To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging
I've actually be pleasantly surprised too. I am not a great player, but am much more of a patient hitter now, and just finished the AL, winning 15 of the 16 games I played (only loss was to the Red Sox, which was the only game I took out Kluber early, and David Ortiz took me yard for a 3 run jack. Gotta have speed in your lineup too and on the bench....just get a run and shut them down. We'll see how I do on HOF....but I just LOVE using my DD team for these against these teams....I wish you could play these teams in regular conquest....would make it even more fun....
@Nanos_McGregor said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@olivegarden2 said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
It should be a little bit lol. He is still free and you get packs, stubs, xp, and other cards. HOF isn't actually that difficult. I'm surprised there aren't any legend games. Be happy the cards are free everyone!
Not the fact it’s difficult, more of the fact that I’m having perfect/perfects be lineouts and warming track outs. More like I’m being nerfed in these moments.
Exactly. I had back to back perfects with 101 power and 115 power that were caught, then the following half inning the computer hits a ball early for a 450 ft shot with 83 power. Makes no sense.
@ItsaCanesthing said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@XxDeathReyxX said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
I have to admit.....Orlando Hernandez on HOF is no joke. I can’t time his curve to save my life. AL East is the first game causing me some angst.
Are you doing it in order?
Meaning The games on All Star first, leaving the HOF games for last?I am doing it backwards. I tackled the All Time squad first. Just finished the AL and NL games.
Me too but I am not very far. Beat the MLB game and now just beat the AL East game. I plan on beat 4-5 more of the HOF games while I watch the pga champ. I figure the allstar games will be cake compared to these HOF games.
Only play offline so I look forward to programs like this. What i found easiest on HOF is play speed at the top of the lineup and take pitches. I won the NL game scoring 4 runs on 1 hit. Had 3 runs and was being no hit until Musial had an RBI double. Always steel. I never was thrown out in any game. Was challenging but its not moments extreme level frustrating
I think your grammar is pretty challenging.
@mastermut4life said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@kingss35 said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@olivegarden2 said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@theman925 said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
I’m an average player at best and I didn’t find it to be too challenging just time consuming. The only one I failed once was the NL East HOF game. The AS games are cake and I just quick pitch through them with a combo of Glasnow, Chapman and Rivera. As many have said I do keep speed on my bench in the case that a game is closed and I need to get in scoring position. But like I said it definitely is a bit of grind time wise
I’m an average player as well. I found it easy but a grind as well. I just can’t stand people complaining about how it is hard to get a FREE Babe Ruth and other stuff
Same. I’m average and I beat the 9 inning game by being patient, taking pitches, and sitting on middle in pitches. Trout homered and Ortiz homered twice with one of them being a grand slam. Finished the game 6-2
Where's a good placement to start your PCI.Don’t crucify me but I use directional lol
The only one I seem to be having trouble with is AL Central. Stupid Hal isn't as wild as the rest of the pitchers in these moments.
I know I am not great on HOF but with the meatball trick you can get an easy win if you are better at pitching. I am pretty good at pitching but suck at hitting.
I went 39-0, didn’t lose a game, and I am average hitter on a good day.....all about getting lead early and using a pitcher that can dot the corners
@ItsaCanesthing said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@BodamEscapePlan said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
This might come off the wrong way but I've never cared for Babe Ruth's cards since they acquired his rights and while this card definitely looks like the best version we've ever seen considering he now carries 1B as a secondary position, but I still don't find the card all that appealing.
You must be channeling your inner Adam Ottavino:
"I had an argument with a coach in Triple-A about Babe Ruth's effectiveness in today's game," Ottavino recalled. "I said, 'Babe Ruth, with that swing, swinging that bat, I got him hitting .140 with eight homers.'
"He was like, 'are you nuts? Babe Ruth would hit .370 with 60 homers,' and I'm like, 'I would strike Babe Ruth out every time.'
