No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?
@hoboadam_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
Custom League with a full DD set of cards and unique players with 12 owners is very fun.
Oh, we made a post about having one spot open and only got one reply. Heh
ONE reply??
@halfbutt_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
@hoboadam_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
Custom League with a full DD set of cards and unique players with 12 owners is very fun.
Oh, we made a post about having one spot open and only got one reply. Heh
ONE reply??
That was a while back bro. Heh.
Me and a couple buddies ran successful lgs for 6 yrs... We started at I think 12 and finished up at 24 teams!!
We found people by getting on the headset and actually talking to prospective players and was able to weed out people.
To run a successful lg you and the people you appoint have to be invested in running said lg. I can post more but it'll be even longer.
We had to do work arounds every yr for online franchise, it has never gotten SDS full attention. Maybe just maybe that's why it wasn't played more.
My point is if SDS actually put a real effort into lgs there are alot of people that would play them. -
@a_perfectgame said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
Online franchise was always a bust every single league I’ve ever been a part of people quit. People can’t even take a single loss in online DD you think guys are playing through a season? They never do — ppl are either not active or play a few in the beginning that stop being active or lose and drop out - now you have to fill a team that have losses etc. online franchise was a huge failure imo. Even the “reputable” leagues always major issues. In all the leagues I’ve ever played in I’ve never seen a single one finish personally they dissolved or faze out.
Been in a couple that have been going since ‘17 came out....rebooted with custom leagues on ‘20 but same core group of guys....more dependable guys than you would think.....
@A_PerfectGame and @billoch3000_PSN
You guys have been pinged via DM and we haven't heard back in days. We have one spot open and are ready to start.Interested parties can DM me here on TSN. First reasonable person that I already know that wants in, will get this spot.
Weird I haven’t gotten it and I’m looking
@a_perfectgame said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
Weird I haven’t gotten it and I’m looking
I'll send again.
@a_perfectgame said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
Weird I haven’t gotten it and I’m looking
Send me a DM and I'll reply.
I'm still playing mlb 17 online franchise in a 28 man league there's definitely committed guys out there.
@hoboadam_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
@a_perfectgame said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
Weird I haven’t gotten it and I’m looking
Send me a DM and I'll reply.
I sent a DM, I also sent a Fr on psn. When I try to accept your discord invite it shows the invite but then transfers me to my discord app and is there is no longer an invite there. I tried several times don’t know why it’s not working
Glad we figured it out. Welcome aboard.
And still no mention of leagues or online franchise.... that’s disappointing
@package516_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
And still no mention of leagues or online franchise.... that’s disappointing
**DO NOT BUY IT!!! We’ll show them!! Never again! PREORDER HAS BEEN CANCELED **
@dounte_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
@package516_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
And still no mention of leagues or online franchise.... that’s disappointing
**DO NOT BUY IT!!! We’ll show them!! Never again! PREORDER HAS BEEN CANCELED **
Ramone saw this post and is getting the development team together for you.
If they take leagues out then I’ll just have to do it the old fashioned way. It’ll be a pain, but it can get done. With that said I hope SDS is lurking around and sees that there is a portion of the community that does not always want to play DD for competition, or online rated. We like our small groups within the community.
@package516_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
If they take leagues out then I’ll just have to do it the old fashioned way. It’ll be a pain, but it can get done. With that said I hope SDS is lurking around and sees that there is a portion of the community that does not always want to play DD for competition, or online rated. We like our small groups within the community.
People that play in CL, also like DD, BR, RS conquest ETC.
@the_icepick_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
I'm still playing mlb 17 online franchise in a 28 man league there's definitely committed guys out there.
The servers are still online for MLB '17? If I wanted to go back and start a new online franchise, is there a way to update rosters to current day before starting?
@spaceman817_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
@the_icepick_psn said in No remark about custom league of THE SHOW 21?:
I'm still playing mlb 17 online franchise in a 28 man league there's definitely committed guys out there.
The servers are still online for MLB '17? If I wanted to go back and start a new online franchise, is there a way to update rosters to current day before starting?
Bear in mind that you won’t be able to play it from July as they are shutting down the TS17 servers.
@spaceman817_PSN yes we just updated the roster and posted it in the vaults to download 17 servers are up until August before online franchise goes extinct