Just made my first WS
Feels really, really good. The accomplishment is definitely worth the sweaty games and stress from toxic players and the game itself failing you.
For you older guys, I’m turning 39 this month and this is my 2nd year playing the game. You can do it
. Having a high refresh/hz monitor is key and just getting your swing timing down. Attack the ball.
Lastly, just want to thank (::cue oscar music ushering me off stage::) all the posters on this board. Grateful for everyone taking the time out of their busy lives to contribute to making the game and all players in the community better.
Next up BR 12-0 here I come.
I'm 52 and make WS every season. Baseball is a game of adjustments. Games that I can actually see the ball, read and react (about 40%) I look fastball and adjust to off-speed. Games with warping fastballs where I can't read and react (60%), I take more pitches and have to see patterns and sell out for fastballs. Even that doesn't help some times. Those games you can't miss the off-speed pitches.
12-0. Not a chance. Been 11-1 6 times. 3-3 in those games. Always a game in a run where I don't hit good, pitch good, game bends you over, other player is on red bull and adderall, other player just better, lag.
Old dudes rule
Congrats man. After a few games of RS my sobriety comes in to question so I just stick to events and BR
Well done dude.
Does 33 years old qualify to be part of the old team crew?
@tgiamiel2020_psn said in Just made my first WS:
Feels really, really good. The accomplishment is definitely worth the sweaty games and stress from toxic players and the game itself failing you.
For you older guys, I’m turning 39 this month and this is my 2nd year playing the game. You can do it
. Having a high refresh/hz monitor is key and just getting your swing timing down. Attack the ball.
Lastly, just want to thank (::cue oscar music ushering me off stage::) all the posters on this board. Grateful for everyone taking the time out of their busy lives to contribute to making the game and all players in the community better.
Next up BR 12-0 here I come.
Congrats man. I’m 45 and just made CS but I highly doubt I’ll make WS. This years game has been pretty tough for me. I get pretty frustrated so I’ll take a break, drink some prune juice, watch a little Murder She Wrote and give it another go.
@tgiamiel2020_psn said in Just made my first WS:
Feels really, really good. The accomplishment is definitely worth the sweaty games and stress from toxic players and the game itself failing you.
For you older guys, I’m turning 39 this month and this is my 2nd year playing the game. You can do it
. Having a high refresh/hz monitor is key and just getting your swing timing down. Attack the ball.
Lastly, just want to thank (::cue oscar music ushering me off stage::) all the posters on this board. Grateful for everyone taking the time out of their busy lives to contribute to making the game and all players in the community better.
Next up BR 12-0 here I come.
congrats pal, its a great feeling indeed - see ya on the field
Just turned 40 here. Got into the 840s over the weekend which my high in any RS this year before that was 702. Then was unfortunate enough to play two straight games with guys ranked just over 900 and was on legend. One throwing Degrom which I have trouble with anyways and the other a submarining left handed CAP. It was not pretty.
Congratz man.
I guess i am not the only old dude who is trying to make WS..
I'm 37 and stuck at 850 ish throughout the year... so tough to hit this year with pin point pitching....
gotta push for next 4 days... just need 55 points...wish me luck -
turning 40 and make WS every season...this season was my quickest to get to WS...highest was 936
i play on a LG 55" TV..not the oled..
In 1977 I was one of the first kids to get an Atari @ my school pong, Air sea battle,Tank battle ect... we were Amassed.My how far we have come its kinda mind blowing...
@tgiamiel2020_psn said in Just made my first WS:
Feels really, really good. The accomplishment is definitely worth the sweaty games and stress from toxic players and the game itself failing you.
For you older guys, I’m turning 39 this month and this is my 2nd year playing the game. You can do it
. Having a high refresh/hz monitor is key and just getting your swing timing down. Attack the ball.
Lastly, just want to thank (::cue oscar music ushering me off stage::) all the posters on this board. Grateful for everyone taking the time out of their busy lives to contribute to making the game and all players in the community better.
