Something seems very broken
I was 15-2 before update 3. Now I’m 17-10. I swing late all the time now and if I’m not perfect I don’t get a hit. It could just be in my head, but online gameplay seems very different. And I realize the levels change as you rank up in ranked seasons. I go between all star and HOF all the time and it’s never felt like this.
This update has appearently given the game a case of the yips. Everything seems to be messed up.
Sounds like you started playing actual humans and not NPC bots
Haven't had any issues.
My record has been screwed for awhile. It says 31-26 but it’s likely 24-14 or so
Higher division = more talent
Yea you hit all star or hall of fame difficulty. Once you hit 700 it gets real.
Yesterday I noticed that I was swinging late with every player even on Veteran. Hadn’t been like that. Was hoping it was just a temporary “me” thing.
The Event games are throwing me for a loop. I've been using pretty much the same line up every day and now for some reason can't get my overall under 86. Dropped 2 40 rated, 3 60 rated batters and 2 60 pitchers before I could get it to 85.
It's the shi tty game produced by a shi tty company.
@thaghettoblasta said in Something seems very broken:
The Event games are throwing me for a loop. I've been using pretty much the same line up every day and now for some reason can't get my overall under 86. Dropped 2 40 rated, 3 60 rated batters and 2 60 pitchers before I could get it to 85.
Inside edge and parallels, probably.
@james97m_psn said in Something seems very broken:
Higher division = more talent
I can’t help but laugh at “talent”
It’s not just me swinging late. If I throw a fast ball up 95% of the time the person I’m playing is swinging ridiculously late also. There’s definitely something wrong.
@rebsfan_psn said in Something seems very broken:
@thaghettoblasta said in Something seems very broken:
The Event games are throwing me for a loop. I've been using pretty much the same line up every day and now for some reason can't get my overall under 86. Dropped 2 40 rated, 3 60 rated batters and 2 60 pitchers before I could get it to 85.
Inside edge and parallels, probably.
I didn’t think inside edge counts towards stuff like that, just the base card rating. Was assuming parallels were the same.
The update didn't make any changes to hitting. You're just in a slump. It happens.
It’s just better competition the higher you climb. I’m just an above average player & I’ve beaten several 21-0, 17-1, ect type teams. It’s a whole different game on HOF difficulty.
@xmartiiniix_xbl said in Something seems very broken:
It’s not just me swinging late. If I throw a fast ball up 95% of the time the person I’m playing is swinging ridiculously late also. There’s definitely something wrong.
I’ve seen this as well
Timing window bug? Haven’t played in 2 days. Gonna jump on in a few. I expect frustration now...
i thought i was crazy but yeah since the last update my timing is all jacked now. Trying to work it out but def feels different to me.
Gameplay is constantly changing based on like a hundred different factors. Getting out of the gate hot is important as well - if you let opposing pitcher get confidence up and into a groove it can feel impossible to hit.