tried coming back to the game...
@red_ted_is_back said in tried coming back to the game...:
@veganmeatbawls said in tried coming back to the game...:
what if it was as simple tiered DDA but also manipulating certain peoples accounts or console ID's to allow certain players to be free from DDA such as Pitching_Rebel so that they can maintain the illusion that there is a skill gap.
wouldn't be that hard to program the game so that certain players can make the game look like it has a skill gap meanwhile still have DDA to keep more guys playing.
Isn’t that apparently what the difficulty jump at ranked seasons level 700 is? Getting out of ‘all star hell’ is this game’s equivalent of going from little league to majors.
That’s a horrific decision which has curtailed my enjoyment of RS for the last couple of years as well. To have such a noticeable and jarring shift in pitch speeds and swing timing windows (as has become the standard differential between AS and HoF in recent years) inserted at a point in the ratings which ensures the majority of players will be forced to go back and forth between enforced settings from game to game was a terrible decision. When you factor in the absolutely terrible synchronisation between two online players that SDS has never addressed and the issues that causes as well, it’s little wonder players are leaving the show in droves. I’m still checking the forum once every month or two to see if they’ve finally added Mark McGwire or Barry Bonds (Ha ha, yeah right!), but I have zero inclination to play any more. I’ve actually sold my PS4 off and ultimately didn’t bother with the upgrade to a PS5 as MLB the Show is the only game I play. No Show, no need for a console really.
The chances of SDS ever making a truly great game where players have absolute control of pitch location with accurate input, batted ball outcomes make sense in terms of the contact we’re being told that we made and skill plays a greater role in outcomes than randomly occurring events and what appeared to me in ‘20 to be the game blatantly handing cookies to trash players in order to keep them invested in the game (At the expensive of pushing their more experienced, loyal players who’ve been around the franchise for multiple iterations away completely) are so slim at this point, I’m fairly confident I’ll never need another games console for baseball again.
@savefarris_psn said in tried coming back to the game...:
Posada averaged a 2.5 Career WAR over his 17 years.
Stalling's 2020 WAR pro-rated to a 162 game schedule is 2.97.I'd certainly pick Posada over Stallings if I were picking an all-time team (and I'd pick Jim Sundberg much less Pudge over either of them.) But an argument for Stallings' best card being better than Posada's best card can be made.
Odd it's mostly the same people that complained about lineup diversity in 18 are now the loudest voices when it comes to there being too many options in 20.
‘18 was absolutely awful for lineup diversity. There was not even enough immortals to fill out a complete line up and bullpen and it took 198373791919 hours of grinding and exchanging stupid hats to unlock each individual card. It’s not that there are too many useable options in ‘20, it’s that the over saturation of high diamonds means there is really no sense of achievement when you obtain an elite card like Griffey or whoever. They feel very generic and much like any other card, be that a minor leaguer who has yet to make his debut or Willie Mays himself.
While ‘18 took the concept to the absolute extreme by starving players of useable options and hiding the only cards of interest behind a ridiculously long grind and paywall of sorts, ‘20 - For me personally - Instilled a sense of “What’s the point to this game? They just hand you a bunch of 99s with 125 everything and let you go out there swinging.” I wasn’t excited to obtain an elite card for my DD team like I would have been in years past. I was like “hmm great another juiced Topps Now 99 with 125 power both sides, I wish they’d actually made the all time great players I like to use have stats on a par with these cards. Not that it matters, they all play exactly the same anyway.”
That ain’t the way it should be, in my opinion.
@comebacklogic said in tried coming back to the game...:
@savefarris_psn said in tried coming back to the game...:
Posada averaged a 2.5 Career WAR over his 17 years.
Stalling's 2020 WAR pro-rated to a 162 game schedule is 2.97.I'd certainly pick Posada over Stallings if I were picking an all-time team (and I'd pick Jim Sundberg much less Pudge over either of them.) But an argument for Stallings' best card being better than Posada's best card can be made.
Odd it's mostly the same people that complained about lineup diversity in 18 are now the loudest voices when it comes to there being too many options in 20.
‘18 was absolutely awful for lineup diversity. There was not even enough immortals to fill out a complete line up and bullpen and it took 198373791919 hours of grinding and exchanging stupid hats to unlock each individual card. It’s not that there are too many useable options in ‘20, it’s that the over saturation of high diamonds means there is really no sense of achievement when you obtain an elite card like Griffey or whoever. They feel very generic and much like any other card, be that a minor leaguer who has yet to make his debut or Willie Mays himself.
While ‘18 took the concept to the absolute extreme by starving players of useable options and hiding the only cards of interest behind a ridiculously long grind and paywall of sorts, ‘20 - For me personally - Instilled a sense of “What’s the point to this game? They just hand you a bunch of 99s with 125 everything and let you go out there swinging.” I wasn’t excited to obtain an elite card for my DD team like I would have been in years past. I was like “hmm great another juiced Topps Now 99 with 125 power both sides, I wish they’d actually made the all time great players I like to use have stats on a par with these cards. Not that it matters, they all play exactly the same anyway.”