Next up BR 12-0 here I come.
Congratulations bro.
I’m 37 and made WS the first time this year. Going for 3rd in a row currently. 55-10 this year playing on a 55” TV in game mode, so it’s definitely possible to do well without amazing reflexes.
I haven’t really tried for 12-0 yet, but it’s on the list…
i'm surprised so many of us are mid 30-early 40's here right on gents - our eyes may not be eagle eyes like the young'ins but we are just on the cusp of greatness
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Just made my first WS:
Well done dude.
Does 33 years old qualify to be part of the old team crew?
You're just a puppy. Enjoy the age!
@tgiamiel2020_psn said in Just made my first WS:
Feels really, really good. The accomplishment is definitely worth the sweaty games and stress from toxic players and the game itself failing you.
For you older guys, I’m turning 39 this month and this is my 2nd year playing the game. You can do it
. Having a high refresh/hz monitor is key and just getting your swing timing down. Attack the ball.
Lastly, just want to thank (::cue oscar music ushering me off stage::) all the posters on this board. Grateful for everyone taking the time out of their busy lives to contribute to making the game and all players in the community better.
Next up BR 12-0 here I come.
As a 37 year old beauty myself, congratulations on representing the grey bushes in the community. We're proud of you!
@tgiamiel2020_psn said in Just made my first WS:
Feels really, really good. The accomplishment is definitely worth the sweaty games and stress from toxic players and the game itself failing you.
For you older guys, I’m turning 39 this month and this is my 2nd year playing the game. You can do it
. Having a high refresh/hz monitor is key and just getting your swing timing down. Attack the ball.
Lastly, just want to thank (::cue oscar music ushering me off stage::) all the posters on this board. Grateful for everyone taking the time out of their busy lives to contribute to making the game and all players in the community better.
Next up BR 12-0 here I come.
Congrats sir
@scar_usmc77_psn said in Just made my first WS:
@tgiamiel2020_psn said in Just made my first WS:
Feels really, really good. The accomplishment is definitely worth the sweaty games and stress from toxic players and the game itself failing you.
For you older guys, I’m turning 39 this month and this is my 2nd year playing the game. You can do it
. Having a high refresh/hz monitor is key and just getting your swing timing down. Attack the ball.
Lastly, just want to thank (::cue oscar music ushering me off stage::) all the posters on this board. Grateful for everyone taking the time out of their busy lives to contribute to making the game and all players in the community better.
Next up BR 12-0 here I come.
Congrats man. I’m 45 and just made CS but I highly doubt I’ll make WS. This years game has been pretty tough for me. I get pretty frustrated so I’ll take a break, drink some prune juice, watch a little Murder She Wrote and give it another go.
45 also, its ruff man my reflexes or my eyes not as good as they once were lol. I made it but i was so lucky really. Not sure ill ever make it again lol
@tgiamiel2020_psn said in Just made my first WS:
Feels really, really good. The accomplishment is definitely worth the sweaty games and stress from toxic players and the game itself failing you.
For you older guys, I’m turning 39 this month and this is my 2nd year playing the game. You can do it
. Having a high refresh/hz monitor is key and just getting your swing timing down. Attack the ball.
Lastly, just want to thank (::cue oscar music ushering me off stage::) all the posters on this board. Grateful for everyone taking the time out of their busy lives to contribute to making the game and all players in the community better.
Next up BR 12-0 here I come.
Congrats man. I'm with you. 38 and just made my first a couple days ago since playing DD back in 16. Been playing the show since 09 though. I went 14-1 this season after starting at 550. I'm officially retiring from RS this year with a final record of 34-3. I'll never go 12-0 in BR. I have no patience at the plate and am awful at 3 inning games. 9 innings work because I can scrape together 2-3 runs over that time and my pitching in RS rarely lets me down.