Kerry wood moment
Defeating cubs at all star level cpu in Kerry Wood moment, is that A conquest game? I played a 9 inning cpu game and won and didn’t get credit. Are my settings wrong for all star competition. Any help would be great
Has to be vs CPU not conquest
@vinnypsu said in Kerry wood moment:
Defeating cubs at all star level cpu in Kerry Wood moment, is that A conquest game? I played a 9 inning cpu game and won and didn’t get credit. Are my settings wrong for all star competition. Any help would be great
Did you use Play Now or the actual Play vs CPU option in the Extended play menu in DD?
Same played the Cubs in Conquest and no reward.
I understand it cant be a conquest battle game but does it have to be a 9 inning game or 3 inning will be ok ? -
It has to be a 9 inning game in the Diamond Dynasty mode "Play vs CPU", which is under the Extended Play section
@ImDFC said in Kerry wood moment:
It has to be a 9 inning game in the Diamond Dynasty mode "Play vs CPU", which is under the Extended Play section
Ill give it a shot thanks
Heard from some people that they never got credit for their vs CPU game on allstar. Is this still a thing?
I did play vs CPU from the Extended Play option area and made sure I was on All Star and mine didn't count. I sent in a report and am waiting to hear back.
I skipped this and just focused on the moments then brought in Lee Smith to close out an events game.
I did this yesterday, vs cpu on all-star and mine counted, was awarded Wood after the game.
I completed all moments, played Cubs on AS on "play vs. CPU, got no reward or 1st inning points. Does this ONLY count if you have PS+ ?