That ain’t the way it should be, in my opinion.
I agree with the overall 99 dilemma. I went through and counted 118 cards that arent in my squad that are 99s. I get the lineup diversity aspect, but it's gone way beyond reasonable at this point.
2010 or 2011 in December silver pitchers were still relavant. So much has changed since then but you rarely saw a pitch out of zone in mp. Pitch movement and placement was solid.
The game is flat out horrible. I think they know it considering the beta. People say they tricked us last time and I was in that group however I think what happened is they realized with the meta of 20 they couldn’t reward that much because every game was 15-12
I think they figured it out now and I don’t seem them reverting back. I think they revert back in 20 because there was something in the programming that couldn’t be fixed with a patch
That’s however hopeful thinking that they aren’t just trying to draw the hardcore crowd in just to get their money. Because it sure did feel like that this year.
Only problem I got is the hitting been playing mlb since 06 and last played 15 but played beta and the game is just impossible to play only you can’t pitch to anybody or it’s a hr lol zone hitting needs to go or fix directional aka timing and make the cards realistic remember on 15 think max ratings went to were 100 like 100 power etc
Haha my order for Chipper I put in November just went through
@xscarx2868_xbl said in tried coming back to the game...:
Only problem I got is the hitting been playing mlb since 06 and last played 15 but played beta and the game is just impossible to play only you can’t pitch to anybody or it’s a hr lol zone hitting needs to go or fix directional aka timing and make the cards realistic remember on 15 think max ratings went to were 100 like 100 power etc
Zone hitting needs to go?
go to custom practice man. It’s been 5 yesrs sinxe you last played. You’re just rusty!
@xscarx2868_xbl said in tried coming back to the game...:
Only problem I got is the hitting been playing mlb since 06 and last played 15 but played beta and the game is just impossible to play only you can’t pitch to anybody or it’s a hr lol zone hitting needs to go or fix directional aka timing and make the cards realistic remember on 15 think max ratings went to were 100 like 100 power etc
Zone hitting needs to go?
The game play this year was bad. The only thing that matters is power and hitting home runs. Pitching it totally irrelevant, especially at the higher levels.
I've completely left the game over the last month to play COD. I know it's COVID, but the content has been incredibly boring. Every DD team is the same -- every game is being home hunted to Shippett, and everyone just plays for home runs to win the game.
The new minor league cards were boring and unrealistic. The way content should work is that there should be clear differences between truly great players. There should be multiple card levels for the great players (with real card art, if you ask me). For example, Griffey should have veteran, rookie, and hardware series. You should have to grind with the lower level cards in online games to unlock the higher level cards. The higher level cards should be very difficult to get, so, if you want them, you have to expend a lot of time working for them. This structure would promote lineup diversity, as players would have to pick and choose cards they want to work to develop.
Live series cards of current players should be more competitive with the old school players, and should also have a program in place where you can unlock higher level flashbacks. Want the 2020 Finest Mookie Betts? Grind with live series Mookie and his 2020 stats in online DD games. This gives incentive to actually use live series players in DD, rather than having them become collections pieces one week after release because of juiced flashback cards and fake minor league players. All cards, in my view, should multiple levels of prestige, too, which means if you constantly use a live series player (or flashback, you can prestige them through multiple levels).
99 overall ratings should be RARE. Only a handful of truly great players should be that highly rated. That means stats for the flashback cards should actually be lowered to make the rare players standout. This means Griffey might not have maxed out power in comparison to Babe Ruth, and that's ok. Too many cards have fantasy stats that just aren't that exciting.
Gameplay needs to reward pitching and contact hittting, as well. Team construction should not be based on cutters, sinkers, and power.
End rant.
@boomy_91_psn said in tried coming back to the game...:
The game play this year was bad. The only thing that matters is power and hitting home runs. Pitching it totally irrelevant, especially at the higher levels.
I've completely left the game over the last month to play COD. I know it's COVID, but the content has been incredibly boring. Every DD team is the same -- every game is being home hunted to Shippett, and everyone just plays for home runs to win the game.
The new minor league cards were boring and unrealistic. The way content should work is that there should be clear differences between truly great players. There should be multiple card levels for the great players (with real card art, if you ask me). For example, Griffey should have veteran, rookie, and hardware series. You should have to grind with the lower level cards in online games to unlock the higher level cards. The higher level cards should be very difficult to get, so, if you want them, you have to expend a lot of time working for them. This structure would promote lineup diversity, as players would have to pick and choose cards they want to work to develop.
