We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs
I've been getting tired of this lately seeing it more and more now than I was before. Why is this a thing?
Heck I'd take a base hit if you want just please no hits that are caught every time or grounders to first on a perfect swing.
We get penalized for getting a perfect hit? How does this even remotely make sense?
So your saying that basically we get penalized for good timing and yet sometimes you can get bases from lates to very early -very lates, why is this still even a thing?
Also I notice people saying how last year the hitting was easier, is that likely due to people saying it was too easy lol -
Because this also happens in real life, and yes I know this is a videogame, I'm just giving you the reason it happens
@eatyum_psn said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
Because this also happens in real life, and yes I know this is a videogame, I'm just giving you the reason it happens
this response makes sense in a way i guess but I think if your using directional that it should really affect it the most. I feel like using zone in the game it shouldn't happen as frequent as it does bc timing the PCI can be brutal sometimes esp using a TV
That's why baseball is so great and it's like life. You can do everything right in life and still fail and you can do everything wrong and still succeed
I really don't have a problem with perfect/perfects being outs. That is real baseball if I have ever seen it. The one I don't get is PCI nowhere near the ball and it leaving the yard. I get it if PCI is barely on it or just off it...but nowhere near it makes no sense.
@eatyum_psn said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
Because this also happens in real life, and yes I know this is a videogame, I'm just giving you the reason it happens
You can have a broken bat single in real life and have a 110mph screamer snagged at third to rob a base hit. I have no issues having “perfect” hits not actually be hits.
This just goes to show how different players want different things from the game.
There are lots of “that’s baseball” responses from players that are looking for more of a simulation game.
Personally, I kind of agree with OP. In a video game, I want to get rewarded for a good swing (or hitting the target when I shoot accurately). I don’t want the cpu or my opponent (or me) to get hits on non-pci swings.
Imagine playing a shooter and you hit the enemy in the face but he somehow doesn’t get hurt because “that’s life” or something.
IMO, the frequency of these random occurrences are too high. At least make it an understandable range. You know, pci 9-12=x % chance of hit etc.
The whole “that’s baseball” argument is just too vague and allows the gameplay to be manipulated.
The main problem woth this game is pitching is wayyyy to accurate and its hilariously easy to fowl off pitches way out of the zone. If your pci is in the bottom of the zone you should be fouling off fastballs at the top of the zone. If you swing at an offspeed pitch a foot out of the zone then you should miss that pitch 98% of the time.
You also have to remember that in the game you are facing teams with all 99 out fields with 85+ speed likely in most cases
So yes you hit a perfect perfect liner to the gap however you have the greatest outfield to ever be put together to track it down.
We have reached the point where this is a video game now and anything simulation wise can pretty much be thrown out the windown because the best of the best carfs are facing the best of the best cards so there are no short comings on teams resulting in the only way to win is hit the ball over everyone's head
I cannot stand perfect perfects ground balls. No one has ever hit a ground ball and gone “Oh wow! That was the best swing I could’ve taken!” Ground balls are the opposite of perfect
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
I've been getting tired of this lately seeing it more and more now than I was before. Why is this a thing?
Heck I'd take a base hit if you want just please no hits that are caught every time or grounders to first on a perfect swing.
We get penalized for getting a perfect hit? How does this even remotely make sense?
So your saying that basically we get penalized for good timing and yet sometimes you can get bases from lates to very early -very lates, why is this still even a thing?
Also I notice people saying how last year the hitting was easier, is that likely due to people saying it was too easy lolYou’re right about hitting being easier last year. SDS’s idea of perfect timing is flawed. A perfect timed swing on an away pitch goes up the middle 7/10 times. I have noticed after the content update that significantly more line drives are getting down for hits with good contact hitters. They’re definitely doing some secret changes.
@unisiss_psn said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
I've been getting tired of this lately seeing it more and more now than I was before. Why is this a thing?
Heck I'd take a base hit if you want just please no hits that are caught every time or grounders to first on a perfect swing.
We get penalized for getting a perfect hit? How does this even remotely make sense?
So your saying that basically we get penalized for good timing and yet sometimes you can get bases from lates to very early -very lates, why is this still even a thing?
Also I notice people saying how last year the hitting was easier, is that likely due to people saying it was too easy lolYou’re right about hitting being easier last year. SDS’s idea of perfect timing is flawed. A perfect timed swing on an away pitch goes up the middle 7/10 times. I have noticed after the content update that significantly more line drives are getting down for hits with good contact hitters. They’re definitely doing some secret changes.
I keep seeing people mention about how its more realistic but its literally a video game. Video games are not always supposed to be realistic especially sports games
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@unisiss_psn said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
I've been getting tired of this lately seeing it more and more now than I was before. Why is this a thing?
