Post here if you don't use PCI...
@Gmoney-1234 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@LankyRyan @DriveByTrucker17
You just said it yourself. You're putting the 3" barrel on the ball and hitting it where you want it to go.
A baseball bat has a 2-5/8 inch wide barrel.. not a 15 inch wide by 10 inch tall barrel. Ik y’all played with those orange bats as kids but this simulation baseball.. not your backyard
You just sound ignorant, man. Are you even sure what you're saying? Pure analog, zone, and directional all have the same PCI. You just choose to not have it as a movable interface with pure analog.
Ok, do me a favor. Make sure swing feedback is turned on, choose a lower difficulty level, go into a game or practice or whatever, swing at a pitch, and look at the swing feedback. Is the yellow buckshot 2-5/8" in diameter? Or is it much bigger?
Now do the same thing with the other two hitting interfaces.
The buckshot is the same size. You're not better than anyone.
@joshjays44 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@joshjays44 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@Gmoney-1234 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
I understand that, but PCI is not correct. A barrel is 2-5/8 inches wide, and maybe 12 inches long, a strike zone is roughly 17 inches wide by 24 inches tall. Having a circle that you can move at any given time is nowhere near realistic for “placement of the bat” to make solid contact. If you wanna keep pci fine, but make it realistic instead of a huge oval that doesn’t truly represent where the bat needs to be placed to make solid contact.You can't make sense to these button pressers PCI aiming people, let them be...if they want to play games in an acrady way let them. Prolly most of them play DD and Conquest of whatever the new online thing is, let them give SDS more money so they can keep improving on The Show from year to year.
I understand this is how you get off, but I promise you’ll find way better fetishes on pornhub
Human sexuality is a very complex things, If I get stimulated by calling out cringy kid's bullcrap, let me be
Idk man, getting off to calling out “kids” is pretty cringe in my book
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@joshjays44 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@joshjays44 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@Gmoney-1234 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
I understand that, but PCI is not correct. A barrel is 2-5/8 inches wide, and maybe 12 inches long, a strike zone is roughly 17 inches wide by 24 inches tall. Having a circle that you can move at any given time is nowhere near realistic for “placement of the bat” to make solid contact. If you wanna keep pci fine, but make it realistic instead of a huge oval that doesn’t truly represent where the bat needs to be placed to make solid contact.You can't make sense to these button pressers PCI aiming people, let them be...if they want to play games in an acrady way let them. Prolly most of them play DD and Conquest of whatever the new online thing is, let them give SDS more money so they can keep improving on The Show from year to year.
I understand this is how you get off, but I promise you’ll find way better fetishes on pornhub
Human sexuality is a very complex things, If I get stimulated by calling out cringy kid's bullcrap, let me be
Idk man, getting off to calling out “kids” is pretty cringe in my book
Dude you're a grown man that uses a PCI and aim to hit, you're a kid to me.
No pci or die here
@joshjays44 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@skepple15 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
This thread is laughable lol
PCI is fine if you are trying to learn to play the game but once you're good enough then turn it off. Skepple15, are you still trying to learn the game or this is how you normally play? I bet when you play racing game you use T-Cam instead of Cockpit? Or how about when you play Poker you wear shades?. See these are all the sucker's way out, man up and play games properly
“Good enough to turn it off”. Lol. Is this for real. Hitting without pci shouldn’t even be an option.
@Gmoney-1234 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
Still at the mercy of RNG and the cpu big guy, I actually like to be able to control where I’m swinging
In baseball, your control of your swing and where you want the ball to go is based on timing.. if I get a low and in pitch, I need to be early and get the barrel through the zone to pull it. If I get a high and outside pitch, I can wait for it to get deep before pushing it oppo. This is something the show has moved away from and it’s obvious if you ever feel like you timed a pitch perfectly but just pulled it foul, pause the game and go back to the replay. It happens constantly that your barrel is perfectly square with the pitch making it look like an easy hit to CF and it ends up going foul. The devs have made this game fantastically, this is just something that is very hard to put in, and that’s why they use things like PCI to distract you...
So if you get a low and inside pitch thrown at you and you swing completely flat it won’t matter because as long as you time it right you’ll hit the ball??
And if you get a high outside pitch you can unleash a raging uppercut swing and hit the ball as long as you have good timing?
For the people arguing directional is the correct way to go...
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. -
I didn’t say that. I said if the devs haven’t had a way to properly fix the timing bugs the game has had for years. But adding a giant circle for which you can put anywhere and have any timing of swing end up in a hit is ridiculous. That’s my point. If I want to get the barrel obviously the height and plane of the barrel matters, but if you don’t time the pitch right FIRST, it does not matter where the barrel is because you will not square that ball up and you will not get a hit without good timing FIRST. -
Never ever used it. It's training wheels just like guess pitch.
maybe I'm just a masochist but I appreciate being fooled by a 0-2 slider every now and then
im not sure if im understanding this right but I wanted to ask what is different about no PCI or pure analog hitting? is it the same thing?
Do these dudes really think their swings are only based on timing in game? Just because you turned your swing feedback off doesn't mean it's not there.