Live series cards of current players should be more competitive with the old school players, and should also have a program in place where you can unlock higher level flashbacks. Want the 2020 Finest Mookie Betts? Grind with live series Mookie and his 2020 stats in online DD games. This gives incentive to actually use live series players in DD, rather than having them become collections pieces one week after release because of juiced flashback cards and fake minor league players. All cards, in my view, should multiple levels of prestige, too, which means if you constantly use a live series player (or flashback, you can prestige them through multiple levels).
99 overall ratings should be RARE. Only a handful of truly great players should be that highly rated. That means stats for the flashback cards should actually be lowered to make the rare players standout. This means Griffey might not have maxed out power in comparison to Babe Ruth, and that's ok. Too many cards have fantasy stats that just aren't that exciting.
Gameplay needs to reward pitching and contact hittting, as well. Team construction should not be based on cutters, sinkers, and power.
End rant.
I agree with all of this. I am also in the group that believes that Diamond players should be extremely difficult to get. It would expand the life of the game. 99 kluber day one is silly. Same with 99 kershaw last year. I feel like 99 diamonds should be extremely rare.
I don’t feel like everything should be locked behind offline play though...and vice versa.
I agree with all of this. I am also in the group that believes that Diamond players should be extremely difficult to get. It would expand the life of the game. 99 kluber day one is silly. Same with 99 kershaw last year. I feel like 99 diamonds should be extremely rare.
And I could not agree less. If you want extremely rare 99 cards, go play Fifa, you will never have one there.
I love how friendly Diamond Dynasty is and I hope it will never change into so big money cash grab as EA's games.
True end game cards came when, two or three months ago? I think it's good timing, because you have a lot of time to enjoy them.
And if you have one 99 pitcher early, it doesn't matter so much now, cause you can't use him every game with that new energy system.I'm pretty happy how affordable big cards are in DD
@foresticek_psn said in tried coming back to the game...:
I agree with all of this. I am also in the group that believes that Diamond players should be extremely difficult to get. It would expand the life of the game. 99 kluber day one is silly. Same with 99 kershaw last year. I feel like 99 diamonds should be extremely rare.
And I could not agree less. If you want extremely rare 99 cards, go play Fifa, you will never have one there.
I love how friendly Diamond Dynasty is and I hope it will never change into so big money cash grab as EA's games.
True end game cards came when, two or three months ago? I think it's good timing, because you have a lot of time to enjoy them.
And if you have one 99 pitcher early, it doesn't matter so much now, cause you can't use him every game with that new energy system.I'm pretty happy how affordable big cards are in DD
I’m not saying locked behind money I’m saying locked behind skill. Everything is super easy to obtain besides flawless rewards. everyone can put Who ever they want in their lineup. It should be like “[censored] this guy got 99 trout that’s a tough card to get” it’s just collect things which cost stubs. It should be challenges that are extremely difficult rather then just stubs and purchases. Come to think of it your way of doing it is more based on money...
But you have Extreme Conquest/Showdown/Moments and these are tough, I will never complete them.
And if you are not spending money, Mantle and Trout are not so easy to complete, it's a long grind. Also World Series players/Flawless rewards are not for everyone...
There are still cards you can't get without some skill -
I just can’t wait til 21 comes out so I dont have 15. Yes 15 consecutive good contact outs to the defense. Not 1 here and there. 15 straight. Only reason I’m even playing this trash is to try to stay sharp but it’s so bad.
Imo, things started to really go south when attributes over 100 were introduced. I think that was 18 with the “immortal” cards.
Instead of solid, consistent gameplay, we now have flashy juiced cards of all sorts.
@halfbutt_psn said in tried coming back to the game...:
Imo, things started to really go south when attributes over 100 were introduced
As a CPA, I have many issues with the "over 100" thing. The Simpson's said it best:
I love it.
I left over 3 months ago. haven't come back.
one of my biggest personal issues with the game was zone analog hitting with stride is too hard with balks off. not really a fan of button hitting either.i don't mind juiced cards but something about the game just feels off. so many try hards, every other game is at shippett. people will sacrifice every thing that gives them a true authentic baseball experience just to win.
i asked a twitch streamer (top 10 lifetime player) to try a game using zone with stride and they all say the same thing "that's a horrible idea" . they are so afraid to lose or look human.
i think it's a great feature on SDS part and it just gets no respect. you can't time you stride when pitchers are balking.
IMO SDS has lost it's authenticity. it used to be the little things they'd brag about but now it's the little things that make this game mediocre. Madden is [censored]. NHL is [censored]. Fifa is okay but sketchy. NBA 2k is in depth but the players move funny and I hate basketball. MLB has declined since 11' and since all these other team sports titles have such low standards they almost make THe Show look great.
like someone said before they've abandoned their hardcore audience. MLB the show was the only reason I had a video game system.