"I'm not trying to disrespect him, you know, rest in peace, you know, shout out to Babe Ruth. But, it was a different game, I mean the guy ate hot dogs and drank beer and did whatever he did. It was just a different game."
I remember when he said that!!!
I'm kind of weird when it comes to this game, even when I play online I'd rather use a player that I really like a lot or at least have seen play quite a bit as opposed to using legends like Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Hal Newhouser, and Bob Gibson. The only exception I've made is Mickey Mantle because I put so much time into getting him. Oh, and he was in an episode of Hey Arnold! when I was a kid (lol).
[Edit] ... and I used Willie Mays last year for pretty much the same reason as Mantle, minus the whole appearing in a children's cartoon thing.
@kingss35 said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@mastermut4life said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@kingss35 said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@olivegarden2 said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
@theman925 said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
I’m an average player at best and I didn’t find it to be too challenging just time consuming. The only one I failed once was the NL East HOF game. The AS games are cake and I just quick pitch through them with a combo of Glasnow, Chapman and Rivera. As many have said I do keep speed on my bench in the case that a game is closed and I need to get in scoring position. But like I said it definitely is a bit of grind time wise
I’m an average player as well. I found it easy but a grind as well. I just can’t stand people complaining about how it is hard to get a FREE Babe Ruth and other stuff
Same. I’m average and I beat the 9 inning game by being patient, taking pitches, and sitting on middle in pitches. Trout homered and Ortiz homered twice with one of them being a grand slam. Finished the game 6-2
Where's a good placement to start your PCI.Don’t crucify me but I use directional lol
Lol I switched to it this weekend and am never going back. I don’t know why people enjoy the PCI. The ball goes and does what it wants anyway. Then when there’s a challenge someone can’t beat there’s always people telling you to switch to directional to get it done. So why not just use directional all the time then if it works. See saying it out loud makes sense try it with me lol
Average player here too, kinda breezed through all the MLB teams with a bunch of 1-0 or 2-0 games.. not looking forward to the HOF level games though. I just couldn’t imagine bunting and stealing all game for that many games, that would have to be boring as hell... no?
I just want my 99 speed Lou Brock to be safe, and Posey to be able to throw out 80 speed who get called safe all the time. Lol
To anyone who struggles this will help.. easy effective way to steal bags...with a runner on first base, as soon as the pitcher checks the runner at first base hold the r2 button, while holding the r2 button, tap the Steal button L2 once and then tap the L1 button twice to take an extra 2 step lead , (don’t go more than 2 steps) than let go of r2 and the pitcher gets locked in and commited to throwing to the plate ... I recommend to do this Méthod in the third pitch, so you have less likely chance of any pitch outs.. you can steal bags with anyone that’s has 70plus speed... I’ve stolen bases with even less speed also based on the stealing attribute your runner has you can basically have a triple ..
I have no problem with it taking a while or being somewhat of a challenge. I did the first round of AL games today. I just want SDS to come forward and say there is a legit difference between all star in this program vs all star in conquest or vs cpu.
Been hit and miss for me. Won the MLB, AL and NL games and then came up to the NL West and Dustin May just owned me.
Decided to switch to individual teams for an easier evening and proceeded to have a 10 inning game against the Braves that I finally walked off. I just could not get anything to drop.
And I have to admit that I have been thinking about Directional. I have been very patient and working the count in my favor so direction might help.
@Dolenz said in To everyone that thing the Ruth program is too challenging:
Been hit and miss for me. Won the MLB, AL and NL games and then came up to the NL West and Dustin May just owned me.
Decided to switch to individual teams for an easier evening and proceeded to have a 10 inning game against the Braves that I finally walked off. I just could not get anything to drop.
And I have to admit that I have been thinking about Directional. I have been very patient and working the count in my favor so direction might help.
From my experience, finished today, the NL west was by far the hardest. Knock that one out, the rest is pretty easy.