Heck I'd take a base hit if you want just please no hits that are caught every time or grounders to first on a perfect swing.
We get penalized for getting a perfect hit? How does this even remotely make sense?
So your saying that basically we get penalized for good timing and yet sometimes you can get bases from lates to very early -very lates, why is this still even a thing?
Also I notice people saying how last year the hitting was easier, is that likely due to people saying it was too easy lolYou’re right about hitting being easier last year. SDS’s idea of perfect timing is flawed. A perfect timed swing on an away pitch goes up the middle 7/10 times. I have noticed after the content update that significantly more line drives are getting down for hits with good contact hitters. They’re definitely doing some secret changes.
I keep seeing people mention about how its more realistic but its literally a video game. Video games are not always supposed to be realistic especially sports games
Especially one being marketed as a competitive game. If sds wants it to be a competitive game input is the only thing that should matter
@jacksonvance35 said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@unisiss_psn said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
I've been getting tired of this lately seeing it more and more now than I was before. Why is this a thing?
Heck I'd take a base hit if you want just please no hits that are caught every time or grounders to first on a perfect swing.
We get penalized for getting a perfect hit? How does this even remotely make sense?
So your saying that basically we get penalized for good timing and yet sometimes you can get bases from lates to very early -very lates, why is this still even a thing?
Also I notice people saying how last year the hitting was easier, is that likely due to people saying it was too easy lolYou’re right about hitting being easier last year. SDS’s idea of perfect timing is flawed. A perfect timed swing on an away pitch goes up the middle 7/10 times. I have noticed after the content update that significantly more line drives are getting down for hits with good contact hitters. They’re definitely doing some secret changes.
I keep seeing people mention about how its more realistic but its literally a video game. Video games are not always supposed to be realistic especially sports games
Especially one being marketed as a competitive game. If sds wants it to be a competitive game input is the only thing that should matter
This game will never be competitive until they add more servers and adjust the matchmaking accordingly.
Let me explain. Say you have an opponent in Texas and Colorado. Both where alleged server locations are at. Say Texas person can ping to Colorado server in 80 ms. Say Colorado can ping to Texas in 60 ms. I am guessing this game will connect to the Texas server. Well the Colorado person is going to connect in 60 ms as stated but say the Texas person is 20 ms away from the Texas server. This is going to create a huge advantage for the Texas player which results in the issues I have stated before such as base stealers not getting good jumps, fielding animations, non-pci hr's for TX person, good/goods going nowhere for the CO person and many more.
The fix for this issue and to make the game smoother for everyone is to have more servers and have these opponents connect to a server that has a really close ping for both. Say in the above instance that there is a server in Oklahoma that both can reach in 40 ms. That would be ideal barring packet loss and other variables. The closer the players pings are with the server, the better the game play. I can promise you that players like pitching_rebel connect to servers close to them all the time. I am not saying he isn't good but his game will always be consistent. If I played him on the Florida servers, he would run rule me. If we played on the Texas servers he may still win but it would be a different game. More servers would also alleviate the server errors we are seeing especially early in the game cycle.
This is all speculation but I have been looking into this for years.
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
I've been getting tired of this lately seeing it more and more now than I was before. Why is this a thing?
Heck I'd take a base hit if you want just please no hits that are caught every time or grounders to first on a perfect swing.
We get penalized for getting a perfect hit? How does this even remotely make sense?
So your saying that basically we get penalized for good timing and yet sometimes you can get bases from lates to very early -very lates, why is this still even a thing?
Also I notice people saying how last year the hitting was easier, is that likely due to people saying it was too easyYou realize this is a baseball game right? People hit the ball hard and get out in baseball.
This is how I interpret the programming. There is placement of pci and timing of swing… and, respectively, both of these parameters dictates where the ball goes and how hard the ball is hit. There are other factors as well depending on pitch location, type of pitch, batter stats, pitcher stats, quirks, power/normal/contact swing, etc…
The way I understand perfect/perfect swings is: that specific batter with his stats, against that pitcher stats, on that specific pitch, in that location, will result in xxx location with xxx exit velocity (+ / - quirks)
At least this is how my brain accepts how it works. And yes this can still result in an out to any part of the field if the ball is in play.
The problem is nobody really knows how the outcome of a swing is determined. You can have a “perfect” swing and make an out and you can have a poor swing and hit a home run.
Because “that’s baseball”, we all accept this and the gameplay does not have to be held accountable in any way.