@Dounte said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@ZABEN2583 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...: DON'T use the PCI. I never have, as I find it distracting. I think I'm just old school. However, I am curious who else doesn't.
Youre OLD SCHOOL and so am I... I've talked with hundreds of people over the years about this very subject alone and it's safe to say that we all know why people who use the PCI use it.. There's no argument there and trust me when I say that those guy will argue which is sad!! If there was a PCI on my broadcast games IRL I'd go back to the radio!! There's no reason why anybody over the age of 25 would adapt to this play style. They're is no satisfaction and I would argue one might not have any self respect for himself or the game if you'd go through an entire offline FRANCHISE season using these options.. If you are using anything other that HOF or LEGEND ( sliders are a given ) you just flat out suck in general!! The game should be played like Chess and there's no room for FLUFF tools with this game being as beautiful as it is... I'm with you and so are ton of others! The PCI is for SCRUBS!!! Hands down..
You can have fun without the PCI in franchise mode, but for the rest of us, who happen to be more competitive and play against other players, the PCI is a very beneficial option because it makes you more precise. If you look at some of the best players in this game they all use the PCI because it allows the to be precise and not rely entirely on feel.
@skepple15 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@joshjays44 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@skepple15 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
This thread is laughable lol
PCI is fine if you are trying to learn to play the game but once you're good enough then turn it off. Skepple15, are you still trying to learn the game or this is how you normally play? I bet when you play racing game you use T-Cam instead of Cockpit? Or how about when you play Poker you wear shades?. See these are all the sucker's way out, man up and play games properly
So just wondering how does it feel to be at the mercy of the cpu and RNG and just have to press x to do everything??
hard to do 2 things at once or?... can still hit with zone and have the PCI not visible..genius. This sub is just full of idiots that think they're good players, but they chase around a white dot with a cursor. Turn PCI visibility off with zone. F*cking clown.
@IIIDiscoIII said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@skepple15 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@joshjays44 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@skepple15 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
This thread is laughable lol
PCI is fine if you are trying to learn to play the game but once you're good enough then turn it off. Skepple15, are you still trying to learn the game or this is how you normally play? I bet when you play racing game you use T-Cam instead of Cockpit? Or how about when you play Poker you wear shades?. See these are all the sucker's way out, man up and play games properly
So just wondering how does it feel to be at the mercy of the cpu and RNG and just have to press x to do everything??
hard to do 2 things at once or?... can still hit with zone and have the PCI not visible..genius. This sub is just full of idiots that think they're good players, but they chase around a white dot with a cursor. Turn PCI visibility off with zone. F*cking clown.
He’s not talking about using zone without the pci... it’s 9:15 in the morning don’t be so angry friend..
I go back and forth but for those who are attacking the original post I take the post that he is still using zone but just turned off the pci. I’m currently playing with my pci on but I know my swing well enough to know when I need to turn it off. If all of a sudden I’m late on pitches and not crushing pitches I should I turn the pci off because I know it’s distracting me. I usually crush the ball for a while like that because I’m focusing only on pitchers release and tracking the ball. After a bit of time doing that I feel a bit lost though and turn it back on to get a better point of reference for where I’m starting my pci. This process keeps me out of prolonged slumps. For those that think they are elite and are bashing people for turning pci off they should try it for a while. This idea that you need to see the pci to hit is crazy. If you have been playing for a while you probably start your pci the same place anyway. You may find you hit better because you can see the ball that much better. I saw it first on YouTube last year and was in slump so I tried it and on my first br run doing it I went 12-0. I thought I discovered the greatest trick in the world but after a while it didn’t work as well so I switch back and forth now depending on how I’m playing.
@joshjays44 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
Real men don't need a PCI for baseball, if i need to play a game where I point and aim I'd play a Sniper game
If ur using directional youre terrible at this game...keep playing against the cpu on rookie LITTLE BUDDY go chase that triple crown on RTTS.
@ThatBone4reel said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
@joshjays44 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
Real men don't need a PCI for baseball, if i need to play a game where I point and aim I'd play a Sniper game
If ur using directional youre terrible at this game...keep playing against the cpu on rookie LITTLE BUDDY go chase that triple crown on RTTS.
Dude, I play on Legend hitting and pitching with pitch speeds maxed with Analog Stride and the only thing I play is Franchise.
This is hilarious considering a majority of the top players play with their PCI on?
oh and I only play with the diamonds in the middle none of the outer lines just 3 barely visible diamonds at I still learning the game too gatekeepers?
@NicholasHowardT5 said in Post here if you don't use PCI...:
This is hilarious considering a majority of the top players play with their PCI on?
oh and I only play with the diamonds in the middle none of the outer lines just 3 barely visible diamonds at I still learning the game too gatekeepers?
That's like saying the top eSport F1 guys use T-Cam when obviously Cockpit should be used cause its more immersive and realistic. Top players in any game will take the easy way out because it gives them an advantage, why do you think the top players of Counter Strike use a 4:3 monitor at 1280x960? , they can see bigger pixels with the lower resolution.