Sports games soundtracks suck
@pennstatefencer said in Sports games soundtracks suck [censored]:
@myguymanny_xbl said in Sports games soundtracks suck [censored]:
I do not understand why virtually every modern sports game has just the worst game/menu music....with the amounts of [censored] updates we get thrown at us you would think that simply freshening up the game music would be a simple task...maybe fill the games with more fitting songs to the times and the sport... more good rap and hip hop songs of course...You know..the type of cuts that young men actually wanna hear when working out or playing competitive sports...because "worry" by songhoy blues is annoying as [censored] and does not get me in the zone, not even a little bit. And Juvenile?? Really Devs?! L are you serious??! who's ZUNE playlist is responsible for this [censored].
You've been a problem, but still you cant quit. Used to spend your time complaining to no benefit but nah. Make a contribution and become the solution.
I was with you until you said more rap and hip hop songs. None would be a step in the right direction.
Whatever they paid to secure the rights to an AC/DC song buys them a lot of bonus points in my opinion. Enough to earn my forgiveness for the dumpster fire that is the rest of this year's soundtrack.
@myguymanny_xbl said in Sports games soundtracks suck:
I do not understand why virtually every modern sports game has just the worst game/menu music....with the amounts of [censored] updates we get thrown at us you would think that simply freshening up the game music would be a simple task...maybe fill the games with more fitting songs to the times and the sport... more good rap and hip hop songs of course...You know..the type of cuts that young men actually wanna hear when working out or playing competitive sports...because "worry" by songhoy blues is annoying as [censored] and does not get me in the zone, not even a little bit. And Juvenile?? Really Devs?! L are you serious??! who's ZUNE playlist is responsible for this [censored].
You’ve gotta admit - Take Care in Your Dreaming by The Avalanches is straight
I think you can download your own music into the game by a USB stick. I believe the music files must be in a file titled "music" on your USB for the PS4 to recognize it, then go into the music or jukebox section to add?
@slick86notch_psn said in Sports games soundtracks suck:
I think you can download your own music into the game by a USB stick. I believe the music files must be in a file titled "music" on your USB for the PS4 to recognize it, then go into the music or jukebox section to add?
I did this every year up until this year when they said it was not an option for PS5 players. So, I just shut the music off.
I liked “Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus” but hearing every 5 minutes while flipping cards at 1 AM ruined it for me.
@savefarris_psn said in Sports games soundtracks suck:
Because would you rather have the budget going to acquiring the rights to legends and increasing software development or would you rather it go to music rights fees?
Sports soundtracks are typically 90% new/breakthrough artists who don't charge very much and want to get their foot in the door. That's why it's usually so hit & miss.
It’s more a matter of hearing the same songs over and over that is probably turning everyone off. I wouldn’t necessarily consider Foo Fighters, AC/DC, Beck, Future Islands, etc ‘new artists’ who are looking to get to get their foot in the door.
All that said, I’d wish they’d allow the game to connect to Spotify or another music service where you could choose your own tunes. You can certainly upload your own files but that’s a bit of a pain in the [censored].
Like I always say, I liked Slam when I was 12 years old, but it definitely gets old after the 20th time in a day. I usually just end up listening to podcasts or the Mets game while I play but it would be nice if Spotify was directly in the game.
The content matters. There should be a lot of kids playing this game and they don't need some of the song's messages drilled into their heads, especially when there are appropriate alternatives available. I am an adult and I don't want it either. While an adult conversation around [censored] workers and their rights to unionize their services may or may not be merited, and the song is fine to blast at the SDS offices, does it really need to be included in this game? There is something else equally good available, I'm sure of it.
Good songs are available that don't cost the BIG $$. Sure the biggest songs do cost big bucks, but the people responsible for selecting the songs need to have more imagination and not be so eager to "look cool", or something, by picking songs with a message that really shouldn't be included. There are other good Rap/Hip-hop songs that actually do have a decent message, or at least don't get so foul with their meanings. Yes, those songs do exist. There are good examples already on The Show soundtrack. Try harder on this one, please. Songs shouldn't need to be censored or have words bleeped out. The message of the songs really does matter.
The variety is appreciated. As long as all songs are appropriate, it is nice to mix up the genres and moods the way you do.
I hate that they keep playing the song in that overused Dodge Ram commercial. The one where the dude uses the truck to haul baseball equipment. It is such an ear worm... waiting for the last time or whatever the heck they're saying.
If there has to be an ear worm, fine, but not from a stupid commercial. I should be thankful that it's not any Liberty Mutual garbage
Oh yeah, hip hop where every chick and their cousin sing like Nicky Minaj is the way to go
I believe one of the main songs for this game is also In the spider man game.
I'm at the point in life where I can't tell if I'm listening to a b-list soundtrack or if I'm so out of touch that it only seems that way.
I've basically gotten to the point where I turn the music off. There's times I shut of the commentators as well, sometimes they get into a rut and keep repeating the same lines... I would actually pay extra for the game if they updated the commentators, maybe even add Jack Buck, or Harry Caray. There's plenty of soundbites from old games they could put together to get what's needed for the game, their families would make some bank as well