How many packs are you opening Day 1
All of them
As many as I can and then most likely buying more.
Atleast 1 pack.
Just the deluxe preorder and loyalty packs. I'm going to just grind and try not to spend anything this year.
@MadderBumgarner said in How many packs are you opening Day 1:
Just the deluxe preorder and loyalty packs. I'm going to just grind and try not to spend anything this year.
me too
trying a new approach grinding online no stubs rank up high in RS and take whatever rewards sell and repeat each month
The ones I get for free and that's gonna be it for the year
This is like the one UT mode where you don't have to spend to compete. So I'm going to not buy packs.
Till I get trout
@tommynachoes said in How many packs are you opening Day 1:
Till I get trout
Don’t do that. Do what I did and get trout as a post game reward for a veteran conquest game against the tigers.
That's none of your d.amn business and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs!
As many as I can get without spending any money. I’ll open the packs I get with the MVP edition, play the market as needed, and grind for stubs. Had a 90+ OVR squad last year as no money spent and I intend to do the same this year. Really pays off to grind the programs early and sell the rewards, then buy back as needed at the end.
I’m starting with like 500k in stubs. So I’m undecided. I want to see what I can do with the market and just spend profits on packs. Only if packs seem hot for me. I’ll judge by my free 30 packs. But I do want to keep a baseline of about 500k stubs and only spend the profits.
If I buy the game (it will probably come down to what I see in today's stream) then I will open as many packs as I get in the Digital Deluxe pre-order version. Added to that will be any packs I earn in actual game play.
After watching the stream I’ll probably throw down for those prospects packs. I need that Joey Bart day one as I grind for 99 Posey.
50 pack bundle
@CornNMyPoop said in How many packs are you opening Day 1:
50 pack bundle
I swear, how do you people come up with these names.
Too many
I refuse to spend a cent though
the preorder packs and then I have $104 in credits on on PSN account gonna buy stubs and buy the players I want
Just one because trout is in there