Hardest hit ball in the statcast era was a double play
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@jacksonvance35 said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@unisiss_psn said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
I've been getting tired of this lately seeing it more and more now than I was before. Why is this a thing?
Heck I'd take a base hit if you want just please no hits that are caught every time or grounders to first on a perfect swing.
We get penalized for getting a perfect hit? How does this even remotely make sense?
So your saying that basically we get penalized for good timing and yet sometimes you can get bases from lates to very early -very lates, why is this still even a thing?
Also I notice people saying how last year the hitting was easier, is that likely due to people saying it was too easy lolYou’re right about hitting being easier last year. SDS’s idea of perfect timing is flawed. A perfect timed swing on an away pitch goes up the middle 7/10 times. I have noticed after the content update that significantly more line drives are getting down for hits with good contact hitters. They’re definitely doing some secret changes.
I keep seeing people mention about how its more realistic but its literally a video game. Video games are not always supposed to be realistic especially sports games
Especially one being marketed as a competitive game. If sds wants it to be a competitive game input is the only thing that should matter
This game will never be competitive until they add more servers and adjust the matchmaking accordingly.
Let me explain. Say you have an opponent in Texas and Colorado. Both where alleged server locations are at. Say Texas person can ping to Colorado server in 80 ms. Say Colorado can ping to Texas in 60 ms. I am guessing this game will connect to the Texas server. Well the Colorado person is going to connect in 60 ms as stated but say the Texas person is 20 ms away from the Texas server. This is going to create a huge advantage for the Texas player which results in the issues I have stated before such as base stealers not getting good jumps, fielding animations, non-pci hr's for TX person, good/goods going nowhere for the CO person and many more.
The fix for this issue and to make the game smoother for everyone is to have more servers and have these opponents connect to a server that has a really close ping for both. Say in the above instance that there is a server in Oklahoma that both can reach in 40 ms. That would be ideal barring packet loss and other variables. The closer the players pings are with the server, the better the game play. I can promise you that players like pitching_rebel connect to servers close to them all the time. I am not saying he isn't good but his game will always be consistent. If I played him on the Florida servers, he would run rule me. If we played on the Texas servers he may still win but it would be a different game. More servers would also alleviate the server errors we are seeing especially early in the game cycle.
This is all speculation but I have been looking into this for years.
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@jacksonvance35 said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@unisiss_psn said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
@drhm100_xbl said in We need this fixed in gameplay: Perfect swings resulting in outs:
I've been getting tired of this lately seeing it more and more now than I was before. Why is this a thing?
Heck I'd take a base hit if you want just please no hits that are caught every time or grounders to first on a perfect swing.
We get penalized for getting a perfect hit? How does this even remotely make sense?
So your saying that basically we get penalized for good timing and yet sometimes you can get bases from lates to very early -very lates, why is this still even a thing?
Also I notice people saying how last year the hitting was easier, is that likely due to people saying it was too easy lolYou’re right about hitting being easier last year. SDS’s idea of perfect timing is flawed. A perfect timed swing on an away pitch goes up the middle 7/10 times. I have noticed after the content update that significantly more line drives are getting down for hits with good contact hitters. They’re definitely doing some secret changes.
I keep seeing people mention about how its more realistic but its literally a video game. Video games are not always supposed to be realistic especially sports games
Especially one being marketed as a competitive game. If sds wants it to be a competitive game input is the only thing that should matter
This game will never be competitive until they add more servers and adjust the matchmaking accordingly.
Let me explain. Say you have an opponent in Texas and Colorado. Both where alleged server locations are at. Say Texas person can ping to Colorado server in 80 ms. Say Colorado can ping to Texas in 60 ms. I am guessing this game will connect to the Texas server. Well the Colorado person is going to connect in 60 ms as stated but say the Texas person is 20 ms away from the Texas server. This is going to create a huge advantage for the Texas player which results in the issues I have stated before such as base stealers not getting good jumps, fielding animations, non-pci hr's for TX person, good/goods going nowhere for the CO person and many more.
The fix for this issue and to make the game smoother for everyone is to have more servers and have these opponents connect to a server that has a really close ping for both. Say in the above instance that there is a server in Oklahoma that both can reach in 40 ms. That would be ideal barring packet loss and other variables. The closer the players pings are with the server, the better the game play. I can promise you that players like pitching_rebel connect to servers close to them all the time. I am not saying he isn't good but his game will always be consistent. If I played him on the Florida servers, he would run rule me. If we played on the Texas servers he may still win but it would be a different game. More servers would also alleviate the server errors we are seeing especially early in the game cycle.
This is all speculation but I have been looking into this for years.
The cheap fix to overcome different distances to server would be to cut out the middleman, ie a P2P connection.