Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers
@ikasnu_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
I guess everybody that i play at these levels arnt good at this game ? I guess having a record of 54-21 in RS makes you not good at this game
STFU idiot lol
Hitting isn't that hard on HoF, its difficult, but not to an extreme. The issue is contact swings need to be fixed, everyone is doing it and its annoying af.
Pinpoint needs a fix too, its the contact swing of pitching.
It’s true but if you fix contact and not pinpoint it will be worse. Fix both and it will be the same as it is now so what’s the point ( to be fair I agree with you)
Pitch speeds aren’t the issue. It’s how pitches move on HOF and legend. This is on issue with the game, allstar pitches have less break and movement. Move to HOF and there is a significant boost on pitch movement and break. Legend is even worse.
@pfcorporate_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
I think pinpoint was a good idea but agree that it is probably a bit too easy. I think if you are using Maddux then you should be able to dot pitches all game but I played a guy on legend yesterday who I swear never missed anywhere all game with Nolan Ryan. I looked at the feedback after the game and every pitch touched either the inside or outside black. In sds defense though we wanted user input to matter but now it really doesn’t matter who you pitch with. Once you get pitching down control doesn’t seem to matter.
IMO this is not an issue with pinpoint pitching but with zen. With Ryan's control on his pitches his PAR regions should be large on at least a few of his pitches. I am really good at pinpoint but I'll give you an example. I can throw a sweeping curve with Glavine but his PAR region is bigger and even if you hit perfect it will go somewhere in that zone but will never constantly hit the black unless I am missing something. I think people underestimate the amount of people that use these devices. A ton of people have these for other game like COD. The zen was sold out for months. I did some research on it when I was playing PUBG because a lot of players had zero recoil.
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Also a sinker up in the zone should not dip down likes its thrown on a more downward plane.
It is thrown on a downward plane.. it's called the mound.
You're acting like a high sinker cant still sink. It will....
I think I’ve been playing on legend since I got Cabrera and he had a 15 K/9 over about ten starts.
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Also a sinker up in the zone should not dip down likes its thrown on a more downward plane.
It is thrown on a downward plane.. it's called the mound.
You're acting like a high sinker cant still sink. It will....
Yeah, but not as much. Also, there is a reason that sinkers have much lower k rates than other types of fastball, even the ones with the huge velo numbers. The whole point of the pitch is that it isn’t hard to make contact with, just that when you hit it at the bottom of the zone (w/o a high launch angle in most cases) it induces weak contact and/or gets pounded into the ground. In this game, they get it right to some extent in that there are more grounders on low sinkers, but they definitely don’t manage to reduce the k rate. I’m not a baseball player but I do read a lot about the sport and I don’t remember ever reading about guys striking out tons of people with high sinkers. Good sinkerballers are guys like Stroman who relay on low BABIP, low walks and low K’s. Even a guy like May who throws a 99 MPH sinker uses other stuff to get strikeouts.
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
I guess everybody that i play at these levels arnt good at this game ? I guess having a record of 54-21 in RS makes you not good at this game
STFU idiot lol
I’m 36-11. Got as high as 845. I know I’m not very good at this game!!!
A 95 mph sinker shouldn’t be twice as hard to catch up with as a 102 mph fastball.
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Also that up and down movement on the sinker makes 0 sence ,
Also a sinker up in the zone should not dip down likes its thrown on a more downward plane.
This game is alot better than last year , connection in games is way better but please take the unrealistic sh!t out of thr game
I agree with you here. The way the sinker comes out of the pitchers hand is completely unrealistic! The high sinker doesn’t work IRL.
@crimson_monk_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
@ikasnu_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
I guess everybody that i play at these levels arnt good at this game ? I guess having a record of 54-21 in RS makes you not good at this game
STFU idiot lol
Hitting isn't that hard on HoF, its difficult, but not to an extreme. The issue is contact swings need to be fixed, everyone is doing it and its annoying af.
Pinpoint needs a fix too, its the contact swing of pitching.
It’s true but if you fix contact and not pinpoint it will be worse. Fix both and it will be the same as it is now so what’s the point ( to be fair I agree with you)
I agree with this also! If they “fix” contact without fixing pinpoint, it will really suck!!
@codywolfgang_xbl said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
A 95 mph sinker shouldn’t be twice as hard to catch up with as a 102 mph fastball.
Agree 100%
I feel like internet connection plays a part in this as well. If I play a game from like 5-10pm online HOF might as well by legend on steroids if I’m the away team.
During the day I see the pitches much better, but could just be a coincidence. But 102 mph on HOF is a guess and a swing, even 95-98 is easier to pick up. 102? Nope.