Come on SDS
When dumb Sh*t like that happens I find it’s best to turn off the ps4 and hit the sack! Try again another night. That’s what I’ve been doing.
I got one game in tonight.....that’s it. But it’s better than going insane! -
Yeah your probably right
Were you spamming high fastballs?
Gameplay is trash, very early swings are the only skill gap, PCI placement is virtually meaningless, pitching is absolutely terrible, the ball rarely goes where you want it to with any consistency over the course of a nine inning game, even when using elite pitchers, every other card has 125 something or another, home runs are the main method of scoring runs, there is very little tactical approach in H2H play, with hitting being the decisive factor above pitching, defense, setting up shifts, pitching to contact to induce ground balls and roll overs, it’s all practically non existent, this game is a home run simulator and it’s not even a good one at that, preferring to reward a very early out in front swing with a yanked homer as opposed to a perfect contact with decent timing. [censored].
So yeah. Come ON, SDS. Make a baseball simulation again instead of Super Mario Slugfest. Either that or just add a SS Bowser card with 125 everything. Oh wait, we already had Pepe Alazar. Now we have.... drumroll.... 125 everything Future Topps Now Prospect Wander Franco, based on a 5 hit game SDS predict he will have some time in mid-2022. Can we just stop being silly now?
With the exception to maybe MadBum I believe Paxton is the best hitting pitcher in the game. Dont give him anything to hit. I know attributes probably dont show it, but we seen how much they mean this year.
They will never fix it until people just say hey I’m not playing until you provide a game that is a better representation of baseball. I mean homeruns do account for a lot of runs in today’s baseball game but it shouldn’t be the only way you score. Im trying to remember the last time I hit a sac fly to drive home a run
The RS version of this game is an abortion almost all the way around. From “perfectly” released pitches that either miss on the other side of the zone or are grooved down the middle so these ubiquitous steroid-version “post season” cards can hit them to the moon with [censored] timing to base runners behaving like they’re Forrest Gump playing the game for the first tIme ever instead of Hall of Famers. How many times have I seen TY F-in COBB stand on first base picking his nose until the pitcher releases the ball so he can be thrown out stealing. How many times has Kaline...KALINE!... done a little hamster dance before throwing the ball so the runner “just has time” to score? Yes. Quite the simulation you’ve built.
Tonight, I lost to a guy who never timed ANYTHING. Just meatball exploitation and mistimed bleeders all over the field. He came close to nothing in the first two AB’s against Prestige Palmer, went into the pause screen then came back making contact on everything because he obviously missed directional hitting. Right on cue came the perfectly released meatball he completely failed to time with Super Correa and hit out. The ball floated out like the [censored] Hindenburg. With these ridiculous power ratings, that happens all the time.
Me on the other hand? Good PCI placement the entire game with a wad that were timed next to perfect and came off the bat like the ball was made of lead. I’m not playing the game when it goes there. I’m participating in virtual ratfuckery.
There’s another thread I was glad to see, about how this game often ruins people’s entire days because when you “play” it, you‘re constantly reminded how you’re masturbating to what’s little more than a visually stimulating virtual slot machine with addictive content bait built in to keep you coming back for your “reward” hit. It wouldN’t bother me as much if the cards I want weren’t tied to online play...and the PS Plus membership, of course. Then I’d just grind the computer never havIng to tolerate this BS on top of dashboarders quitting half the time just to screw me out of the stats these jagoffasaur developers demand I collect in their online sewer to obtain the cards. Did I mention the toxicity of the online “experience” in general? I mean, they got rid of direct messaging met players, didn’t they? Yet, let’s try to force-herd more players into the cesspool! Brilliant. I digress.
I agree that homeruns “should” be a major part of this game, but a bomb fest shouldn’t be the only way to compete without bunt spamming. It’s obvious that so many players are switching back to directional, just laying on power swing, and are being rewarded for it. Ridiculous.
Someone else pointed out that the devs probably never play the asinine online version unless they’re required to at work. I understand why; who wants to take their work home with them? Grudging empathy aside, it shows.
@ChuckCLC said in Come on SDS:
With the exception to maybe MadBum I believe Paxton is the best hitting pitcher in the game. Dont give him anything to hit. I know attributes probably dont show it, but we seen how much they mean this year.
