream. It makes the waiting less painful..
And the Waiting is the hardest part.
This is awesome! Thank you.
@schnauzerface said in 'Twas the night before The Show...:
‘Twas the night before The Show, and anticipation was at a fervor
But not a thing was working correctly, not even a server.
Preorders were made and the legends revealed,
SDS hoped that last year’s wounds were all healed.
The fanbase was huddled in front of their consoles
While exploiters were dreaming of capitalizing on loopholes.
That stupid Coach puppet, whose voice is so grating,
Announced Tatis’s laughably inflated overall rating.
When out from our dashboards came a new notification!
It’s time to download The Show to your Switch or Xbox or Playstation!
Immediately we started the download and install,
In just a few moments, we’d be playing baseball!
But, alas! As has been since time immemorial,
First we would all have to play a pointless 9-inning tutorial.
Finally, the game begins and what do we behold?
Our favorite player has been disrespected with an 82 gold.
Never mind that! Time to get started,
But here comes a server error. O, the broken-hearted!
We load and reload and reload and reload once more,
I swear to God if this doesn’t work I’m throwing my TV out the front door.
Hour after frustrating hour has passed
And by 4 am, we log in at last!
Let’s start easy, we think, with a quick game of conquest
What's this? Somehow the game played better in tech test.
Fielding and hitting and pitching are far beyond broken
“We are aware of technical glitches,” says The Show Twitter. SDS has spoken!
Now, Colin! Now, Luis! Now, our friend Ramone Russell!
Fix this effing game, and we beg you to hustle!
I wanted to be civil, but I have no choice but to break from decorum,
And spend the next 12 months bitching about this game on your very own forum.and once again i regret not being able to like this a thousand times
Amazing as always.
Only problem I have on this brilliant post is 'Throwing the TV out the front door.'
Don't you use a monitor??