Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll
@PapaBaboo721 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
@Matt_42187 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
@VeganMeatbawls said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
No matter who no matter what the situation I think pitcher's should always be humble when successful. Hitting a baseball is the toughest thing to do in sports and under no circumstances should you be rubbing it in it's just not a very classy thing to do.
But when signs are stolen and know what is coming, it’s pretty easy to sit on the pitch. That’s why Carlos had a career year in 2017. What were his numbers in 18’ & 19’ without stealing?
out side of his injuries? who cares about the past with this story. i get it they cheated, BUT they still won whether or not people recognize it its done. cool put an * the players and fans still have the memory and feeling of winning. no one cares what came after lol also hes crushing right now and that cheating crutch is bending.
Jake Taylor said some wise words once. “This is my last shot at a winner and for some of the younger guys it could be their only shot.“ So yeah, some of the old guys and fans are salty about it. They shouldn’t have beat the yanks or dodgers. Not sure how you can defend cheaters. You must have been a big ARod or Ryan Braun fan back in the day. They ruined some people’s lives with their lies.
@Scarletgospel said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
Lol... it takes a real hero to throw a weapon from 60 feet.
Joe who???
I’m sure if you walked through the clubhouses and asked MLB players if they’d rather settle it man to man, hundreds of them would happily sign up to beat the sh*t out of Bregman and the lil Altuve fellow. This is all we get until one of them charges the mound, it’s just gunna take a while for dudes like Altuve Correa and Bregman to stand up for themselves lol
I have said it and continue to say it Bregman and Correa are chumps. Bregman has actually gotten better since 2017 but Correa has actually done worse he hit 315 that year and hit 24 HR in 110 games he hit 22 in 2016 with 40 more games played. He was either sign stealing or drinking canseco juice
I've wanted to punch Joe Kelly in the face multiple times in his illustrious career but this was fine with me. Bregman has now become that guy I just can't stand to see. I'll leave this here:
Love or hate Kelly, his response after hitting that Yankees batter was legendary. Basically, "You want to fight, cmon then, let's go."
@dbarmonstar said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
@VeganMeatbawls said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
No matter who no matter what the situation I think pitcher's should always be humble when successful. Hitting a baseball is the toughest thing to do in sports and under no circumstances should you be rubbing it in it's just not a very classy thing to do.
Banging trash cans is classy
I'm not defending the [censored]-tros man...what they did was despicable
@mjfc_363 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
Cheaters!!!! Wear it forever!!! Own it!!! I’m amazed at how many people are making excuses for the Houston Cheaters.
Lol Cardinals cheated too. Their president was banned from baseball for it. Wear it forever
Joe Kelly as Tony Danza
@sbevans142 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
@mjfc_363 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
Cheaters!!!! Wear it forever!!! Own it!!! I’m amazed at how many people are making excuses for the Houston Cheaters.
Lol Cardinals cheated too. Their president was banned from baseball for it. Wear it forever
If memory serves, that happened during the Luhnow years correct?
@sbevans142 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
@mjfc_363 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
Cheaters!!!! Wear it forever!!! Own it!!! I’m amazed at how many people are making excuses for the Houston Cheaters.
Lol Cardinals cheated too. Their president was banned from baseball for it. Wear it forever
That wasn’t the president, that was scouting director Chris Correa......a Luhnow disciple!!! Bean every one of those Astro cheaters!!
@Boneman05 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
I have said it and continue to say it Bregman and Correa are chumps. Bregman has actually gotten better since 2017 but Correa has actually done worse he hit 315 that year and hit 24 HR in 110 games he hit 22 in 2016 with 40 more games played. He was either sign stealing or drinking canseco juice
Yes because anyone who has a "worse" year than his previous year is stealing signs or on roids, get real
The Astros should have trained in judo or jujitsu in the off season cuz they should be brawling every night.
@NOTandris said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
Told Correa to go cry over there after striking him out.
I’ll give it to him the man has some balls, even when he was with Boston.
dodgers should retire his jersey based on that incredible move alone lol i could watch that GIF on reply for days
So is a Joe Kelly Topps Moment coming?
@MadderBumgarner said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
So is a Joe Kelly Topps Moment coming?
Bro I hope so that would be awesome!!!
Springer just got locked up looking. Special K!! Guess he didn’t know what was coming! Lol smh
@VeganMeatbawls said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
No matter who no matter what the situation I think pitcher's should always be humble when successful. Hitting a baseball is the toughest thing to do in sports and under no circumstances should you be rubbing it in it's just not a very classy thing to do.
I take it all back...I just saw the video on YT by jomboy media and I love what he did. I guess reading it out of context really didn't do it justice so I apologize and I'm kind of embarrassed but Joe Kelly got some balls pitching like that..
@VeganMeatbawls said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
No matter who no matter what the situation I think pitcher's should always be humble when successful. Hitting a baseball is the toughest thing to do in sports and under no circumstances should you be rubbing it in it's just not a very classy thing to do.
What if the guy you were facing had an elaborate espionage scheme to cheat you and your team out of a Chamionship?
@sbevans142 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
@mjfc_363 said in Joe Kelly is a bonafide Troll:
Cheaters!!!! Wear it forever!!! Own it!!! I’m amazed at how many people are making excuses for the Houston Cheaters.
Lol Cardinals cheated too. Their president was banned from baseball for it. Wear it forever
It was the director of scouting, Chris Correa... And guess what organization they had just hired him from??? Yup, Houston.
Edit: WRONG. As someone corrected me this is backwards, Correas boss went from StL to Hou and Correa got in because they used the same/similar password as their system in StL.