I agree with this, but didn't know he was a good hitting pitcher. I can remember getting 2 doubles in a Conquest game with him.
@Alaric919 said in Come on SDS:
The RS version of this game is an abortion almost all the way around. From “perfectly” released pitches that either miss on the other side of the zone or are grooved down the middle so these ubiquitous steroid-version “post season” cards can hit them to the moon with [censored] timing to base runners behaving like they’re Forrest Gump playing the game for the first tIme ever instead of Hall of Famers. How many times have I seen TY F-in COBB stand on first base picking his nose until the pitcher releases the ball so he can be thrown out stealing. How many times has Kaline...KALINE!... done a little hamster dance before throwing the ball so the runner “just has time” to score? Yes. Quite the simulation you’ve built.
Tonight, I lost to a guy who never timed ANYTHING. Just meatball exploitation and mistimed bleeders all over the field. He came close to nothing in the first two AB’s against Prestige Palmer, went into the pause screen then came back making contact on everything because he obviously missed directional hitting. Right on cue came the perfectly released meatball he completely failed to time with Super Correa and hit out. The ball floated out like the [censored] Hindenburg. With these ridiculous power ratings, that happens all the time.
Me on the other hand? Good PCI placement the entire game with a wad that were timed next to perfect and came off the bat like the ball was made of lead. I’m not playing the game when it goes there. I’m participating in virtual ratfuckery.
There’s another thread I was glad to see, about how this game often ruins people’s entire days because when you “play” it, you‘re constantly reminded how you’re masturbating to what’s little more than a visually stimulating virtual slot machine with addictive content bait built in to keep you coming back for your “reward” hit. It wouldN’t bother me as much if the cards I want weren’t tied to online play...and the PS Plus membership, of course. Then I’d just grind the computer never havIng to tolerate this BS on top of dashboarders quitting half the time just to screw me out of the stats these jagoffasaur developers demand I collect in their online sewer to obtain the cards. Did I mention the toxicity of the online “experience” in general? I mean, they got rid of direct messaging met players, didn’t they? Yet, let’s try to force-herd more players into the cesspool! Brilliant. I digress.
I agree that homeruns “should” be a major part of this game, but a bomb fest shouldn’t be the only way to compete without bunt spamming. It’s obvious that so many players are switching back to directional, just laying on power swing, and are being rewarded for it. Ridiculous.
Someone else pointed out that the devs probably never play the asinine online version unless they’re required to at work. I understand why; who wants to take their work home with them? Grudging empathy aside, it shows.
I’ve been ranting a lot this week as well. Usually means they’ve juiced hitting again. I absolutely hate this game at the minute, I’d like to play it all day the way I used to play MLB the Show, but I literally cannot stand to play more than a couple of games at a time. I’m a bit of an exception to the norm, but man, I’ve come to absolutely hate that crack of the bat when you barrel the ball up. It’s all I ever hear, no matter if I’m pitching or hitting.
I don’t play the Home Run Derby mini game, because it’s boring just sitting there mashing the ball out into the stands over and over again. Soon, I feel like I won’t play RS for the same reason.
People if you want a pertect Baseball simulation why don't actually go out and ohhh wait I forgot......
@OceanBubbles000 said in Come on SDS:
People if you want a pertect Baseball simulation why don't actually go out and ohhh wait I forgot......
I’m not saying I want a perfect baseball simulation. However, I do want the gameplay to be the best it can be. I feel there’s a lot of room for improvement in that aspect and quite frankly, it’s mind boggling that with the wealth of experience now behind SDS, they still haven’t managed to balance the game successfully, with either hitting or pitching being biased from year to year and patch to patch. It’s a sad state of affairs for a hardcore fan of the franchise such as myself. I’ve really enjoyed the gameplay at times in the past, but it’s ever changing and inconsistent. I don’t enjoy complaining, but SDS keep taking retrograde steps with gameplay, so I keep offering negative feedback.
Just think of a 99 pitcher giving up a granny to another pitcher next time your 15 minutes deep in moments trying to hit one homer against a bronze pitcher with a 100 plus power hitter.
Just played another game this morning, squaring up pitches and flying out, getting early/late hit to death by my opponent and to top it of, swung UNDER a high sinker and some how grounded into a double play. I think its a sign to hang it up. Thanks for all the comments guys. Yall be safe
@beanball0571 said in Come on SDS:
They will never fix it until people just say hey I’m not playing until you provide a game that is a better representation of baseball. I mean homeruns do account for a lot of runs in today’s baseball game but it shouldn’t be the only way you score. Im trying to remember the last time I hit a sac fly to drive home a run
I agree with you sir! I walked away last year for 7 months. Should’ve never come back but I love baseball. Nothing will change until we all quit playing and that’s not gonna happen. So nothing will change lol.
@ChuckCLC said in Come on SDS:
With the exception to maybe MadBum I believe Paxton is the best hitting pitcher in the game. Dont give him anything to hit. I know attributes probably dont show it, but we seen how much they mean this year.
I'd like to know how he is one of the best hitting pitchers in the game when he is a career 0-18 at the dish.
He has zero's across the board contact and power. It doesnt mean anything. This game is all about RNG and keeping newer players spending money and playing the game and screwing the people who have been at it from the beginning because they already have their money
@ComebackLogic said in Come on SDS:
@OceanBubbles000 said in Come on SDS:
People if you want a pertect Baseball simulation why don't actually go out and ohhh wait I forgot......
I’m not saying I want a perfect baseball simulation. However, I do want the gameplay to be the best it can be. I feel there’s a lot of room for improvement in that aspect and quite frankly, it’s mind boggling that with the wealth of experience now behind SDS, they still haven’t managed to balance the game successfully, with either hitting or pitching being biased from year to year and patch to patch. It’s a sad state of affairs for a hardcore fan of the franchise such as myself. I’ve really enjoyed the gameplay at times in the past, but it’s ever changing and inconsistent. I don’t enjoy complaining, but SDS keep taking retrograde steps with gameplay, so I keep offering negative feedback.
Except for the Bunt Cheese, I so want the game that came out in 16. It was my first year of DD and I hit .246 online and had a winning record believe it or not. I didn't know how to pitch with analog and pitched with Classic and wondered why my high diamond pitchers were getting roped. All in all though it was a fair game and user input mattered. It's the game I have liked the most online. 17 is next. Beyond that....pooey.
Madbum not best hitting pitcher, that would be mckay
SDS is a joke so not surprised this game is a perfect reflection of the jokes that designed, created, and yes, continue to RE-write and manipulate the rules/outcomes to ensure they can take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic by milking every last cent out of the same loyal fanbase which supported SDS for years until they became the sole MLB video game on the market.
Corporate greed at its finest but can't wait until they realize the jokes ultimately going to be on them when other companies realize the opportunity to steal a large portion of SDS's customers by producing a MLB game with semi-realistic gameplay that has a solid amount of content for fans to play with since at this point that's all SDS has going for it and even then they manipulate the Moments to make it harder than advertised to obtain said content.
Enjoy the short-term windfall while most of the nation is stuck at home but you might as well wave goodbye to all the potential long-term profits SDS could've raked in simply by not infuriating pretty much its entire customer base to the point that it jeopardizes losing its monopoly over the MLB video game market. Classic mistake by SDS thinking that there will be no long-term blowback caused by the damage they've done with this version of the game which is that they have no problem taking advantage of existing customers knowing that the CAN do it & the customer can't switch to another MLB game on the market ... at least until a rival company starts reading the majority dissent which is so loudly voiced right here in this forum!
@jerseylonghorn said in Come on SDS:
SDS is a joke so not surprised this game is a perfect reflection of the jokes that designed, created, and yes, continue to RE-write and manipulate the rules/outcomes to ensure they can take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic by milking every last cent out of the same loyal fanbase which supported SDS for years until they became the sole MLB video game on the market.
Enjoy the short-term windfall while most of the nation is stuck at home but you might as well wave goodbye to all the potential long-term profits SDS could've raked in simply by not infuriating pretty much its entire customer base to the point that it jeopardizes losing its monopoly over the MLB video game market. Classic mistake by SDS thinking that there will be no long-term blowback caused by the damage they've done with this version of the game which is that they have no problem taking advantage of existing customers knowing that the CAN do it & the customer can't switch to another MLB game on the market ... at least until a rival company starts reading the majority dissent which is so loudly voiced right here in this forum!